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Coordinates: 48 ° 20 ′ 20 ″  N , 11 ° 0 ′ 12 ″  E
Height : 495 m
Residents : 1352  (December 31, 2016)
Postal code : 86316
Area code : 0821
St. Thomas Chapel and sawmill at the Paar

Rederzhausen is a district of Friedberg in the Bavarian - Swabian district of Aichach-Friedberg . The place is southeast of Friedberg an der Paar , a right tributary of the Danube .


The place is mentioned for the first time in the 12th century and was then called Raethershusen, which means something like 'at the houses of the Rather'. Between 1126 and 1179 the cleric Udalschalk (abbot) of Geltenddorf gave a praedium in Raethershusen to the cloister hospital of St. Ulrich and Afra in Augsburg. Among those ducal estates in the Aichach office that were withdrawn from the duke, the Salbuch of the Duchy of Bavaria from 1280 names the bailiwick over a court in Rathershusen, which the Marschalk von Schiltberg appropriated. St Ulrich later increased his manorial possessions in the village, where it acquired the grinding and sawmill at Raethershusen on April 21, 1534 from Georg Bonaberg, Vogt zu Herren Finningen, and on July 6, 1608, a farm from the Jesuit College in Augsburg through exchange .

The Chapel of St. Apostle Thomas zu Raethershusen is mentioned in a letter of purchase from 1534. The church was burned down by the Swedes during the Thirty Years War . The current chapel dates from around 1698. The new building was operated by the parish and pastor Ulrich Kistler. The high altar is said to contain the statue of St. Thomas from the old parish church of Ottmaring included. Right side altar seated St. Leonhard. The altar figures come from the hand of the well-known Landsberg master Lorenz Loidl, who is said to have been born in Mering and moved to Ottmaring. The cruzifixus is a gift from the Augsburg merchant Ducrue, who as a townspeople not only showed a desire for country life, but also a love for God and the poor in this town.



  • Schützengilde Ottmaring-Rederzhausen-Hügelshart (founded 1951)
  • Rederzhausen Volunteer Fire Brigade (founded 1872)
  • Stopselclub Rederzhausen. The association founded in 1962 "has set itself the task of maintaining and passing on village culture and tradition."


Population development
year Residents
1865 150
1871 128
1900 163
1939 187
1950 387
1965 839
1978 1130

See also

Web links

Commons : Rederzhausen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Welcome to the city of Friedberg in Bavaria - data and facts. Retrieved June 24, 2017 .
  2. ^ Anton Steichele "The Diocese of Augsburg" 2nd BD Augsburg 1864 4th chapter
  3. Website of the Schützengilde Ottmaring Rederzhausen Hügelshart eV
  4. ^ Website of the Rederzhausen Volunteer Fire Brigade
  5. ^ Website of the Stopselclub Rederzhausen