Reich Railway Directorate Kassel

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Map of the area of ​​the Kassel Railway Directorate

The Reichsbahndirektion Kassel was an administrative district of the Deutsche Reichsbahn .


The Reichsbahndirektion Kassel was the successor to the Royal Prussian Railway Directorate Cassel , which was founded during the reform of the Prussian State Railways in 1895. The successor to the Reichsbahndirektion was from 1949, after the establishment of the Deutsche Bundesbahn , the Bundesbahndirektion Kassel .


The area of ​​this Reichsbahndirektion extended (until the end of the Second World War ) within Prussia over the northern province of Hesse-Nassau south to Marburg and Bebra ; southern areas of the provinces of Westphalia and Hanover west to Bestwig and Soest and north along the Soest- Altenbeken - Kreiensen - Seesen line ; as well as the western part of the province of Saxony to Blankenheim on the route to Halle (Saale) .

Significant routes within the management were:

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Klee: Prussian Railway History . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1982. ISBN 3-17-007466-0 , p. 179.