Robert Fabiankovich

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Robert Fabiankovich

Robert Franz Fabiankovich (born August 26, 1924 in Vienna ; † December 12, 1992 there ) was an Austrian set designer , film architect and prop master .


Robert Fabiankovich completed his engineering examination for mechanical engineering in 1943 and then served in the German Wehrmacht until the end of the war . Despite a serious war injury that left one leg stiff, he came into the film industry from 1946. In the years to come, until his retirement, he worked there as a prop master for a number of Austrian, German and American entertainment productions.

These were production companies such as Lisa Film GmbH, Heinz Scheiderbauer, Filmways Motion Pictures Inc., Sascha Film, Schönbrunn-Film, Walt Disney Productions Ltd., Warner Bros. Productions Limited, Paramount Inc., Paula Wessely Filmproduktion GesmbH, various television companies and many more who hired him as an interior and exterior props agent.

He died on December 12, 1992 and was buried one day before Christmas Eve in the Simmering cemetery (Part A, Gr. 6, R. 8, No. 5).


Web links

Commons : Robert Fabiankovich  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to the Kay Less film archive , based on the Vienna birth and population register