Rogier Stoffers

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Rogier W. Stoffers (born November 9, 1961 in Utrecht , Netherlands ) is a Dutch cameraman .


Rogier Stoffers studied French language and film and theater studies at the University of Utrecht before he was accepted into the camera program of the Nederlandse Film en Televisie Academie . During his studies he met the Dutch director Mike van Diem , with whom he made the two award-winning short films Alaska and Karakter .

After working as a cameraman in Hollywood for the first time in 2000 with the biopic Quills - the power of obsession , he then worked almost exclusively there and made films such as Disturbia , Lakeview Terrace and Friendship Plus .

Filmography (selection)

Awards (selection)

Golden calf
European film award

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rogier Stoffers on (English), accessed January 5, 2012
  2. Clubhouse News on (English), accessed November 12, 2011
  3. Rogier Stoffers at (English), accessed on November 12, 2011