Rubus setchuenensis

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Rubus setchuenensis
Eurosiden I
Order : Rose-like (rosales)
Family : Rose family (Rosaceae)
Subfamily : Rosoideae
Genre : Rubus
Type : Rubus setchuenensis
Scientific name
Rubus setchuenensis
Bureau & Franch.

Rubus setchuenensis is aspecies of plant from the genus Rubus nativeto China .


Rubus setchuenensis is a relatively vigorous, deciduous shrub that reaches heights of 2 to 5 meters. The twigs are initially yellowish-reddish, turning brownish-red with age. They are not bristled and have yellowish tomentose hair when young, later balding.

The large leaves are round to broadly oval in outline, and five to seven-lobed, with a heart-shaped base. They often have interesting, dark green markings in the middle of the leaf. The 7 to 11 mm long, oval to oval-lanceolate, more rarely also narrowly lanceolate stipules are split in front and fall off early. The multi-flowered, paniculate inflorescences appear in June to July . The hermaphrodite, radially symmetrical flowers are purple in color. By autumn, black, tasty, blackberry-like collective fruits develop .

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 28.


Rubus setchuenensis is native to the mountainous southwest of China . The species are found in the provinces of Guangxi , Guizhou , Hubei , Hunan , Sichuan and Yunnan . It grows there on roadsides, forest edges and in bushes. The species often forms impenetrable thickets on cleared slopes.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rubus setchuenensis at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis