Ziegenberg nature reserve near Heimburg

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The ridge of the Ziegenberg, view in northwest direction

The Ziegenberg near Heimburg is an 88.4 hectare nature reserve between Heimburg and Benzingerode on the northern edge of the Harz in the Harz district in Saxony-Anhalt .

The nature reserve in the Harz and Vorländer landscape protection area has semi- arid lawns, bushes and pine forests as well as wet meadow areas . It is located on the elongated hill area of ​​the eponymous Ziegenberg ( 315.7  m above sea level ) near Heimburg in the southeast and the Struvenberg ( 305.7  m above sea level ) near Benzingerode in the northwest.


As part of the northern erection zone of the Harz, the Ziegenberg was created during the development of the Harz mountains. While it was being lifted, the horizontal layers of the surrounding area, consisting mainly of shell limestone , were set up. The northern part of the Ziegenberg is characterized by silt and marl .


The Lorraine flax ( Linum leonii ) has its northernmost occurrence area in the nature reserve .

The plants that also occur in addition include the small beagle ( Pimpinella saxifraga ), the large-flowered brownelle ( Prunella grandiflora ), the common fringed gentian ( Gentianopsis ciliata ), the sickle-leaved rabbit's ear ( Bupleurum falcatum ) and the silver thistle ( Carlina acaulis ).

Use and nature reserve

Southern slope of the Struvenberg

Shortly before the mountain descends in the direction of Benzingerode, the remains of ramparts of a 10th century protective castle, the Struvenburg , cross the area. After clearing the forest, the mountain served as pasture for centuries. Later, parts of the area were afforested with black pines ( Pinus nigra ) and stone quarries were created.

The task of the nature reserve set up on January 1, 1982 is to “protect and maintain the dry and semi-arid grasslands with their sub-Mediterranean plant communities and a species-rich insect fauna” and to protect geological features. For this purpose, the mountain is occasionally grazed by sheep , and bushes are removed. The pine forest on the southern slope is to be converted into a steppe forest with sessile oaks. Other areas are left to develop completely naturally.

In the area of ​​the ridge, the Ziegenberg is partly accessible by two parallel paths. A dirt road runs at the foot of the southern slope.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Map services of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ( information )
  2. Declaration of two parts of the landscape as nature reserves and the expansion of two existing nature reserves , 3rd meeting of the Magdeburg District Assembly on December 10, 1981, resolution No. 22-3 (VIII) / 81 (PDF file, 12 kilobytes; 12 kB)
  3. ^ State administrative office of Saxony-Anhalt: Ziegenberg near Heimburg.

Web links

Commons : Nature reserve Ziegenberg near Heimburg  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 49 ′ 44 ″  N , 10 ° 53 ′ 19 ″  E