Rudolf Augustin Vogel

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Rudolf Augustin Vogel (born May 1, 1724 in Erfurt , † April 5, 1774 in Göttingen ) was a German doctor who worked in Göttingen from 1753.

Live and act

Rudolf Augustin Vogel studied medicine from 1740 to 1747 at the Universities of Erfurt , Leipzig and Berlin. On October 5, 1747, he received his doctorate in medicine in his hometown of Erfurt. There he taught until 1753 as a private lecturer in medicine at the University of Erfurt.

On October 1, 1753, Vogel was appointed associate professor of medicine and chemistry at the University of Göttingen and on April 11, 1760, he was appointed full professor of medicine at the University of Göttingen and a full member of the medical faculty. In this position, which he held until his death, he gave lectures on chemistry, mineralogy, pathology, therapy, semiotics, drug theory and surgery. Three times, from January 3, 1764 to July 3, 1764, from January 2, 1766 to July 3, 1766 and from January 2, 1771 to July 2, 1771, he acted as Vice Rector of the University. In 1764 Vogel became Georg III's personal physician . appointed.

From January 8, 1764 he was full professor of surgery and from June 23, 1773 first professor of the medical faculty in Göttingen. In 1772 Vogel became director of the Royal Society of Sciences in Göttingen .

During his time in Erfurt, Vogel published the medical library , which he continued after his appointment to Göttingen from 1754 under the title New Medical Library until his death. He wrote some Latin writings on medicine and chemistry, some of which were also translated into German. His son Samuel Gottlieb von Vogel published a collection of his smaller writings in 1778.


On August 11, 1754 he was given the academic surname Philoxenus III. elected member ( matriculation no. 591 ) of the Leopoldina .

Fonts (selection)

As an author

  • De larynge humana et vocis formatione . 1747. Dissertation
  • Institutiones chemiae ad lectiones academicas accommodatae . Göttingen 1755, 1757 and 1762 (German by Johann Christian Wiegleb , Weimar 1775, 1785)
  • Historia materiae medicae ad novissima tempora producta . Leiden and Leipzig 1758 digitized edition , 1760, 1764 digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf and 1774.
  • Praelectiones academicae de cognoscendis et curandis praecipuis corporis humani affectibus . Göttingen 1772, 2nd edition, Lausanne 1789.
  • Opuscula medica selecta antea sparsim edita, nunc autem in unum collecta etc. Göttingen 1768.
  • Selected academic small papers with pathological, practical and surgical content . Translated from Latin and supplemented with notes and additions by Samuel Gottlieb von Vogel , Lemgo 1778.

As editor

  • Medicinal library, in which detailed information is given of the latest books and writings belonging to the pharmacy truth, and at the same time useful experiences, along with other news, are made known . Erfurt / Leipzig 1751–1753.
    • 1st volume, 10 pieces, Erfurt / Leipzig 1751.
    • 2nd volume, 10 pieces, Erfurt / Leipzig 1752–1753.
  • New medical library . Göttingen 1754–1773
    • 1st volume, Göttingen 1754, (online) .
    • 2nd volume, Göttingen 1755, (online) .
    • 3rd volume. Göttingen 1756, (online) .
    • 4th volume, Göttingen 1758, (online) .
    • 5th volume, Göttingen 1762, (online) .
    • 6th volume, Göttingen 1766–1767, (online) .
    • 7th volume, Göttingen 1767–1768, (online) .
    • 8th volume, Göttingen 1769–1773, (online) .


Web links

References and comments

  1. Member entry of Rudolph Augustin Vogel at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on December 1, 2015.