Rudolf Niculin Bezzola

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Rudolf Bezzola in old age

Rudolf Niculin (abbreviated: Clà) Bezzola (born October 13, 1917 in Ardez ; † June 6, 2011 in Samedan ) was a Reformed pastor from Graubünden who was involved in a leading position in the Romansh language movement, particularly in the Engadine .

life and work

Born to Giovannin and Annina Bezzola-Mengiardi, Rudolf Bezzola spent his childhood and youth in Ardez, where he attended primary school and two classes of secondary school. Then he switched to the Bündner Kantonsschule in Chur .

After graduating from high school , Bezzola studied Protestant theology at the University of Basel , at the Facoltà Valdese of the Waldensians in Rome and finally at the University of Zurich . His theological teachers were Leonhard Ragaz and Karl Barth .

He passed the theological exam in 1941 and was accepted into the Bündner Synod in Bivio in the same year .

On August 1, 1941, he took up parish activity in Tschlin - Strada - Martina . In this congregation he founded a local section of the Young Church .

Bezzola was married since June 1, 1944 to Uorschla Campell (born September 13, 1922), with whom he had three sons and three daughters.

In 1947 Bezzola was elected to Schwanden in the canton of Glarus .

In 1950 he returned to St. Moritz in the Engadin . With other comrades-in- arms , Bezzola founded the Evangelical Homestead Randolins there .

In 1955, Bezzola initiated the process, which was not completed until 1978, towards a new constitution for the reformed Bündnerkirche .

In 1959 Bezzola was appointed to the Bullinger Church in Zurich - Aussersihl . During this time he was also politically active in the Swiss Social Democratic Party , for which he also held a mandate on the Zurich municipal council.

1974-77 Bezzola held office again before retiring in the Upper Engadine in Samedan, then from 1977 to 1983 in Zurich-Altstetten , before retiring to look after the vacant pastoral community Ardez - Ftan in his native Lower Engadine for two years .

Bezzola lived with his wife for the last few years and after her death in 2008 in a retirement and nursing home (Rhaeto-Romanic in the idiom Puter : Dmura d'attempos e chesa da fliamaint ) Promulins in Samedan.

Bezzola was buried in the cemetery of the Church of San Gian in Celerina / Schlarigna .


Translation works

  • Bibgia da Scoula Svizra. (= Swiss School Bible). 4th edition. Zurich 1974, ISBN 3-290-11283-7 .
  • Collaboration on Coral , the Ladin hymn book, represented there by songs No. 88 (Mantegna'ns, Segner, pro teis pled = preserve us, Lord, at your word ) and No. 89 (Nos Segner Gesu ans ha dit = our Lord Jesus told us)



  • Necrologist for the 2012 year of the calendar of the Protestant churches in Switzerland, Basel 2011, p. 3.