Rudolf Schick (agricultural scientist)

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Rudolf Schick (born April 9, 1905 in Berlin , † September 13, 1969 in Rostock ) was a German agricultural scientist and university professor.


Rudolf Schick was a son of the engineer Georg Schick and his wife Anna geb. Foam. In 1923 he passed his Abitur in Berlin-Schöneberg and was then an agricultural apprentice in Rosenhagen near Burg Stargard and on the island of Poel on the estate of Hans Lembke until 1925 . The apprenticeship was followed from 1925 to 1928 by studying agriculture at the Agricultural School Weihenstephan and the Agricultural University Berlin . He completed his studies in Berlin with a diploma. Erwin Baur was one of his teachers here. From 1929 Rudolf Schick was an assistant and later a department head at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Breeding Research in Müncheberg, Brandenburg . In 1929 he was promoted to Dr. agr. PhD. From 1930 to 1931 he went on a research and collecting trip through South America. After he was dismissed for political reasons in 1936, he took over the management of the Neu Buslar seed breeding farm in the Belgard district (Pomerania) on Hans Lembke's estate until 1945 .

After the end of the war, Rudolf Schick was deputy seed breeding manager at the Malchow seed breeding estate on Poel until 1948. Then he built up the Institute for Plant Breeding in Groß-Lüsewitz near Rostock and was its director. In 1948 the German Economic Commission appointed him professor and from 1951 to 1969 he was professor at the University of Rostock . From 1958 this activity was part-time at my own request. From 1951 to 1958 he was director of the institute, from 1953 to 1956 dean and from 1959 to 1965 rector of the University of Rostock.

In 1934 Rudolf Schick married Hanna Lembke. There were six children from this marriage, including the chemist Hans Schick . After the death of his wife, he married Erika Hochstetter in 1946. He had three children with her, including the physicist Christoph Schick .

Memberships and functions

  • 1945–1948 acting head of plant breeding and seed production at the German Seed Society in Schwerin
  • 1951–1962 Secretary of the Crop Production, Plant Breeding and Protection Section and the Agricultural Testing and Investigation Section of the German Academy for Agriculture (DAL)
  • 1952–1967 member of the extended executive committee of the DAL
  • 1952–1953 chairman of the DAL commission to support the agricultural production cooperatives
  • 1952–1957 Chairman of the Rostock District Board of the GDR Cultural Association and member of the Presidential Council
  • 1953–1959 1st chairman of the science union in the Rostock district and member of the central board of the science union
  • 1963–1969 Secretary of the Plant Breeding Section of the DAL
  • 1963–1966 member of the Agriculture Council at the Council of Ministers of the GDR
  • from 1963 Vice President of the Kulturbund
  • from 1965 Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for Agricultural Sciences at the State Secretariat for Universities and Technical Schools
  • from 1966 member of the university and technical college council at the State Secretariat for higher education and technical schools
  • 1967–1969 Chairman of the DAL Commission for Plant Production
  • 1967–1969 member of the DAL Presidium
  • 1968 member of the Council for Agricultural Production and the Food Industry of the GDR
  • Member of the editorial board of the magazine "Der Züchter"



  • 1929 Couplings at Antirrhinum majus (doctorate)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. CV on CPR