Sándor Soproni

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Sándor Soproni (born November 21, 1926 in Szentendre , Hungary , † November 10, 1995 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian provincial Roman archaeologist who became known through important discoveries and excavations about the prehistory and early history of his homeland and who did fundamental work on the late Roman military buildings and on the ancient border defense of Pannonia . Soproni was one of the most important archaeologists in his field in Hungary.

The then Károly Ferenczy Museum on Fő Square in Szentendre. Sándor Soproni worked for ten years.


After finishing school, Sándor Soproni attended the Loránd Eötvös University in Budapest from 1946 to 1951 . After graduating from university and completing his doctorate , he became director of the newly founded Károly Ferenczy Museum in Szentendre from 1951 to 1961, where he set up the lapidarium there with the stone monuments from the Roman camp village and the Szentendre fort . He also took care of excavations, the expansion of the collections, conceived exhibitions and was responsible for the organization of scientific presentations as well as for the promotion of his institution. Between 1961 and 1975 he worked at the Archaeological Institute of the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest before he was appointed director of the central archaeological library there in 1975. He taught at both Budapest and the University of Szeged and was a member of the Austrian (ÖAI) and the German Archaeological Institute (DAI).


One of Soproni's most important excavations took place between 1952 and 1961 near Budakalász- Luppa csárda between Szentendre and Budapest. Soproni uncovered 439 Copper Age graves of the Péceler culture . The clay model of a car that became world famous after its publication was discovered in grave 177. During this time - at Luppa csárda there was also a late Roman residential and watchtower that was uncovered in 1934 - his gaze began to focus on the scientific research of the Roman border fortifications between Esztergom (Solva) and Szentendre (Ulcisia Castra). He began to visit the former Roman border area in northern Hungary several times. He identified several ancient building remains in the area and carried out excavations, for example at the Visegrád-Sibrik fort , the Pilismarót-Malompatak fort and the Leányfalu castle . He also examined various watchtower locations. He undertook his first research at the late Roman fort Alsóhetény and worked on the Danube bridgehead at Bölcske from the beginning. The discoveries there with their rich inscription stones are today among the most important Roman find complexes of Pannonia in recent decades. In addition to the Limes research, Soproni dealt with the epigraphy of Roman inscriptions as a geographical source. Another main topic was the exploration of the Limes Sarmatiae , a large, late Roman rampart system in the Hungarian lowlands , which was then built in the Barbaricum .

Sándor Soproni not only wrote for the scientific community, but also wrote popular science books that were well received by the German-speaking audience.


On October 7, 1998, a memorial conference for Soproni with lectures took place in Bölcske. The Sándor Soproni Society (Soproni Sándor Egyesület) has existed in Visegrád since 2007 .


  • 1948: Excavation in Zalavár , the former Moosburg / Mosaburg. The excavation of a chapel and cemetery begins.
  • 1952–1961: The Copper Age cemetery near Budakalász –Luppa csárda is exposed
  • 1954: The excavation of the Avar cemetery in Pomáz near Szentendre begins .
  • Surface investigation at the Esztergom-Hideglelőskereszt castle .
  • 1955: Trial excavation at Limes watchtower 22 near Dömös-Alsóföldek.
  • 1955–1957: Complete excavation and conservation of Limes watchtower 24 near Visegrád quarry.
  • 1959: Complete excavation of the small fort Pilismarót – Malompatak.
  • 1959: excavation in the area of ​​the southern fort wall of Szentendre.
  • 1963: Subsequent excavation and exposure at Burgus Leányfalu north of Szentendre.
  • 1966, 1979: Complete excavation of Limes watchtower 14 near Pilismarót-Duna melléke. and excavations at the nearby watchtower 15.
  • 1969–1971: The excavation of the late antique inner fortress of Alsóheténypuszta begins.
  • –1975: Partial uncovering of the Visegrád – Sibrik fort.
  • Excavations at the Roman Ländeburgus of Bölcske.


The lapidarium in Bölcske with the altars recovered from the Danube near Bölcske bears the name of Sándor Soproni (Dr. Soproni Sándor Római Kori Kőtár) .


Books (selection)

  • with Nándor Kalicz, József Korek: Copper Age. Grave finds of the Péceler culture from the Danube-Tisza region, Transdanubia and Northern Hungary. Inventaria archaeologica. Archaeological Institute of the University of Budapest. Rudolf Habelt Verlag, Bonn 1962.
  • with Lajos Boros, Viktor Szombathy: Szentendre. Panoráma 1966.
  • Római kori súlyok Tolna megyéböl. (A Roman mallet from Tolna County). Tolna megyei Tanács VB művelödésügyi Osztálya, Szekszárd 1967.
  • Tabula Imperii Romani : Aquincum, Sarmizegetusa, Sirmium. Union académique internationale. AM Hakkert, Amsterdam 1968.
  • with Edit Thomas u. a .: Roman culture in Pannonia. Guest exhibition of the Hungarian National Museum Budapest. Exhibition catalog. Museum of German History, Berlin 1971.
  • The late Roman Limes between Esztergom and Szentendre. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1978. ISBN 963-05-1307-2 .
  • Szentendre a rómaiak korában. Pest Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága, Szentendre 1978. ISBN 963-7521-46-1 .
  • with Endre Tóth u. v. a .: The history of the peoples of Hungary from the Paleolithic to the Hungarian conquest. Hungarian National Museum, Budapest 1981. ISBN 9635627874 .
  • with László Barkóczi: Brigetio (continued) and the Limes route at the Danube Bend. (= The Roman inscriptions of Hungary. (RIU). 3rd delivery). Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1981. ISBN 963-05-2374-4 (from Rudolf Habelt Verlag, Bonn ISBN 3-7749-1842-2 ).
  • The last decades of the Pannonian Limes . CH Beck Verlag, Munich 1985, ISBN 3-406-30453-2 .
  • with Éva Garam, Pál Patay : Sarmatian wall system in the Carpathian Basin. Hungarian National Museum, Budapest 1983. 2nd, expanded edition. Hungarian National Museum, Budapest 2003. ISBN 963-9046-89-2 .

Published from the estate:

  • with Jenő Fitz , András Mócsy : The territory of Aquincum, the Civitas Eraviscorum and the Limes stretch of Matrica-Annamatia and the territory of Gorsium. (= The Roman inscriptions of Hungary (RIU). 6th delivery). Enciklopédia Kiadó, Budapest / Rudolf Habelt Verlag, Bonn 2001. ISBN 3-7749-3054-6 .
  • Soproni's manuscripts from his collection of the milestones of both Pannonian provinces are also to appear in the series The Roman Inscriptions of Hungary (RIU) .

Articles (selection)

  • Pannonian Burgus building inscriptions from the Commodus period. In: Mitteilungen des Museumverein Lauriacum-Enns 32 (1994), pp. 10–15.
  • Roman inscriptions from Veszprém county. In: Publicationes Museorum Comitatus Vesprimiensis 19-20 (1993/94), pp. 141-148.
  • Satyr-Silenus bronze head with master's name from Visegrád. In: Folia archaeologica 41 (1990), pp. 43-52.
  • Előzetes jelentés a bölcskei késő római ellenerőd kutatásáról. (Preliminary report on the research into the late Roman counter-fortress in Bölcske.) In: Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae . (1990), pp. 133-142.
  • A late Roman fortress in the Danube bed near Bölcske. In: Roman Frontier Studies 1989. XVth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. ed. VA Maxfield and MJ Dobson. University of Exeter Press, Exeter 1991. pp. 257-258.
  • A classis flavia pannonica felirata Kerepesről. In: Acta Antiqua et Archaeologica. Supplementum VI, 1987. pp. 91-97.
  • Post-Valentine fortresses on the Danube Limes . In: Studies on the military borders of Rome III , research and reports on the pre- and early history of Baden-Württemberg, 20 (1986), p. 409 ff.
  • Marinianus Ursicinus magister. In: Folia Archaeologica 37 (1986), pp. 83-95.
  • Newer Roman milestones from Százhalombatta. In: Folia archaeologica 34 (1983), pp. 73-90.
  • Pilismarót-Duna melléke dűlő 2. római őrtorony. (Pilismarót-Duna melléke-corridor. Roman watchtower 2.) In: Dunai Régészeti Közlemények. Budapest, 1979. pp. 83-86.
  • Municipium Halicanum. In: Folia archaeologica 30 (1979), p. 91ff.
  • Against Acinco et Bononia. Notes on the Fasti of Hydatius. In: Studies on the military borders of Rome II (lectures of the 10th international Limes congress in the Germaniae inferior). Habelt, Bonn 1978. pp. 393-397.
  • Contributions to the question of the list of Valeria of the Notitia Dignitarum. In: Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 26 (1974), pp. 60-70.
  • The late Roman fortress of Iovia. In: Actes du Congrès International d'Etudes sur les Frontières Romaines 9, 1974, pp. 181-186.
  • Military and fortifications on the Pannonian Limes. In: The Romans on the Danube, Noricum and Pannonia. Exhibition catalog Landesausstellung Schloß Traun, Petronell / Lower Austria 1973.
  • A Roman watchtower at Szentgyörgypuszta, Visegrád. In: Studia Comitatensia 1 (1972), pp. 39-43 (in Hungarian).
  • Késő római katonai őrállomás Hatvan-Gombospusztán. (A late Roman military watch post in Hatvan-Gombospuszta.) In: Dolgozatok Heves megye múltjából. Eger 1970. pp. 17-28.
  • Limes Sarmatiae. In: A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve 2/1969. Szeged, 1969, pp. 117-133.
  • A late Roman military station on Sarmatian territory. In: Actes du Congrès International d'Etudes sur les Frontières Romaines, 8th 1969. pp. 131-143.
  • On coin circulation in Pannonia at the end of the 4th century. In: Folia archaeologica 20 (1969), pp. 69–78.
  • Burgus building inscription from the year 372 on the Pannonian Limes. In: Studies on the military borders of Rome I. Supplement 19 of the Bonn yearbooks. Cologne 1967. pp. 138-143.
  • A new inscription from Intercisa. In: Klio 46 (1965), pp. 367-370.
  • The stamp of the Legio XIV Gemina in Brigetio. In: Folia archaeologica 17 (1965), pp. 119ff.
  • Two Inscribed Relics of the Cohors XIIX Vol. C. R. In: Folia archaeologica 16 (1964), pp. 33ff.
  • The late Roman watchtower in the Esztergom district. In: Archaeologiai Értesítő 87 (1960), pp. 207 ff.
  • The late Roman Limes between Visegrád and Esztergom. In: 1st Limes Romanus Conference Nitra, lectures. Pressburg 1959. pp. 131-143.
  • Adatok a valentinianuskori bélyegestéglák időrendjéhez. (Contribution to the chronology of the stamped bricks from the reign of Valentinian.) In: Archaeologiai Értesítő 85 (1958), pp. 52–55.
  • Budakalász. In: The Péceler culture. In: Archaeologia Hungarica 35 (1956), pp. 111-128.
  • A budakalászi kocsi. (The car of Budakalász.) In: Folia archaeologica 6 (1954), pp. 29–36 u. 198-199, plates 6-8.


  • Endre Tóth : Dr. Soproni Sándor (1926-1995). In: Folia Archaeologica 45 (1996), pp. 23-25.
  • Dénes Gabler: In memoriam Sándor Soproni (1926-1995). In: Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49, Budapest 1997. pp. 274-279.


  1. ^ Péter Kovács : Discussio. (To: Ágnes Szabó, Endre Tóth (ed.): Bölcske. Roman inscriptions and finds. ) In: Acta Archaeologica. 55, 2004, p. 377.
  2. Ágnes Sós: The excavations of Géza Fehér in Zalavár. In: Archaeologica Hungarica 41 (1963), p. 9.
  3. István Erdélyi : The Avar burial ground in Dundakalász-Dunapart (Danube bank). In: Communications from the Archaeological Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 7 (1977), p. 45.
  4. ^ Zsolt Visy: The Pannonian Limes in Hungary. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3806204888 . Pp. 69-70.
  5. Jenő Fitz (ed.): The Roman Limes in Hungary. Fejér Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága, 1976. S 55.
  6. ^ Zsolt Visy: The ripa Pannonica in Hungary. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 2003. ISBN 9630579804 . P. 51.
  7. ^ Sándor Soproni: The last decades of the Pannonian Limes . CH Beck, Munich 1985, ISBN 3406304532 , p. 29.
  8. ^ Dorottya Gáspár: Christianity in Roman Pannonia. Archaeopress, Oxford 2002, ISBN 1841712884 , p. 112.
  9. ^ Zsolt Visy : The Pannonian Limes in Hungary . Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3806204888 , p. 76.
  10. ^ Sándor Soproni: Pilismarót landing stage . In: Archaeologiai értesítő 93, 1966. p. 223.
  11. ^ Sándor Soproni: The late Roman Limes between Esztergom and Szentendre . Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1978, ISBN 9630513072 . P. 32.
  12. Jenő Fitz (ed.): The Roman Limes in Hungary. Fejér Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága, 1976. S 57.
  13. ^ Sándor Soproni: Marinianus Ursicinus magister. In: Folia Archaeologica 37, 1986, 183-196.
  14. ^ Sándor Soproni: Pilismarót-Duna melléke dűlő 2. római őrtorony. Pilismarót-Duna melléke hallway. Roman watchtower 2. Dunai Régészeti Közlemények. Budapest, 1979. pp. 83-86.
  15. Endre Tóth: The late Roman military architecture in Transdanubia . In Archaeologiai Értesítő 134 (2009), p. 35.
  16. The Roman Lapidarium Dr. Sándor Soproni in Bölcske , accessed on March 21, 2013.