SAMPA transcription codes

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The SAMPA Transkribierungscode is a standard to phonetics in 7-bit ASCII to represent.

The problem is that different sounds ( phonemes ) are represented with the same letters (but also vice versa). For example, the “y” is sometimes pronounced like an “ü” (e.g. in the word “lyric”) or like a “j” (e.g. in the foreign word “yacht” - subsidiary form “yacht”). Or with the "o", a distinction is made between two variants, a so-called "open o" such as B. in the word "sun" which is opposed to the "closed o" in the word "moon". If you want to represent these differences in phonetic transcription, you need two characters for the different versions of the letter "o", for example. The SAMPA transcription attempts to assign the various phonemes to corresponding ASCII character combinations.

This is an almost complete version of the SAMPA transcription code.


SAMPA: Simplified list of vowels ( vowels )
SAMPA IPA description Examples
i i front, closed, unrounded vowel German m ie th , English s ee , French v i te , Spanish s í
I. Small caps-I front, almost closed, unrounded vowel, somewhat more central and relaxed German m i t , English c i ty
e e front, half-closed, unrounded vowel German m eh r , French ann é e , Italian r e te , Catalan m é s
E. ε (Greek epsilon) front, half-open, unrounded vowel German H e rr , English b e d , French m ê me , Italian f e rro , Catalan m e s
{ ae ligature, æ front, open, unrounded vowel English c a t
y y front, closed, rounded vowel German T ü r , French d u
2 o with a slash, ø front, half-closed, rounded vowel German H er le , French d eu x
9 oe ligature, œ front, half-open, rounded vowel German H ö lle , French n eu f
1 i with a dash, ɨ central, closed, unrounded vowel Russian м ы шь [m1S] (German mouse ), Turkish Y ı lmaz
@ ə (upside down e) - Schwa central, neutral, unrounded vowel German bitt e , English a bout , winn e r
6th ɐ (upside down a) central, neutral, unrounded vowel with r-coloring German bess he
3 ɜ (mirrored Greek epsilon) front, half-open, unrounded vowel, somewhat more central and relaxed English b i rd
a a central, open vowel German H aa r , French b a teau , l a c , Spanish d a
} u with slash, ʉ central, closed, rounded vowel Scottish English p oo l , Swedish sj u
8th o with a dash, ɵ central, neutral, rounded vowel Swedish k u st
& OE ligature as small caps, ɶ front, open, rounded vowel ???
M. ɯ (mirrored and upside down m) back, closed, unrounded vowel Japanese f u ji , Vietnamese ư Korean 으
7th ɤ (compressed Greek gamma) back, half-closed, unrounded vowel Vietnamese ơ Korean 어
V ʌ (upside down v) back, half-open, unrounded vowel RP and US English run , en ou gh
A. ɑ (cursive-a) back, open, unrounded vowel English a rm , Standard French â me , Bavarian w ah r
u u back, closed, rounded vowel German H u t , English s oo n , French g t , Spanish t ú
U ʊ (Greek omega as capital letter, upside down) back, closed, rounded vowel, somewhat more central and relaxed German M u tter , English p u t
O O back, half closed, rounded vowel German S oh le , French b eau , Italian d o ve , Catalan o na , Scottish English b oa t
O ɔ (mirrored c) back, half-open, rounded vowel German w o rt , English c augh t , Italian u o mo , Catalan d o na
Q ɒ (vertically mirrored cursive-a) back, open, rounded vowel Hungarian n a gy (German capital )
SAMPA: Simplified table of vowels ( vowels ) (two characters in a table cell stand for a pair of vowels
with the distinctive feature unrounded / rounded)
  front central back
closed or high
1 }
half closed
e 2
@ \ 8th


7th O
half open
E. 9
3 3 \


open or deep
a &
A. Q


SAMPA: Simplified list of consonants (sympathetic sounds)
SAMPA IPA description Examples
p p voiceless, bilabial plosive German P ost , English p s
b b voiced bilabial plosive German B utter , English b ut
t t voiceless, alveolar plosive German T uch , English t where
d d voiced, alveolar plosive German D ame , English d o
tS ʧ voiceless, postalveolar affricates German Eng lish , English ch air , Spanish mu ch o , Italian c ena
dZ ʤ voiced, postalveolar affricates German Dsch ungel , English g in , j oy , Italian gi orno
c c voiceless, palatal plosive Greek [ce] (German and )
Y \ ɟ (j without a dot and with a dash) voiced, palatal plosive Hungarian na gy (German capital )
k k voiceless, velar plosive German K atze English k ill , French qu e
G ɡ voiced, velar plosive German g ut , English g o
q q voiceless, uvular plosive Arabic q of
p \ φ (Greek phi) voiceless, bilabial fricative Japanese f u
B. β (Greek beta) voiced, bilabial fricative
f f voiceless, labiodental fricative German Kra f t , English f ool , French f aire
v v voiced, labiodental fricative German W orld , English v oice
T θ (Greek theta) voiceless, dental fricative English th ing , Castilian Spanish ca z a
D. ð (Icelandic eth) or δ (Greek delta) voiced, dental fricative English th is
s s voiceless, alveolar fricative German Ma ss e , English s ee , Spanish s í
z z voiced, alveolar fricative German S ee , English z oo , French ro s e
S. ʃ voiceless, postalveolar fricative German sch ön , English sh e , French ch emin , Italian sc endo
Z ʒ voiced, postalveolar fricative German Gara g e , French j our , English plea s ure
C. ç (c with cédille) voiceless, palatal fricative German i ch , Greek [Ceri] (dt. Hand )
j \ (jj) ʝ (j with slash below) voiced, palatal fricative Spanish y ate , hi elo
x x voiceless, velar fricative German Bu ch , Spanish o j o
G γ (Greek gamma) voiced, velar fricative Dutch te g en
M \ ɰ (upside down m with a vertical serif to the bottom right) velar approximant Spanish a g uantar , al g o
H H voiceless, glottal fricative German H and , English h on
H\ ɦ (h with a bow at the top to the top right) voiced, glottal fricative Czech Pra h a
m m bilabial nasal (phonetics) German M ann , English m atch
F. ɱ (m with curve at the end to the bottom left) labiodental nasal Spanish i n fierno
n n alveolar nasal German n a , English n ose
J ɲ (n with arc at the beginning to the bottom left) palatal nasal Spanish a ñ o , French oi gn on , Italian gn occhi , Hungarian a ny a
N ŋ (n with a bow at the end to the bottom left) velar nasal German Ri ng , English si ng he
l l alveolar lateral German l eft , English l eft
L. ʎ upside down y or λ (Greek lambda) palatal lateral Italian a gli o , Catalan co ll a
5 ɫ (l with tilde in the middle) Velarized, dental lateral English mi l k (dark l), Catalan a l ga , Russian л ампа (German lamp )
4 (r) ɾ (r without a serif top left) alveolar vibrant with one stroke of the tongue Spanish pe r o
r (rr) ɽ (r with right-facing serif below) alveolar vibrant with several flaps of the tongue Spanish pe rr o , r ey
r \ ` ɻ (upside down r with check mark) retroflex, alveolar approximant English r un , ve r y
R. ʀ (small caps-R) uvular vibrant Standard German r eich , French r ue
w w rounded, back half vowel English w e , French ou i , Spanish hu eso
H ɥ (upside down, mirrored h) rounded, front half-vowel French hu it
j j unrounded, front half vowel German j a , English y there , French y eux
SAMPA: Simplified table of consonants (consonants)
Two characters in a table cell stand for a pair of consonants with the distinctive feature unvoiced / voiced
  Bilabial Labiodentale Dental Alveolar Postalveolare Palatal Velare Uvulars Pharyngals Glottal
and Affricates
p b
t d
tS dZ
c Y \
k G
q G\
P B.
f v
T D.
s z
S. Z
C. j \
x G
X R.
X \ ? \
H H\
Nasals m F.   n   J N      
Lateral       l   L. 5      
Vibrants (with one or more flicks of the tongue)      
r \ `
Half vowels w

Note : In Spanish and Italian in particular, a distinction is made between the alveolar vibrant with several tongue flaps [rr] and the alveolar vibrant with only one tongue flap [r], cf. in Spanish the pair of opposites pero (German but ) - perro (German dog ). Also in Spanish, [jj] is used for the palatal fricative in Ma ll orca to distinguish it from the semi-vowel [j] in ho y (dt. Today ). It was suggested to use [4] for the alveolar vibrant with only one tongue stroke, in order to be able to assign [r] to the alveolar vibrant with several tongue strokes (according to the IPA system), and also to use [j \] for the palatal fricative . This would be in accordance with the guideline of using only one character per IPA symbol (the backslash creates alternative characters).

Vowel modifier

  • [~, _ ~] after a vowel means nasalization of the vowel (e.g. French bon [bO ~]).
  • [:] after a vowel means lengthening of the vowel (e.g. German h o ch [ho: x], Japanese shōshō [So: So:], English see [si:]).
  • [`] Gravis after a vowel means R-coloring (e.g. US English bird [b3`d]).
  • [_ ^] denotes a non-syllable vowel (IPA: arc under the vowel mark)

Consonant modifier

  • [`] (Gravis) consonant is formed retroflex
  • [_a] Consonant is formed apically (IPA: downward facing bridge under the consonant): [s_a] apical s
  • [_d] Consonant is formed dentally (IPA: bridge under the consonant)
  • [_G] Velarization (IPA: superscript gamma)
  • [_h] aspiration (IPA: superscript 'h'); Breath like in German after the plosives p, t, k
  • [_j, '] Palatalization (IPA: superscript' j ')
  • [_m] Laminalization (IPA: subscript box)
  • [_w] Labialization (IPA: superscript 'w')
  • [_ <] Implosive sound (voiced plosive)
  • [_>] Ejective sound (voiceless plosive)
  • [_ =, =] syllabic consonant (IPA: vertical line under the consonant), e.g. B. in German in black syllables: to give [gebm =]; in English z. B. in bott l e ["bOtl =], butto n [" bVtn =]

See also

  • Thaana - table with SAMPA values ​​of the letters of the Thaana script

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