San Salvador Department (El Salvador)

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San Salvador
Honduras Guatemala Ahuachapán Santa Ana La Libertad Sonsonate La Paz Usulatán San Vicente La Unión San Miguel Cabañas Cuscatlán San Salvador Chalatenango MorazánSan Salvador in El Salvador.svg
About this picture
Location of San Salvador in El Salvador
Capital San Salvador
population 1,786,400 (2017)
surface 892 km²
Population density 2003 Ew./km²
structure 19th
ISO 3166-2 SV-SS
100 4073.JPG
Santa Cruz de Roma in Panchimalco in the department of San Salvador

San Salvador is one of 14 departments in El Salvador . The state capital of the same name, San Salvador, is also the capital of the department.

The department was founded on June 12th 1824. The main crops in the department of San Salvador are beans , coffee and sugar cane .

In San Salvador there is also a 1893 meter high volcano of the same name.


The Department of San Salvador is in turn divided into three districts (Santo Tomás, San Salvador and Tonacatepeque) and 19 municipalities :

Aguilares Apopa
Ayutuxtepeque Cuscatancingo
Delgado El Paisnal
Guazapa Ilopango
Mejicanos Nejapa
Panchimalco Rosario de Mora
San Marcos San Martín
San Salvador Santiago Texacuangos
Santo Tomás Soyapango

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Coordinates: 13 ° 42 ′  N , 89 ° 12 ′  W