Sarah Hannemann

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Sarah Hannemann (born March 18, 1990 in Leipzig ) is a German actress .


Hannemann spent her childhood in Jork in the Altes Land in Lower Saxony . After completing secondary school at a boarding school , she moved to Hamburg at the age of 16 . She then completed her acting training at the Free Drama School in Hamburg .

Hannemann played her first major role in 2001 when she was eleven in the comedy film Help, I'm a boy at the side of Dominique Horwitz , Nina Petri and Pinkas Braun . The film was first presented at the Berlinale in 2002 and then sold to America. She also worked in the ZDF series Die Rettungsflieger and in the children's and youth series Die Pfefferkörner . She later became better known for her portrayal of Emma Olsen in the ARD -Telenovela Rote Rosen, which she embodied from September 2007 to October 2008. Several short films and acting training followed.

2011 Hannemann stood at the side of Ben Becker for the docudrama Munchausen - The story of a lie as Bernhardine Munchausen on camera and played in the 2012 docudrama murder in the house of Medici , the Dianora de Medici . From 2011 to 2012 she played the character of Dinarasad in the play 1001 Nights .

From June to September 2013 Hannemann played one of the leading roles as Ann-Marie at the Störtebeker Festival on Rügen . From December 2013 she played the leading role of Josephine "Joe" Johlke in the RTL soap Unter uns . The last time she was seen there was in March 2015, as she left voluntarily. This was followed by some ARD and ZDF productions, such as the television film Many Cows and a Black Sheep , in which she took on the supporting role of Tessa Vogt , for which she received mostly good reviews. In 2020 she took on the role of Maike Lutz in the second season of the hospital series Nightsisters .

Sarah Hannemann lives in Berlin

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sarah Hannemann plays Josephine "Joe" Johlke ( Memento from July 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) on
  2. FSH - Graduates ( Memento from March 10, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ Murder in the Medici House | brothers beetz film production
  4. ^ Sarah Hannemann Vita - ( Memento from March 26, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  5. Cast list for Störtebeker Festival 13 ( memento from August 7, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 10.5 MB), accessed on July 24, 2013.
  6. Sarah Hannemann plays Josephine "Joe" Johlke. In: soapsworld. October 24, 2013, accessed on January 24, 2020 (entry on RTL series Unter Uns ).
  7. "Unter uns" - out for Sarah Hannemann. In: evening newspaper . February 12, 2015, accessed January 24, 2020 .
  8. ^ Tilmann P. Gangloff: TV tip: "Many cows and one black sheep" (ARD). In: . January 17, 2020, accessed January 24, 2020 .
  9. Sarah Hannemann is the new member of “Nightsisters”. In: October 29, 2019, accessed January 24, 2020 .
  10. Sarah Hannemann - Actress In: , accessed on November 9, 2017.
  11. Fischer & Partner - Acting Agency Berlin - Sarah Hannemann In: , accessed on November 9, 2017.