Sachsenhausen lock

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Sachsenhausen lock
Looking northeast from the road bridge Chausseestrasse over the lock chamber to the head of the former tow lock.

Looking northeast from the road bridge Chausseestrasse over the lock chamber to the head of the former tow lock.

Sachsenhausen lock (Brandenburg)
Sachsenhausen lock
Coordinates 52 ° 46 '34 "  N , 13 ° 14' 34"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 46 '34 "  N , 13 ° 14' 34"  E
Country: GermanyGermany Germany / Brandenburg
Place: Sachsenhausen
Waters: Oranienburger Kanal OrK
Construction time: 1832-1837
Shutdown: Destroyed in 1945
Type: Chamber lock in block construction
Category: Class I.
Upper gate: formerly stem gate
Lower gate: formerly stem gate


The Sachsenhausen lock is a now no longer usable ship lock in the Sachsenhausen district in the Oranienburg Canal . Sachsenhausen is a district of the city of Oranienburg in the Brandenburg district of Oberhavel . It is the first lock on the Oranienburger Canal, which branches off a few meters above the lock from the Havel .


The first reports of a lock date from the 16th century. This was located a few dozen meters south of the current one at the watermill of Neumühl Castle on the Havel. This will also have been the case when there was talk of a reconstruction of the existing lock in the years 1832–1837. It can therefore be assumed that there are several precursors, all of which cannot be dated. In 1875 the Sachsenhausen mill burned down and was not rebuilt.

The construction of the actual canal lock is also scheduled between 1832 and 1837, when Oranienburg's western Havel bypass was realized with the Oranienburg Canal between Malz and Pinnow . 1874–1878 another lock was built parallel to the existing one. The first lock was later filled in.

The second lock was destroyed in 1945 and not rebuilt, as the Oranienburg Canal lost its importance due to the construction of the Oder-Havel Canal in 1914 and is only used as a connection between the Ruppiner Canal and the Havel. According to the development concept of the city of Oranienburg, the rebuilding of the lock is planned.


  • H.-J. Uhlemann: Berlin and the Märkische waterways. DSV-Verlag, Hamburg 1994, p. 167 ff. ISBN 3-344-00115-9 .
  • Writings of the Association for European Inland Shipping and Waterways e. V. WESKA (Western European Shipping and Harbor Calendar), Binnenschifffahrts-Verlag, Duisburg-Ruhrort. OCLC 48960431


  • Folke Stender: Editing of Sportschifffahrtskarten Binnen 1 + 4. Nautical publication Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-926376-10-4 .
  • W. Ciesla, H. Czesienski, W. Schlomm, K. Senzel, D. Weidner: Shipping maps of the inland waterways of the German Democratic Republic 1: 10,000. Volume 4. Editor: Waterways Authority of the GDR, Berlin 1988, OCLC 830889996 .

Web links

Commons : Schleuse Sachsenhausen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Integrated urban development concept Oranienburg 2020: PDF