Wildenbruch Castle

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Ruins of Wildenbruch Castle

Wildenbruch Castle ( Polish: Zamek Swobnica ) is the ruin of a castle in Swobnica (German: Wildenbruch ) in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland. The castle ruins are about 40 kilometers south of Stettin and about 20 kilometers east of Schwedt / Oder on the bank of a silted-up lake. The castle was built in the 14th century in the Duchy of Pomerania as the Ordensburg of the Johanniterkommende Wildenbruch , later converted into a Baroque castle and rebuilt again in the 19th century.


The name "Wildenbruke" appears for the first time in 1345 in a document about a dispute between the city of Bahn and the Order of St. John . At that time the property belonged to the Johanniter coming in Rörchen , which was destroyed in 1373. 1377 was the Johannitern by the Pomeranian dukes Swantibor III. and Bogislaw VII allowed the construction of a new castle near Wildenbruch. The new Ordensburg was built on an island in a lake that was later called the Schlosssee . In 1382 the seat of the commandery was moved here. In a letter of fief , Duke Bogislaw X endowed the order with numerous privileges.

After the Reformation the Kommende Wildenbruch belonged to the Ballei Brandenburg of the Order of St. John , which became Protestant in 1538 . With the division of Pomerania in 1541, the Kommende Wildenbruch came to Pommern-Wolgast . Wildenbruch was temporarily ruled by ducal officials, since Duke Philip I did not recognize the Commander of Marwitz . At this time several inventories of the castle were made, which have been handed down. In 1544 and 1545, Emperor Charles V instructed Philip I to respect the rights of the order. In 1547 an agreement was reached with the duke and the order then returned to Wildenbruch to protect the Pomeranian border. The order was supposed to provide Wildenbruch Castle with good guns and armor again. Inventories have also come down to us for 1560 and 1576. From 1610 the seat of the commandery was in Sonnenburg .

During the Thirty Years' War Wildenbruch was occupied by imperial troops in 1629 , and from 1631 by Swedish troops. After the end of the war in 1648 the Bahner Land remained with Sweden through the peace treaty of Osnabrück . Wildenbruch became the private property of Queen Christina of Sweden , who gave the castle to the court chancellor Johann Adler Salvius . After the Battle of Fehrbellin , all of Pomerania fell to Brandenburg, and Elector Friedrich Wilhelm transferred Wildenbruch Castle to Georg Freiherr von Derfflinger . After the Peace of St. Germain , most of Pomerania became Swedish again, the Bahner Land remained Brandenburg. In 1680, Electress Dorothea bought Wildenbruch Castle, who incorporated it into the Wildenbruch-Schwedt rule. In the following years the castle was converted into a baroque palace.

After Dorothea's death, Wildenbruch fell to Philipp Wilhelm , Margrave of Brandenburg-Schwedt . His son Friedrich Wilhelm, the "great margrave", served Wildenbruch as a retreat. From 1788 Wildenbruch fell to the main line of the Hohenzollern , became a crown domain in 1873 and remained the private property of the Hohenzollern until 1919. The castle was rebuilt in the 19th century. During the Second World War, the Szczecin Museum Palace served as a storage site.

After the region fell to Poland in 1945 as a result of World War II, the facility was used by a state farm . After the end of socialism , the castle was in changing private ownership and continued to fall into disrepair.

After mediation by the Berlin association Wildenbruch Swobnica e. V. the castle came into the possession of the city of Banie and has been restored since then.


The main construction phases of the current building originated from 1377 to 1382 and from 1680 to 1690. The main building of the former Ordensburg stands out in today's three-wing complex, the three sides of which go back to the circular wall . Nothing of the former outer bailey is visible in the area. The tower of today's building also goes back to the keep of the order castle.


Web links

Commons : Schloss Wildenbruch  - Collection of images

Coordinates: 53 ° 1 ′ 51.5 ″  N , 14 ° 37 ′ 23.4 ″  E