Sebastian Steiner (sculptor)

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Sebastian Steiner (born December 30, 1836 in Sterzing , † April 6, 1896 in Untermais near Meran ; occasionally also in the spelling Stainer ) was a Tyrolean sculptor and carver .


He was the son of a shoemaker and learned in his youth, first the shoemaking , but also the first artistic inspiration when Sterzinger painter and received carver Johann Feistenauer . He moved to Innsbruck , where he worked as a shoemaker journeyman . His talent for carving was discovered by Franz Unterberger, the owner of the Unterberger art dealer. Supported by funds from the princely Auersperg family, Steiner was able to continue his education in Innsbruck and Munich .

In 1860 he opened a workshop in Innsbruck, where he initially made grave monuments . However, he soon turned mainly to carving and received orders from members of the domestic and foreign nobility . In 1865, for example, he created small-format copies of the 28 statues of the tomb of Emperor Maximilian in the Innsbruck Court Church for Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria . Financed by a scholarship , he continued his education at the Vienna School of Applied Arts in 1872 and in 1873 took over the carving training and management of the training workshop in Innsbruck at the privately founded training workshop for sculptors.

In 1885 he moved to Meran. Steiner's artistic role model was, among others, Alexander Colin . He implemented numerous folk scenes in reliefs based on Defregger's pictures and made portrait heads carved in high relief from photographs. He participated in numerous exhibitions, including at the world exhibitions in London , Paris and Vienna as well as the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876, and has won numerous prizes awarded . In 1874 he was appointed court sculptor .

His works can now be found in museums in Dublin , New York , Philadelphia and Innsbruck. His son Julius Steiner (1863-1904) also became a well-known sculptor.


Individual evidence

  1. E. Hastaba:  Steiner (Stainer), Sebastian. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 13, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 2007–2010, ISBN 978-3-7001-6963-5 , p. 177 f. (Direct links on p. 177 , p. 178 ).