List of lakes in Namibia

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Drachenhauchloch (Namibia)
Dragon breath hole
Dragon breath hole
Liambezi Lake
Liambezi Lake
Otjikoto Lake
Otjikoto Lake
Natural lakes in Namibia

This is a list of the lakes in Namibia .

In Namibia there are only a few natural freshwater lakes that have permanent water all year round. All perennial as well as ephemeral or episodic waters fall under the term wetlands (in English about "wet areas" ), which make up about five percent of the land area. Salt and Kalkseen with increased salt or lime are in Namibia as pan ( English Pan ), respectively. A distinction must be made between the smaller and mostly flatter Vleis ( Afrikaans for depression ).

Perennial lakes


lake region location Area (max.)
In km²
Volume (max.)
In million km³
greatest depth
in meters
category image
Dragon breath hole Otjozondjupa 19 ° 40 ′  S , 17 ° 34 ′  E 000.0260 84 (relative)
150 (absolute)
underground lake
Guinea Oshikoto 19 ° 14 ′  S , 17 ° 21 ′  E 000.0100 132 Karst lake Guinas lake 2015 01.jpg
Liambezi Lake Zambezi 17 ° 56 ′  S , 24 ° 22 ′  E 100.0000 Altwassersee
(officially dried up since 1985;
however, refilled since 2009)

Lake Liambezi aerial view (2019) .jpg
Ontsadhiya lake Omusati 00? ?
filled from 2007 to 2014
Otjikoto Lake Oshikoto 19 ° 12 ′  S , 17 ° 33 ′  E 000.0075 76 Karst lake Otjikoto Lake.jpg


Ephemeral lakes

Pans and salt lakes

pan region location Area (max.)
In km²
greatest depth
in meters
category image
Adamax Pan Oshikoto Etosha National Park
Autcha Pan
Etosha pan overarching Etosha National Park 4760 endorheic pelvis Etosha pan.JPG
Fisher's Pan Oshikoto Etosha National Park Etosha pan with Gemsbok.jpg
Gura Pan Otjozondjupa 19 ° 40 ′  S , 20 ° 33 ′  E
Kalahari Pannetjiesveld
(pan area)
Kebe Pan
Natukanaoka Pan Omusati Etosha National Park
Nyae Nyae Pan Otjozondjupa
Lake Oponono Oshana 19 ° 15 ′  S , 15 ° 30 ′  E ephemeral sea



Vlei region Area (max.)
In km²
greatest depth
in meters
category image
Bushman Vlei ǁKaras
Cessna Vlei Hardap
Dead Vlei Hardap Dead Vlei
Hidden Vlei Hardap Springboks at the Hidden Vlei
Jules Vlei ǁKaras
Sossusvlei Hardap Sossusvlei from space
Tsondab Vlei Erongo
Tsumkwe Vlei
(Makuri Pan)

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Water areas in Namibia, Namibia Nature Foundation ( Memento from November 15, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) ( MS PowerPoint ; 1.1 MB)
  2. Eating from Ontsadhiya and taking care of it. The Namibian, July 22, 2010. Retrieved August 28, 2014
  3. ^ The Development and Evolution of Etosha Pan, Namibia ; What to do in the Nyae Nyae Area