Gladsaxe transmitter

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Gladsaxe transmitter
Gladsaxe transmitters
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Basic data
Place: Gladsaxe Sogn ( Gladsaxe Municipality )
Region: Capital region
Country: Denmark
Altitude : 48  moh
Coordinates: 55 ° 44 ′ 5.2 ″  N , 12 ° 29 ′ 30.3 ″  E
Use: Broadcasting station
Accessibility: Transmission mast not open to the public
Owner : Danmarks Radio
Mast data
Construction time : 1955
Building material : steel
Operating time: since 1955
Total height : 206  m
Data on the transmission system
Waveband : FM transmitter
Radio : VHF broadcasting
Send types: DVB-T , DAB
Position map
Transmitter Gladsaxe (Hovedstaden)
Gladsaxe transmitter
Gladsaxe transmitter
Localization of Hovedstaden in Denmark

The Gladsaxe transmitter is a basic network transmitter of the Danish broadcaster Danmarks Radio , which is located in the urban area of ​​the municipality of Gladsaxe municipality, 10 kilometers northwest of the Danish capital Copenhagen . The transmitter was built in 1955 and is the oldest television transmitter in Denmark. A 206 meter high, guyed transmission mast serves as the antenna carrier.

The Danish radio programs for the capital region are broadcast from here. The Gladsaxe radio programs are also easy to receive in neighboring regions of Sweden.

Frequencies and Programs

Analog radio (VHF)

program RDS PS RDS PI Regionalization ERP
Antenna pattern
round (ND) / directional (D)
horizontal (H) / vertical (V)
90.8 DR P1 / DR P2 DR_P1 ___ / DR_P2___ 9201 - 60 ND H
91.4 Nova fm NOVA_FM_ 9205 - 11.8 D (160-340 °) V
93.9 DR P3 DR_P3___ 9203 - 60 ND H
96.5 DR P4 DRP4_KBH 9602 Copenhagen 60 ND H
100.0 Pop FM _POP_FM_ 9206 - 77.6 D (0 °, 200-330 °) V
100.9 Radio update / Gladsaxe channel - - - 0.16 ND H
102.3 Radio24syv 24syv___ 9204 - 60 D (170-130 °) H

Digital radio ( DAB )

DAB is broadcast in vertical polarization and in single-frequency mode with other transmitters.

block Programs
(data services)
Antenna diagram
round (ND),
directional (D)
horizontal (H) /
vertical (V)
Single frequency network (SFN)
DAB + block of Danmarks Radio :

0.63 ND V Gilleleje, Helsingborg, Hillerød, Nykøbing Zealand, Gladsaxe , Hove, Holbæk , København, Margrethe Holm , Jyderup, Kalundborg , Vallø, Slagelse, Nyborg, Tommestrup, Hammeren, Højrup , Øverup, RO, Blykobbe, Nexø, Vordingborg, Taasinge, Vester Sømarken , Kalvehave, Dueodde, Bregninge, Nakskov, Maribo, Nykøbing Falster

Note: The transmitter locations in italics are intended for commissioning.

DAB + block of Danmarks Radio

0.63 ND V Skagen, Tolne, Frederikshavn, Sæby, Brønderslev, Læsø, Aalborg-Frejlev, Thisted, Løgstør, Anholt, Øster Doense, Skive, Lemvig, Viborg, Ørum, Randers, Grenåje, Holstebro - Mejrup, Hadsten, Ebeltoft, Silkeborg, Herning , Ringkøbing, Århus , Helsingborg, Brædstrup, Hillerød, Nykøbing Zealand, Horsens, Ølgod, Gladsaxe , Klejs, Hove, København, Jyderup, Kalundborg , Vejle, Køge, Kolding, Esbjerg, Kalvslund, Slagelse, Nyborg, Tommestrup, Hammeren, Sønder Højrup , Haderslev, Næstved, Rø, Rønne, Agerskov , Vordingborg, Aabenraa, Taasinge, Vester Sømarken, Kalvehave, Tønder, Sønderborg West, Bregninge, Nakskov, Kollund, Maribo, Nykøbing Falster

Digital television ( DVB-T )

channel Frequency  
(in MHz)
Multiplex Programs in multiplex ERP  
(in kW)

round (ND) /
directional (D)
horizontal (H) /
vertical (V)
35 586 unknown (please fill in!) unknown (please fill in!) 2 ND H
38 610 unknown (please fill in!) unknown (please fill in!) 0.49 ND H
51 714 unknown (please fill in!) unknown (please fill in!) 10 ND H

Analog television (PAL)

Before the switch to DVB-T, the broadcasting location was still used for analog television:

channel Frequency  
program ERP
Transmission diagram
round (ND) /
directional (D)
horizontal (H) /
vertical (V)
4th 62.25 DR1 50 D (255–230 °) H
8th 196.25 DR2 5 ND V
23 487.25 København Canal 3 ND H
60 783.25 6'eren (Copenhagen) 3 ND H