Severino Poletto

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Severino Cardinal Poletto (2015)
Coat of arms of Severino Cardinal Poletto

Severino Cardinal Poletto (born March 18, 1933 in Salgareda , Treviso Province , Italy ) is Archbishop Emeritus of Turin .


Severino Poletto studied Catholic theology and philosophy and received in 1957 for the Diocese of Casale Monferrato the priesthood . After further studies, he obtained a licentiate in moral theology at the Alphonsianum in Rome .

In the years up to 1965 he worked as curate in Montemagno and disciplinary prefect at the seminary of his home diocese. From 1965 to 1980 he was pastor in Casale Monferrato . During this time he gained experience as a labor priest when he worked part-time in a factory for an extended period of time.

From 1980 to 1989 Poletto was Bishop of Fossano . He received his episcopal ordination on May 17, 1980 in the Cathedral of Casale Monferrato by Cardinal Anastasio Alberto Ballestrero , Archbishop of Turin, co-consecrators were Carlo Cavalla , Bishop of Casale Monferrato, and Archbishop Giovanni Dadone , Bishop of Fossano. From 1989 to 1999 Poletto was Bishop of Asti . Since June 1999 he was Archbishop of Turin. On 21 February 2001 it took Pope John Paul II. As Cardinal Priest of pro hac vice to title Church gathered Title Diakonie San Giuseppe al Trionfale in the College of Cardinals on.

On October 11, 2010, Pope Benedict XVI. the resignation from the office of Archbishop of Turin put forward by Severino Cardinal Poletto for reasons of age.


Cardinal Poletto was a member of the following dicasteries of the Roman Curia :

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rinuncia dell'Arcivescovo Metropolita di Torino (Italia) e Nomina del Successore. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , October 11, 2010, accessed August 22, 2016 (Italian).
  2. ^ Nomina di Cardinali Membri delle Congregazioni Romane. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, May 15, 2001, accessed August 22, 2016 (Italian).
  3. a b Nomina di Cardinali Membri dei Dicasteri della Curia Romana. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, May 18, 2001, accessed August 22, 2016 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Giovanni Francesco Dadone Bishop of Fossano
Natalino Pescarolo
Franco Sibilla Bishop of Asti
Francesco Guido Ravinale
Giovanni Cardinal Saldarini Archbishop of Turin
Cesare Nosiglia