Settlement home plan

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View from Nützenberg to part of the Heimatplan settlement

The Heimatplan settlement in the Bergisch metropolis of Wuppertal consists of largely listed residential buildings . The settlement , which was built around 1930, comprises buildings that were designed according to a uniform design idea that is typical of the non-profit residential complexes of their time.

The area

Home plan 11, 13, 15 and 17 (from above)
Hindenburgstrasse 29-31-33, a building with three entrances
The naked boys from Hindenburgstrasse 31

The buildings, to which the 26 listed buildings belong, are on the streets Heimatplan , Hindenburgstraße , Roeberstraße and Schwarzer Weg on the western slope of the Kiesberg in the northern area of ​​the residential area Zoo . The settlement does not belong to the monument protection area of ​​the " zoo district ". The central street is Hindenburgstraße , which winds up the slope like a serpentine . The streets Schwarzer Weg and Roeberstraße branch off from Hindenburgstraße in a north-easterly direction. The Schwarze Weg leads as an extension along the Kiesberg to the Arrenberg residential area and is known for its panoramic view of the downtown area of Elberfeld . The settlement includes a central green strip on the slope, which is accompanied by a staircase at the side , the houses here have the street name Heimatplan , the green strip touches the serpentine Hindenburgstrasse three times.

The central green strip, which also counts as one of the city ​​parks of Wuppertal and which offers a line of sight to the house at Hindenburgstrasse 31 along the hillside , has something of a castle-like complex. This Cour d'Honneur , probably more of a village green , with its meadow, trees and hedges, serves the residents as a front garden. The area covers 7000 m².

Building description

These are partly free-standing houses, semi-detached houses or blocks of houses that have two or three storeys. When they were uniformly roofs with a mansard - hipped roof equipped, in part, the roofs are also distinctive cross gables provided. The plaster facades are structured horizontally and have strong window frames and small windows. Almost all buildings in the settlement are painted in a uniform color scheme, so that the salmon pink color is characteristic of the settlement. Exceptions are five buildings on Roeberstrasse , they are painted a light ocher tone. The bases are here in a dark brown or medium gray. The door portals made of light sandstone are usually elaborate. Some of the facades are decorated with decorative reliefs. There are two standing naked boys with two coats of arms on the side on the gable of the house at Hindenburgstrasse 116 and the same relief on the house at Hindenburgstrasse 31 at the entrance portal. Both reliefs contain the word "Heimat" below the putti, the coats of arms contain the cooperative symbol.

On the disused Elberfeld-Cronenberg "Burgholzbahn" railway line , which runs along the slope below, there is a sign (panel 6) to the settlement.


The settlement was built by the non-profit building association "Heimat" of the housing cooperative of the employees' union GDA from 1927 to 1930. The Elberfeld architect August Kegel was responsible for the planning, the sculptures were carried out by the Elberfeld artist Wilhelm Koopmann . They are perhaps the only surviving works by the Jewish artist, many of his works were destroyed in the Wuppertal area during the National Socialist era .

GAGFAH sales sign in Roeberstrasse

Its legal successor, initially the Deutsche An Arbeiter-Wohnungsbau-AG, now the GAGFAH , now manages the housing estate. In August 2007 it became known that she would convert the apartments into condominiums here in the Heimatplan settlement and would prefer to sell them to the current tenants.

In November 2008 it became known that the city of Wuppertal intends to classify part of the green belt as a building area by changing the land use plan . As a result, a “moderate redensification with residential development” is to be carried out. The residents resisted the zoning plan change, whereupon the city administration scaled back its intention to change.


The buildings Heimatplan 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Hindenburgstraße 29, 31, 33, 37, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 101, 102, 114, 116 and 118, Roeberstrasse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11, Schwarzer Weg 245, 247, 249 and 251 were recognized as architectural monuments on August 21, 1984; on September 19, 1984 Roeberstrasse 20, on October 12, 1984 Roeberstrasse 12 and 22, Roeberstrasse 14, 16, 18 on November 29, 1985.

Transport infrastructure

The former Hindenburgstrasse stop

The disused Elberfeld – Cronenberg ( Burgholzbahn ) railway had the first stop on the line to Cronenberg on Hindenburgstrasse after the Wuppertal-Steinbeck station .

It was subsequently set up in 1950 under the name Wuppertal-Hindenburgstrasse . In 1988 the route was closed, the route was converted into a cycling and hiking trail as part of the 2006 region . Today the minibus line 639 of the Wuppertaler Stadtwerke connects the settlement with the Wuppertal Zoologischer Garten train station and the zoo / stadium suspension railway station .

Individual evidence

  1. Statement from ( Memento of the original from September 15, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Sambaweg - overview of stations, topics and signage  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. PDF file dated June 2, 2008@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  3. Ruth Meyer-Kahrweg : Architects, civil engineers, master builders, property developers and their buildings in Wuppertal 2003, ISBN 3-928441-52-3
  4. ^ Ruth Meyer-Kahrweg: Monuments, fountains and sculptures in Wuppertal - biographies of the participating artists 1991, ISBN 3-87093-058-6
  5. 150 apartments in the Westdeutsche Zeitung offer (online) from 23 August 2007
  6. ^ Zoo: building area instead of green belt Westdeutsche Zeitung (online) from November 6, 2008
  7. ↑ Partial success for residents in the Westdeutsche Zeitung zoo district (online) from November 25, 2008
  8. Entry in the Wuppertal Monument List, Home Plan 11
    Entry in the Wuppertal Monument List, Home Plan 12
    Entry in the Wuppertal Monument List, Home Plan 13
    Entry in the Wuppertal Monument List, Home Plan 14
    Entry in the Wuppertal Monument List, Home Plan 15
    Entry in the Wuppertal Monument List, Home Plan 16
    Entry in the Wuppertal monument list, Heimatplan 17
    entry in the Wuppertaler monument list, Hindenburgstrasse 29, 31 and 33
    entry in the Wuppertaler monument list, Hindenburgstrasse 37
    entry in the Wuppertal monument list, Hindenburgstrasse 53
    entry in the Wuppertal monument list, Hindenburgstrasse 55 and 57
    entry in the Wuppertaler monument list , Hindenburgstrasse 59 and 61
    entry in the Wuppertaler monument list, Hindenburgstrasse 85 and 87
    entry in the Wuppertaler monument list, Hindenburgstrasse 89
    entry in the Wuppertaler monument list, Hindenburgstrasse 91 and 93
    entry in the Wuppertaler monument list, Hindenburgstrasse 101 and 102
    entry in the W uppertaler monument list, Hindenburgstraße 114, 116 and 118
    entry in the Wuppertaler monument list, Roeberstraße 1, 3
    entry in the Wuppertaler monument list, Roeberstraße 2, 4
    entry in the Wuppertal monument list, Roeberstraße 5, 7
    entry in the Wuppertaler monument list, Roeberstraße 9, 11
    entry in the Wuppertal monument list, Roeberstrasse 12, 14 and 16
    entry in the Wuppertaler monument list, Roeberstrasse 18, 20 and 22 18
    entry in the Wuppertal monument list, Schwarzer Weg 245
    entry in the Wuppertal monument list, Schwarzer Weg 247 and 249
    entry in the Wuppertal monument list, Black path 251
  9. ^ André Joost: Operating Offices Archive Wuppertal Hindenburgstrasse. In: NRWbahnarchiv. Retrieved June 25, 2017 .

Web links

Commons : Settlement Heimat  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 14 ′ 40.2 "  N , 7 ° 6 ′ 54.8"  E