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City of Wernigerode
Coordinates: 51 ° 51 ′ 41 ″  N , 10 ° 50 ′ 55 ″  E
Height : 191 m
Residents : 1000  (2011)
Incorporation : April 1, 1993
Postal code : 38855
Area code : 03943
Coronation linden tree, a natural monument
Coronation linden tree, a natural monument

Silstedt is a district of the city of Wernigerode in the Harz district in Saxony-Anhalt .

Geographical location

Silstedt is about 5 kilometers northeast of the city center of Wernigerode on the northern edge of the Harz in the plain open to the north. The state road L 82 leads through the village from Wernigerode to Derenburg , there are further connecting roads to Minsleben and Benzingerode . The federal road 6 passes south of the village and can be reached via the Wernigerode-Zentrum driveway. The Holtemme river flows in a north-easterly direction past the place.


Local foundation

In a deed of gift dated November 12, 995 Silzestedi was of King Otto III. The place was first mentioned in a document to the diocese of Meißen .

Once there was a family of the von Silstedt here. 7 men of this sex are known from old documents. The brothers Konrad and Wichard von Silstedt (1136) as witnesses of a donation to the Pauls Stift in Halberstadt, Gieselbrecht von Silstedt (October 11, 1141) as witnesses of a land purchase from Drübeck to Grönigen, Henning von Silstedt (1300-1340), Jordan von Silstedt and his son Hans declared themselves ready to surrender a prisoner to the council in Goslar (1347). And the cathedral vicar of Halberstadt, Bernhart von Silstedt, who died as the last of his house in 1396.


On April 1, 1993, the town was incorporated. Silstedt thus became a district of the city of Wernigerode. This process took place simultaneously with the incorporation of the neighboring towns of Benzingerode and Minsleben . The restructuring should favor the economic and infrastructural development of the localities in the long term. The fact that the structural measures were successful was publicly acknowledged on the 20th anniversary of the incorporation.

Population development

year 1579 1725 1741 1750 1773 1808 1826 1840 1857 1882 1901 1911 1933 1939 1957 2008 2011
population 344 486 511 490 514 662 680 774 830 980 1010 1056 1096 1124 1463 1100 1000

Culture and sights


At the Ernst Koch Museum Farm, an old farm from the 17th century, life and work in the Harz countryside is presented. Numerous permanent exhibitions use documents, photographs and everyday objects to show the agricultural development of the region. The historic farm was opened as a museum in 1995 on the occasion of the town's millennium.


The square at the Ernst-Koch Museum Courtyard , which is the center of the village, is named on the plan or just on the plan .



The village church of St. Nikolai is the oldest building in the village. It is consecrated to Saint Nicholas of Myra and its foundation dates back to the time of Emperor Otto III. 990-1002. A heavy tower with almost 2 m thick walls and narrow loopholes- like windows testify to an old construction method. The two bells are from 2008 and 1951. In the years 1681–89, a piece of the walls of the nave and the choir was built up, so that the interior of the church got the shape it still has today. In 1703 a new organ was inaugurated. About 20 years later in 1716 the interior of the church was redesigned. The pulpit was removed from its old place and pulled together with the altar. The old font from the choir had to give way and make way for benches. A baptismal angel , which could be pulled up on a strong rope as needed, floated vertically under the crucifix.

Natural monument

Alte Linden: On the orders of Friedrich Wilhelm I , the entire churchyard was planted with mulberry trees in 1719 , because silkworms were to be introduced here. The attempt failed, the mulberries died. However, two linden trees have been preserved that were placed on the eastern front of the church in 1722.

Economy and Infrastructure

In the district of Silstedt there are several small businesses and shops, a primary school, a doctor's practice manned by the day and the volunteer fire department . Silstedt houses the sewage treatment plant located on the Holtemme and the headquarters of the Holtemme-Bode water and wastewater association .


  • Henning Calvör (1685 / 86–1766), theologian, teacher and scholar in the field of mining technology and mechanics
  • Werner Hartmann (1902–1963), naval officer and submarine commander, son of pastor Albert Hartmann

Web links

Commons : Silstedt  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b - Population Statistics Online service for statistics. Retrieved May 20, 2018.
  2. Federal Statistical Office (Ed.): Municipalities 1994 and their changes since 01.01.1948 in the new federal states . Metzler-Poeschel, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-8246-0321-7 .
  3. Incorporation of the district of Silstedt - press article online offer of the daily newspaper Volksstimme . Retrieved May 20, 2018.
  4. Museumshof Ernst Koch website museum-digital . Retrieved May 20, 2018.
  5. ^ Church in Silstedt Website of the city of Wernigerode. Retrieved May 20, 2018.
  6. ^ Ortschaft Silstedt Website of the city of Wernigerode. Retrieved May 20, 2018.
  7. ^ Wastewater section, website of the Holtemme-Bode water and wastewater association. Retrieved May 20, 2018.