Sleepless - A Deadly Night

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German title Sleepless - A Deadly Night
Original title Sleepless
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2017
length 95 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
JMK 16
Director Baran bo Odar
script Andrea Berloff
production Roy Lee
Adam Stone
music Michael Kamm
camera Mihai Mălaimare, Jr.
cut Robert Rzesacz

Sleepless - A deadly night is an American drug - thriller from director Baran bo Odar from the year 2017. It is a remake of the French thriller Sleepless Night - Night of Vengeance (2011). The film was released in the United States on January 13, 2017. The cinema release in Germany was on March 9, 2017. A total of 132,373 people in Germany saw the film in cinemas.


The two detectives of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Vincent Downs and Sean Cass are tracking a drug transport and stopping it on a side street. The two police officers mask themselves and threaten the two occupants of the vehicle. They're after a bag of cocaine . Suddenly another car appears and three masked men fire at them with automatic weapons. They also want the bag. In the shooting that follows, Downs and Cass kill the two drug couriers. When police sirens can be heard in the distance, the three masked shooters flee. Downs and Cass grab the bag and flee as well. While driving, they discover that they have stolen about 25 kilos of cocaine with a market value of approximately $ 8 million.

After the escape you can see Downs in his apartment. He pinned sketches, notes and photos on a wall. Including a photo of his partner Cass. Down is an internal investigator working undercover against a large-scale organization of drug dealers and corrupt police officers from the department.

The next morning, Downs and Cass appear to be investigating the shooting in the back street. Internal investigator Jennifer Bryant is also involved in the case and is unaware of Down's involvement. For them he is involved in this drug trade and therefore a suspect. The two meet at the scene of the shooting.

Downs picks up his son Thomas from his separated wife Dena, who works in a hospital. On the way, his son is suddenly kidnapped and Downs is stabbed with a knife. Downs then receives a call from Stanley Rubino, a casino owner, asking him to return the cocaine in exchange for his son.

In a cutscene, you see the gangster Rob Novak, a son of the leader of a criminal clan, taking bloody revenge on his cousin who had contact with the DEA . Novak has his tongue cut out.

Downs gets the cocaine and goes to the casino to trade it for his son. He is shadowed by Bryant. She sees Downs getting into an elevator in the casino.

Rubino receives a call from Rob Novak who wants to pick up the 25 kilos of cocaine at the casino that Rubino has sold him. Rubino comes under pressure as he hopes to get the cocaine from Downs.

In the meantime, Downs hides some of the drug along with his gun in a men's room and takes the rest of the way to Rubino. Bryant finds the hiding place and takes the gun and cocaine. She notifies her partner Doug Dennison from the internal, who is waiting for her at the casino entrance.

Downs meets Rubino in his office and hands over the portion of the cocaine. He gets ten minutes to get the rest of his hiding place, only then is he supposed to get his son back. Downs is distraught when he learns that Bryant has taken the cocaine. He gets into the casino hotel's laundry via ventilation shafts, changes his clothes and then enters the hotel kitchen. There he packs several plastic bags filled with sugar in a carrier bag to hand over to Rubino. He wants his son back under all circumstances. Downs orders a bottle of champagne in Rubino's name from the bar , which is to be brought to his office as soon as possible. When he meets Rubino and Rob Novak, who is now present, in the office, he hands over the bag. Downs' son is released. Downs tells Novak and Rubino that the casino is teeming with police officers and that they have to flee as quickly as possible. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Rubino and Novak believe it is the police and leave the office without being able to examine the alleged cocaine.

Downs and his son find their way out through the casino. In the meantime, Novak has noticed that he was given sugar, not cocaine. He calls Rubino and turns around with his gangsters. Rubino's bodyguard is now looking for Downs and his son. He chases them through the casino. After a fight in the hotel kitchen, the bodyguard catches her in the disco and kidnaps the boy again.

Stan Rubino is put under massive pressure by Novak. Novak shows Rubino his cousin's cut-off tongue as a warning.

Doug Dennison advises his partner, Bryant, to go home. She gives him the key to the locker from the fitness department where she hid the cocaine. Bryant discovers Downs at the hotel and follows him to a hotel room. There Downs overpowered the woman after a fight and handcuffed her to the bed. He tells her that he's been investigating undercover for two years and that he is an internal investigative detective. Bryant doesn't believe him. Downs learns from her that the cocaine is in the locker. Once there, Downs is attacked by Dennison, whom he eventually overpowers. The cocaine is no longer in the locker.

Down's son is pretended to be released by Rubino. In fact, Rubino wants to use him as bait to get at his father. Downs and his son, who is back in the disco, are on the phone. On the way to the disco, Downs calls his former partner Sean Cass, who is supposed to come to the casino and bring a police uniform. Downs meets Cass in the casino's underground car park. Cass distrusts Downs and threatens him with a gun. Then Cass is shot by one of Novak's gangsters. But the gangster is also fatally hit. Downs takes Cass's cell phone and listens to the text messages. Through this he learns that Doug Dennison is a corrupt cop and is in league with the drug dealers.

Dena Downs calls her husband who wants to calm her down. She realizes that something is wrong and makes her way to the casino.

In the underground car park, Bryant and Dennison find the dead gangster and the seriously injured Cass. Dennison kills Cass, which is unnoticed by Bryant.

Downs is attacked by Rubino's bodyguard in the nightclub while he is about to pick up his son. He can eventually overpower the bodyguard. Novak and one of his gangsters fire on Downs. During the subsequent escape, Downs and his son jump into a sports car displayed in the lobby and flee with it into the underground car park. Meanwhile, Rubino is arrested by Bryant. Downs and son are shot at by Novak and his accomplice in the garage. It comes to a showdown, during which Downs' wife arrives in the underground car park. Downs' son saves his father's life by running into a gangster. Finally, Downs is shot by Rob Novak, who dies from a bullet that Downs can still fire at him.

Dennison and Bryant are taking the arrested Rubino to the Police Department when Bryant is called on the cell phone by the seriously injured Downs. He plays her the voice message Dennisons, whereupon Bryant realizes that Dennison works for the Novak clan. A shootout in the police car kills Rubino and the driver and injures Bryant. Dennison is finally arrested.

At the end of the film you can see a cell phone ringing next to the dead Novak in the underground car park. His father calls. A DEA officer takes the phone, goes into an elevator with two other colleagues and speaks to the gangster boss on the phone, telling him that there is a problem.


The film received mostly negative reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes , only 23% of the 57 rated reviews were positive, Metacritic determined a Metascore of 34 out of 100 based on 15 reviews.

The film service ruled: “US remake of the French crime novel“ Sleepless Night - Night of Retribution ”(2011) by Frédéric Jardin as an unbelievable, listlessly played and schematic drug and kidnapping thriller. At most, the concentration on the casino scene and the only a few hours of narration time arouse interest. "

The Cinema website came to a more positive verdict and wrote: “Those who know the original film will not discover anything new. [...] Everyone else gets to see a thriller that is as fast-paced as it is action-packed, without too much bang. Cop Downs have enough fists and brains to free themselves from seemingly hopeless situations again and again. Conclusion: The predictable outcome of the fast-paced thriller only slightly diminishes the tension and the entertainment value. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release Certificate for Sleepless - One Deadly Night . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry (PDF; test number: 165495 / K). Template: FSK / maintenance / type not set and Par. 1 longer than 4 characters
  2. Age rating for Sleepless - One Deadly Night . Youth Media Commission .
  3. Top 100 Germany 2017 In: Retrieved July 20, 2017.
  4. Sleepless . In: Rotten Tomatoes . Retrieved July 20, 2017.
  5. Sleepless . In: Metacritic . Retrieved July 20, 2017.
  6. Sleepless . In: Filmdienst . Retrieved July 20, 2017.
  7. Sleepless . In: Cinema . Retrieved July 20, 2017.