Space Hulk (computer game, 1993)

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Space Hulk is a tactical action computer game released by Electronic Arts in 1993 . It is based on the board game of the same name by Games Workshop and is set in the world of the role-playing universe Warhammer 40,000 . The player controls a group of space soldiers in the fight against hostile aliens. It was released for MS-DOS , Amiga and PC-98 .


The player controls a squad of genetically modified elite soldiers, so-called Space Marines, through spaceship wrecks flying in space. His task is to investigate the wrecks and fight against enemy beings that come from the Genestealers (plural for genetic thief ). In a tactical level overview, the player can coordinate the soldiers in his group. For fights he can switch to the first person perspective of a soldier and intervene in the game. On the divided monitor he can also see the perspectives of the other group members, but cannot actively control them. The characters gain experience and can be improved in the course of the game and equipped with different weapons. The game runs in real time, but can be frozen briefly with the so-called freeze function in order to issue commands. However, this time is limited and is only available again after a certain waiting period.


publication Rating
Amiga DOS
Amiga Games 83% k. A.
Amiga joker 44% k. A.
CGW k. A. 3.5 / 5
PC Games k. A. 76%
PC joker k. A. 76%
Play time 65% 85%
Power play 60% 58%

"Nick Wilson and his programming team should be congratulated on one of the best boardgame to computer game conversions yet."

"Nick Wilson and his programming team should be congratulated on one of the best conversions from a board game to a computer game yet."

- M. Evan Brooks : Test report Computer Gaming World 09/1993

"While the graphics and sound fully convey the latent sadomasochistic charm of the role model, unfortunately the gameplay deteriorates in the long term."

- Volker Weitz : Test report Power Play 7/93

In 1994 the British PC Gamer voted the game 10th best game of all time.

1996 appeared under the title Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels a sequel. In 2013 another game appeared under the name Space Hulk and with the same theme, developed by Full Control.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. M. Evan Brooks: Never Trust A Gazfluvian Flingschnogger! . In: Computer Gaming World . May 1994, pp. 42-58.
  2. a b c d e f g h
  3. Editor: The PC Gamer Top 50 PC Games of All Time . In: PC Gamer UK . No. 5, April 1994, pp. 43-56.