St. Peter and Paul (Sonderheim)

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Church of St. Peter and Paul in Sonderheim, view from the south

The Catholic parish church of St. Peter and Paul in Sonderheim , a district of Höchstädt in the district of Dillingen an der Donau in the Bavarian administrative district of Swabia , goes back to a medieval choir tower church . The church, consecrated to the apostles Peter and Paul , was given its current form after extensive renovations around 1756.


The church is located in the center of the village in the walled cemetery .

Late Romanesque spoils on the outside wall of the choir


The place was first mentioned in writing in 1150 as Sunderheim . From the medieval choir tower church, late Romanesque spoils on the southern outer wall of the choir have been preserved. In the 17th century, the church was equipped with a baroque interior and built around 1756 in its present form. During this time the ceiling paintings and the stucco decoration were created . In 1832 the old tower was demolished and a new tower in neo-Romanesque style was added to the east of the choir . In 1920 the ceiling paintings from around 1756 were restored and partially renewed by Anton Niedermeier. At the same time the choir received a new fresco .


Exterior construction

The church is made of plastered brickwork . The entrance is on the west facade. It is protected by a closed sign covered with a gable roof . The tower, which is provided with a diamond- shaped helmet , has five floors, which taper upwards in three steps and are divided by cornices . It is pierced by arched windows and sound openings. The two upper floors are designed with corner pilasters and arched friezes .

Cartouche with chronostitch
Gallery with organ

inner space

The church interior has a single nave and ends in a drawn-in, just closed choir in the east. The nave has a flat ceiling over lateral covings with stitch caps over the windows. In the west there is a curved gallery with the organ installed in 1866 .

On the arched choir arch there is a chronostitch in a shell-shaped cartouche : “ECLESIA HAEC SANCTO PETRO AC PAVLO SACRA SEMPER FLOREAT” (may this church consecrated to Saints Peter and Paul always bloom). The capital letters correspond to Roman numerals and add up to the year 1756.

Ceiling pictures

The central ceiling painting of the choir is dedicated to the heart of Jesus . The four evangelists are represented in the side spandrels .

The ceiling painting of the nave depicts the martyrdom of the patrons Peter and Paul. In the spandrels, framed by artfully decorated stucco cartouches, the four occidental church fathers Ambrosius , Augustine , Hieronymus and Pope Gregory I and four emblems with Latin inscriptions are depicted.

The picture of a rock in the surf, surrounded by blowing angelic spud heads, is commented on: "Semper Immota manet" (He always remains motionless). A vine in a landscape with ruins is provided with the words of Jesus (according to John 15,5): "Ego vitis vera vos palmites" (I am the true vine, you are the branches). The depiction of an organ in a room with a view of a landscape bears the inscription: “Cantate Domino canticum novum” (Sing a new song to the Lord). Under a bird that flies up and is held with a string, there is a quote from Paul's letter to the Philippians (1.23): “Cupio Dissolvi” (I want to part from the world).

The paintings on the gallery parapet are modern. They show King David bringing the ark to Jerusalem, the adoration of the Lamb , and a Corpus Christi procession .


The altars have been redesigned using parts from the late 17th century. The two wooden figures on the side of the main altar represent Peter and Paul and date from around 1765. Both hold a book as a sign of their apostleship . Peter carries a patriarchal cross and a key and the tiara is on his book . Paul wields a sword. In the predella niche of the south side altar is an alabaster figure of a crescent moon Madonna from the second half of the 17th century. The wooden figure of St. George in the predella niche of the north side altar dates from the 18th century.

The sculptures of St. Leonhard , with iron chains in hand, and St. Florian , depicted with a fire bucket and a burning house, were created in the second half of the 18th century. The figure of Saint Sebastian tied to a tree and pierced by arrows , with a putto on the trunk, dates back to the middle of the 18th century.

The fifteen Stations of the Cross , which are executed as paintings, date from the end of the 18th century . The carved, with Volutenornamenten decorated cheeks of the pews have survived the 17th century to the second half. The baptismal font , a limestone shell on a square baluster base, dates from around 1750.


  • The art monuments of the district of Dillingen an der Donau , edited by Werner Meyer, in the series: The art monuments of Bavaria. The art monuments of Swabia. Vol. VII. District of Dillingen on the Danube . Munich 1972, ISBN 3-486-43541-8 , pp. 863-867.
  • Georg Wörishofer, Alfred Sigg, Reinhard H. Seitz: Cities, Markets and Communities ; in: The district of Dillingen ad Donau in the past and present . Edited by the district of Dillingen an der Donau, 3rd revised edition, Dillingen an der Donau 2005, pp. 305–308.

Web links

Commons : Saints Peter and Paul  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Diocese of Augsburg

Coordinates: 48 ° 37 ′ 22.8 "  N , 10 ° 35 ′ 45.6"  E