Synagogue in the factory town

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Synagogue in the factory town
Synagogue in the factory town

Synagogue in the factory town

Construction year: 1895
Builder : Josef Kremmer
Architect : Leopold Baumhorn
Architectural style : neo-Moorish style combined with elements of the Italian Renaissance
Location: 45 ° 45 '22.7 "  N , 21 ° 14' 43.8"  O Coordinates: 45 ° 45 '22.7 "  N , 21 ° 14' 43.8"  E
Address: Strada Ion Luca Caragiale No. 2
Timiș , Romania
Purpose: Neolog synagogue
Front view of the synagogue

The Fabric Synagogue ( Romanian Sinagoga Maura din Fabric, Marea Sinagoga ) is a listed historic building and a former synagogue in the Strada Ion Luca Caragiale no. 2 in the II. District Fabric ( German  factory town ) the western Romanian city of Timisoara .


The year of construction of the first building used as a synagogue at this point is controversial, some sources date the construction to the year 1838, others to 1841. The synagogue was opened in 1870, when the local Jewish community of the faithful "status quo ante" of the Hungarian and Transylvanian Judaism joined. After 1879 the community turned to Neological Judaism.

The community grew and it was decided to build a new place of worship. The new synagogue was financed through collections in the community, a public lottery, and individual donations.

The synagogue was built in 1899 according to plans by the architect Leopold Baumhorn ( Lipót Baumhorn in Hungarian ) from Budapest . The construction was carried out by the local builder Josef Kremmer . The new building corresponded to the style of contemporary Reformed synagogues in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and is similar to the synagogues of Rijeka , Szolnok and Zrenjanin , which, like the synagogues in Brașov and Szeged, were built according to the plans of the same architect. The inauguration took place on September 3, 1899 in the presence of the head of the community, Alex Kohn, and the then mayor of Timișoara, Karl Telbisz .

The synagogue was closed at the end of the communist era in 1985, as the community had shrunk sharply after the Second World War due to the emigration of the majority of local Jews to Israel . The Jewish population was 13,600 after the war, but by 1971 it had dropped to 3,000. In 1998 it was estimated at around 900 members. Since it was closed, the synagogue has been vandalized and artifacts stolen several times . Due to the ongoing deterioration of the building, there is now a risk of collapse.

In the absence of financial means for the renovation, the Jewish community made the building available to the Romanian National Theater of Timișoara ( Romanian Teatrul Național Timișoara ) for performances for 35 years . The condition for this is that the building is to be renovated within five years and that no anti-Jewish, obscene or anti-human theater productions are shown.

See also: Judaism in Timișoara


The synagogue in the factory town is one of the most distinctive buildings in the city.

The building in neo-Moorish style combined with elements of the Italian Renaissance has a square floor plan. The central dome rests on an octagonal wooden structure with four columns.

The outer walls are provided with windows and round arches. On the polychrome facade, red brick alternates with plastered structural elements.

The synagogue has two entrances, one for men and a second for women. The organ is on the upper floor.


The organ was built in 1895 as Opus 16 by the master organ builder Carl Leopold Wegenstein . The pneumatic instrument has 13 registers with two manuals and a pedal . The action and the design of the console are similar to the millennium organ made in 1896 in St. Catherine's Church in the Cetate district . Since a break-in in which the organ was partially destroyed around 2003, it is no longer playable.

Disposition of the organ:

I Manual
Principal 8th'
Bourdon 8th'
Viola di gamba 8th'
Dolce 8th'
Octav 4 ′
Mixture IV
II manual
Violin Principal 8th'
Aeoline 8th'
Vox celeste 8th'
Fuvola 4 ′
Sub bass 16 ′
Octavbass 8th'
Cello bass 8th'


  • Ioan Munteanu, Rodica Munteanu: Timișoara monograph . Editura Mirton, Timișoara 2002, ISBN 973-585-650-6 , p. 570 .
  • Martin Eichler, Dan Leopold Ciobotaru, Martin Rill: Temeswar - Timișoara. A pearl of the Banat . Wort + Welt + Bild Verlag, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-9810825-6-2 , p. 208 .
  • Jakab Singer: Avatóbeszéd a temesvári gyárvárosi izraelita templom avatásának ünnepén 1899. szept. 3 , Bonyhád, 1899, in Romanian
  • I.Pintilie: Interferenţe regional în arhitectura de stil 1900 reflectată în opera lui Lipot Baumhorn In: Studii şi comunicări 7 , Arad, 2001–2002, pp. 316–317, in Romanian

Web links

Commons : Synagogue in the factory town  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ( Memento of September 21, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF file; 240 kB), Lista Monumentelor Istorice 2004 list of monuments of the Timiș County , TM-II-mB-06128, in Romanian
  2. , Timpolis, Monica Gaiță: Sinagogile, mărturia de multiculturalitate a timișorenilor , August 18, 20089, in Romanian
  3. Adevărul: Teatrul salvează o sinagogă veche de 120 de ani , May 20, 2009, in Romanian ( Memento from June 26, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  4. , Fișă de evaluare a obiectivului - Sinagoga din Fabric , in Romanian