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Szentkozmadombja coat of arms
Szentkozmadombja (Hungary)
Basic data
State : Hungary
Region : Western Transdanubia
County : Zala
Small area until December 31, 2012 : Zalaegerszeg
District since 1.1.2013 : Zalaegerszeg
Coordinates : 46 ° 41 ′  N , 16 ° 46 ′  E Coordinates: 46 ° 40 ′ 54 "  N , 16 ° 45 ′ 35"  E
Area : 5.09  km²
Residents : 76 (Jan. 1, 2011)
Population density : 15 inhabitants per km²
Telephone code : (+36) 92
Postal code : 8947
KSH kódja: 03124
Structure and administration (status: 2018)
Community type : local community
Mayor : Lajos Káli (independent)
Postal address : Jókai Mór u. 5
8947 Szentkozmadombja
(Source: A Magyar Köztársaság helységnévkönyve 2011. január 1st at Központi statisztikai hivatal )

Szentkozmadombja is a Hungarian community in the county Zalaegerszeg in Zala county .

Geographical location

Szentkozmadombja is located in the western part of Hungary, south of the town of Zalaegerszeg on the small river Béci-Patak . The neighboring municipality is Zalatárnok.


  • Roman Catholic cemetery chapel Szentháromság
  • Dervalics uradalmi castle ( Dervalics uradalmi kastély )

Sons and daughters of the church


Szentkozmadombja can only be reached by road No. 7545. The nearest train station is to the northeast in Bak .

Web links