Crime scene: friend Gregor

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Friend Gregor
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 85 minutes
classification Episode 101 ( List )
First broadcast July 1, 1979 on German television
Director Jürgen Roland
script Fred Zander
production Günter Handke
music Nils Sustrate
camera Bernd Schofeld
cut Luise Dreyer-Sachsenberg

Freund Gregor is the 101st TV film in the Tatort crime series. Produced by NDR , the episode was broadcast for the first time on July 1, 1979 on ARD's first program. It is the first case of MAD officer Delius, portrayed by Horst Bollmann .


The episode began with an opening credits, first showing the Napoleon quote "A spy at the right time is worth 20,000 men in the field" and then a statement by the then Federal Minister of Defense , Hans Apel .

Agent Gregor and his colleague are sent to the Federal Republic of Germany via the ČSSR to befriend the engineer Schuster and his wife. Schuster works at the Federal Office for Military Technology and Procurement (BWB) of the army and developed just for the air force a new system for fighter aircraft type F-4 Phantom to the fueling and arming time, the turnaround to shorten. During an exercise, however, the tank bursts and the machine catches fire.

As an enthusiastic mountain climber, Schuster met Gregor on a mountain tour in the Alps . Both couples become friends. However, due to his position as a keeper of secrets , Schuster is initially suspicious of every new acquaintance and has Gregor Bartsch (his code name) and his wife Marion checked by Delius at the Military Intelligence Service (MAD). The review surprisingly reveals no clues and the friendship grows closer. Due to various incidents, Delius gradually becomes suspicious of Gregor anyway. He makes it appear shadowed in order to generate a reaction. This succeeds when Gregor and his wife feel persecuted and panic shake off their tailor.

Over a meal, Gregor tells his new friend Schuster about an alleged conversation by BWB employee Kelch, who is said to have talked to two South Africans about the Leopard 2 . In doing so, he gets Schuster to talk about his project and the problem with the tank sealing. He cleverly put him in touch with a researcher from Liechtenstein who is supposedly working on a similar problem and trying to solve it with new plastics. A meeting with the researcher in Baden-Baden is to take place in an inn shortly . The suspicious shoemaker now hopes to get help in a simple and secret way, but the contact man suddenly takes the design papers and offers him money for it. While Gregor presses him to go into the business, she surprises Delius with his men, who had disguised themselves as guests and staff. Gregor flees, but is followed and arrested by the police in the parking lot. Schuster is disappointed by Gregor, who makes him feel with a derogatory remark that he was only a means to an end.

A few days later, Schuster's wife received a call from the air base that the new test had been successful and that her husband had played a major role in it.


The crime scene was supported by the Air Force and the Military Counterintelligence Service . The then MAD boss Gerd-Helmut Komossa had hours of conversations with the director. You can see the device of Jagdgeschwader 71 “Richthofen” at Wittmundhafen air base .


TV Spielfilm gives the thumbs up and remarked: "Well played, but somewhat sluggish agent crime."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Helmut R. Hammerich : “Always on the enemy!” - The Military Shield Service (MAD) 1956–1990 . 1st edition. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , Göttingen 2019, ISBN 978-3-525-36392-8 , pp. 451–456 ( limited preview in the Google book search - chapter: The “crime scene” episodes with MAD Lieutenant Colonel Delius).
  2. Crime scene: friend Gregor on TV Spielfilm (with pictures of the film)