Crime scene: Dangerous transmission

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Dangerous transmission
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 89 minutes
classification Episode 355 ( List )
First broadcast March 31, 1997 on Das Erste
Director Petra Haffter
script Eva Maria Mieke
production Georg Althammer
music Stefan Warmuth
camera David Slama
cut Barbara von Weitershausen

Dangerous Transmission is a German television thriller from NDR and was first broadcast on March 31, 1997 on Das Erste . It is the 355th episode in the crime series Tatort and the first of two cases by Chief Inspector Lea Sommer, played by Hannelore Elsner . The two episodes with Lea Sommer are long episodes of the crime series Die Kommissarin . Sommer has to do with the death of a young migrant daughter and the question of whether it was murder or suicide.


19-year-old Marcia Nasovicz falls from one of the Grindel skyscrapers to her death, hematomas on her body indicate external violence. The father of the Bosnian family tells Lea Sommer, who has just started her job in Hamburg, and her assistant Udo Verhoff that his daughter was bad and brought shame to the family because she did not live according to Muslim traditions. Marcia's mother, on the other hand, says that her daughter was always helpful and good at school and that she wanted to study after she had just passed her Abitur. The mother can imagine that her daughter would have committed suicide because of her father, Verhoff learns from neighbors that the father is violent. Marcia's sister Leila tells Sommer that her sister suffered from bulimia and is receiving psychotherapeutic treatment from Dr. Thoma was that Marcia had been on the right path since then. Detective Director Mackert informs Sommer that bruises on the corpse indicate premortal violence, apparently she jumped out of the stairwell on the eighth floor of the house. Dr. Thoma tells Sommer about the turmoil and the family background of Marcias, her father is a Bosnian Muslim, the mother a Catholic Croatian, the war in the homeland had weighed heavily on the family also because of the killed relatives there, but he knew nothing about domestic violence. The next day, Sommer and Verhoff found out from a resident of the Grindel high-rise that she had often seen Marcia go into a neighboring apartment; shortly before her death, a man with a foreign accent asked which apartment Marcia had gone to. Sommer learns that Dr. Thoma had rented this apartment and spoke to him about it after she had just gained confidence in him. Thoma assures Sommer that he only cooked for Marcia and ate with her in order to treat her bulimia with ease. In the end, he had to break off therapy with her to prevent the two of them from being too close, he never slept with her, and afterwards he avoided contact with Marcia.

Leila secretly slipped a page from Marcia's diary to Sommer and Verhoff, in which she indicated that she had had a sexual relationship with Thoma and that she was jealous of Laura Hammerstein, who was also a patient of Thoma. Shortly thereafter, the officials observe how Laura seems to be mourning Marcia, a wealthy woman tries in vain to calm the girl down. Sommer seeks out Thoma again, who continues to deny having had a sexual relationship with Marcia, Laura appears in front of Thomas' doorstep and believes that Thoma is now having a relationship with Sommer, Thoma prevents Sommer from being able to talk to Laura. Verhoff seeks out Erika Thoma, who is practically separated from her husband. She claims that she did not know Marcia or Laura, and that she is not interested in either the patients or her husband's lovers. Leila visits Sommer and gives her her sister's complete diary, in which she describes her relationship with Thoma. The other diary entries lead Sommer and Verhoff to the model agency of the fashion designer Theresa Moiser, Sommer recognizes in her the woman who tried to calm Laura down and also meets Laura, who claims to have been “treated” by Thoma for her penchant for women through sex . She didn't want to play sadomasochistic games with him and says that he exchanged her for Marcia because she had satisfied his obsessions. Laura refuses to report Thoma. Erika Thoma goes to Verhoff and testifies that Laura was with her husband in the apartment on the evening of Marcias's death, meanwhile Theresa visits Moiser Sommer and testifies that she is afraid for Laura. She is in love with Laura and wanted to help her to come to terms with herself, now she reproaches herself for driving Laura into Thoma's arms. Verhoff has now found out that Thoma wants to travel to Sydney surprisingly with his wife, Sommer and Moiser drive together to the Grindel tower, where Laura is waiting for Thoma. They watch Laura pleading with Thoma to come back to her and follow him to his apartment. Sommer and Verhoff arrest Thoma for the time being.

Laura admits that she was with Thoma on the evening of Marcia's death, that Marcia went to Thoma and begged him to start the relationship with her again, but Thoma had sent her away, Marcia probably committed suicide afterwards. Sommer reluctantly believes her and orders the release of Thoma, whom she still considers morally guilty. The next morning, Sommer learns that Thoma was murdered. On the way to the presidium, she runs into Theresa Moiser, who thanks her for her commitment, Laura is now more relaxed than she has been in a long time. Thoma was killed that night by cutting the carotid artery with a knife or scissors. Sommer visits Moiser's agency, where she learns that Laura has attempted suicide and Moiser has gone to her hospital. Verhoff seeks out Erika Thoma, who is shocked that she saw a young girl sitting in front of her husband's door the night before, who appeared to be distraught. Sommer visits Laura and Theresa in the harbor hospital, Moiser testifies that Laura did not come home the previous evening and that she was looking for Laura. She finally found it in Thomas' office, the door was open and she saw the tied Laura getting involved in sex games with Thoma, Moiser then took a pair of scissors and stabbed, Sommer temporarily arrested Moiser. Shortly afterwards, however, Sommer learns that scissors had been found as a murder weapon and that Laura and an unknown person who was not Moiser had fingerprints on it. Sommer seeks out Laura, she says that she drove to Thoma under the influence of pills and told him that he could do anything he wanted with her now, she wanted to die that evening, she didn't know more. Under pressure from Sommer, Laura finally admits that Leila suddenly appeared in the practice during her sex games with Thoma and stabbed her. Sommer and Verhoff only meet their mother in the Nasovicz apartment, she is proud of the daughter's deed and has sent her to relatives in Sarajevo. The officers can still intercept Leila at the airport, she is relieved that she does not have to go home and assures that she acted emotionally, Sommer promises to help her with the trial.


Dangerous transmission and nightmare were two special cases within the crime scene series. Commissioner Sommer (Hannelore Elsner), who acted in an independent crime series from 1994 to 2006, was integrated into the crime scene series for two episodes in 1997. The investigation location was moved to Hamburg and Til Schweiger , who acted as her assistant Nick Siegel until 1996, was replaced by Detective Inspector Udo Verhoff. It was not until 1999 that there were new episodes of the Commissioner in the usual short version of 48 minutes.


Audience rating

When it was first broadcast on March 31, 1997, the episode reached 6.63 million viewers and thus a market share of 20.70%. It was shot in Hamburg.


TV Spielfilm rated the film positively and judged: "Ms. Elsner cuts a good figure at the crime scene".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dangerous transmission on, accessed on March 18, 2016.
  2. ^ Dangerous transmission short review at, accessed on March 18, 2016.