The Big Bang Theory / Season 12

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Season 12 of The Big Bang Theory
Original title The Big Bang Theory - Season 12
TBBT logo.svg
Episodes 24
Country of production United StatesUnited States United States
First broadcast September 24, 2018 - May 16, 2019 on CBS
first broadcast
January 1, 2019 - November 12, 2019 on 3+ (CH)
◀   Season 11
Episode list

The first broadcast of the twelfth season of the US sitcom The Big Bang Theory was from September 24, 2018 to May 16, 2019 on the US TV channel CBS . It's the final season of the series. The German-language first broadcast has been on the Swiss private broadcaster 3+ since January 1, 2019 . The German Free TV transmitter ProSieben sends the season since 7 January of 2019.


Role name actor
Dr. Leonard Leakey Hofstadter Johnny Galecki
Dr. Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper Jim Parsons
Penny Hofstadter Kaley Cuoco
Howard Joel Wolowitz, M. Eng. Simon Helberg
Dr. Rajesh "Raj" Ramayan Koothrappali Kunal Nayyar
Dr. Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski-Wolowitz Melissa Rauch
Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler Mayim Bialik
Stuart Bloom Kevin Sussman


( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (CH) Director script Odds
256 1 The random chance sex The conjugal configuration Sep 24 2018 Jan. 1, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Steve Holland, Maria Ferrari & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre , Eric Kaplan & Tara Hernandez
12.92 million
Sheldon and Amy start their honeymoon at Legoland in New York. Sheldon has put the coitus in a schedule. Sheldon's lack of spontaneity annoys Amy. Sheldon apologizes to Amy, makes it clear to her that the schedule was only intended not to forget her intimacy, and promises to program a pseudo-random schedule algorithm for it.

Raj reports live for Channel 3 about an upcoming swarm of meteorites. He insults Neil deGrasse Tyson and the program ends. Raj starts a Twitter feud with Dr. Tyson. He only ended this when he was told by Dr. Tyson is called. Dr. Tyson also calls Bill Nye , who hangs up immediately.

Amy's father, Larry, hides in Amy's apartment from his wife, but is found by Amy's mother. Leonard compares their marriage to his, which annoys Penny. He successfully apologizes to her the next morning. When Amy's mother wants to spend more time with Penny, Penny throws Larry out of Amy's apartment.

257 2 The thank you card mystery The Wedding Gift Wormhole 27 Sep 2018 Jan. 8, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Dave Goetsch, Eric Kaplan & Andy Gordon
Idea: Steve Holland, Steven Molaro & Maria Ferrari
12.04 million
While writing the thank you cards for their wedding favors, Sheldon and Amy wonder what the purpose of a clear glass stick they got from Leonard and Penny. Since no one wants to tell them that it is a chakra stick from Raj that has been given away twice, they go on a scavenger hunt that leads them to a photo tag and sunglasses from the lost and found box of their favorite café. They enthusiastically return the favor by encrypting Leonard and Penny's WiFi passwords.

For a date with his employee Denise, Stuart dyes his hair and puts on too much self-tanner. She goes out with him anyway, but can't help making snappy comments about how he looks.

Desperate about his non-existent love life, Raj asks his father to arrange a marriage for him.

258 3 The Indian marriage questionnaire The Procreation Calculation 4th Oct 2018 Jan 15, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Steve Holland, Maria Ferrari & Anthony Del Broccolo
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Tara Hernandez & Adam Faberman
12.29 million
Raj plans his first date with Anu, the woman his father has chosen for him. He has previously filled out an Indian marriage questionnaire, which he also wants to send to Leonard and Penny, since Leonard does not know Penny's dream vacation. When answering it, it turns out that Penny doesn't actually want any children. Bernadette tries to convince her otherwise. When Penny confirms this to Leonard, who at some point would like to have children, Leonard storms out of the apartment in anger. Amy is bitterly disappointed that she planned to raise children at the same time as Penny. When Penny wants to apologize to Leonard, who is initially satisfied with his life by Penny's side, her father calls to accuse her of the prospect of missing grandchildren. Leonard finally gets a ride in the Batmobile from Penny .

Stuart shows Denise his room and turns on romantic music, which worries Howard and Bernadette. When they turn on music themselves to get intimate, they wake up the children.

Anu is direct and confident, which makes Raj insecure. His wedding plans are mainly rejected by Howard. Raj accuses him of insulting his culture. Howard later apologizes to him. When Anu brings up the topic of finance and taxes, Raj initially backs down as a romantic, but then says yes when Anu proposes to him.

259 4th The Tam turbulence The Tam Turbulence Oct 11, 2018 Jan. 22, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Dave Goetsch, Eric Kaplan & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Steve Holland, Steven Molaro & Maria Ferrari
12.94 million
Tam, Sheldon's best friend from childhood, wants to show his son the Caltech . Since Sheldon has not spoken to him for 20 years, Leonard, Howard and Raj try to find a reason for the long break on Sheldon's list of enemies. Tam's name is on the list. To determine the reason, they speak to Tam directly. Sheldon accuses him of not having moved to California. When Leonard thinks this is idiotic, Sheldon temporarily appoints Howard to be his best friend. After talking to Amy, he forgives Tam and Leonard because his life was so great too.

Penny and Bernadette begin gathering information on Raj's fiancée, Anu. You visit Anu at work at the hotel reception. They get along great over dinner together. During the conversation, Raj's female side is also discussed in detail, which Raj is then very upset about. Penny and Bernadette plan a second meeting with Anu to limit the damage.

260 5 The planetarium bromine The Planetarium Collision Oct 18, 2018 Jan. 29, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Steve Holland, Maria Ferrari & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Eric Kaplan, Andy Gordon & Alex Ayers
12.22 million
Sheldon and Amy continue to work on their asymmetry theory. Since Amy is also working on her own projects, Sheldon lets Amy withdraw from her research through the university president. Amy reacts upset for investing years in her research. Even a conversation with President Siebert does not provide any clarification. After a dream by Professor Proton, Sheldon wakes Amy to settle their argument. Amy explains to him that she is afraid of losing her own things in the relationship. Sheldon apologizes to her.

Howard wants to support Raj with his planetarium talk. But Raj refuses, which hurts Howard's feelings. He assures him that he will have no problem being in the limelight with Howard. Eventually he agrees, but is afraid that Howard will steal the show from him. In the planetarium they praise each other in the highest tones and confess their friendly love for one another, which irritates Bernadette.

261 6th The imitation irritation The imitation perturbation Oct 25, 2018 Feb 5, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Eric Kaplan, Jeremy Howe & Adam Faberman
Idea: Steve Holland, Maria Ferrari & Tara Hernandez
12.99 million
Howard dresses up as Sheldon for Halloween. This is initially not understood by Sheldon. When Leonard and Raj laughingly point this out to him, he realizes how much reason for ridicule he gives the clique. Amy demands that Howard apologize to Sheldon. Bernadette wants the two of them to sort this out between themselves. At the Halloween party, Sheldon and Amy appear as Howard and Bernadette, respectively. Howard and Bernadette then leave the party, offended. Howard demands an apology from Bernadette. Sheldon apologizes to her by listing the insults of his youth.

Leonard and Penny discuss the situation in which they had their first kiss. Penny feels that their actual first kiss is undignified, so they declare the second kiss to be the official first kiss.

262 7th The rejection attraction The Grant Allocation Derivation Nov 1, 2018 Feb 12, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Steve Holland, Dave Goetsch & Maria Ferrari
Idea: Eric Kaplan, Anthony Del Broccolo & Alex Yonks
12.64 million
The gang build a playhouse for Howard and Bernadette's children while Sheldon shares his knowledge. Bernadette uses the new hiding place every day to take a much-needed break from her family. When Penny and finally Amy join them, it becomes a secret club. Howard has long known, but willingly plays the game, also to have an argument for his future missteps.

President Siebert wants Leonard to decide to whom funds from administrative grants should be distributed. He accepts the responsibility and then has to grapple with the sloppiness and extravagant proposals of the supplicants. Penny takes a liking to Leonard's gestures of rejection. He restricts the selection to three applications, but cannot decide any further. President Siebert refuses to finance three projects. Sheldon doesn't want to help him. Without further ado, Leonard submits his own application and approves it.

263 8th The execution refusal The Consummation Deviation Nov 8, 2018 19th Feb 2019 Mark Cendrowski Eric Kaplan, Andy Gordon & Adam Faberman
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Steve Holland & Maria Ferrari
12.85 million
Raj invites the clique to his wedding in India. Anu is planning her first sex with Raj over the weekend. Raj worries that the sex might not be good. Due to the stressful situation, his problem of not being able to talk to women returns, which he has to solve with champagne. After Raj admits this, Anu replies that she can't stand music. At night there is an extensive conversation. The next morning they jump into the shower together.

Sheldon worries that he's not spending enough time with Amy's family. He's dating Amy's father, Larry. But this is only impressed by Howard's magic skills. Sheldon befriends Amy's mother. It turns out that Amy uses Sheldon's alleged social obligations as an excuse not to have to spend time with her mother.

264 9 The Russian refutation The Citation Negation Nov 15, 2018 Feb. 26, 2019 Kristy Cecil Steve Holland, Dave Goetsch & Maria Ferrari
Idea: Eric Kaplan, Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
12.56 million
Sheldon and Amy award the source research for their work on super-asymmetry to Leonard and Raj after Leonard proves himself loyal by keeping the made-up secret that Sheldon is having an affair with a woman from the Caltech canteen. In the library they find a Russian article that they have Howard translate and that refutes Sheldon and Amy's work. Leonard hesitates to tell Sheldon, but Penny urges him to do so. Sheldon completely loses his nerve. When Amy too has to admit that she is devastated, the two of them retreat to the couch, depressed. Even Chinese food can no longer cheer you up.

Howard and Raj play Fortnite . Bernadette wants to play along, but fails miserably. Penny, on the other hand, turns out to be a natural talent in Fortnite. Bernadette trains intensively with Stuart's assistant Denise, but still has no chance against Howard. Penny then lets her win against her, which Bernadette celebrates exuberantly.

265 10 The theory grief The VCR Illumination Dec 6, 2018 5th Mar 2019 Mark Cendrowski Maria Ferrari, Andy Gordon & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Steve Holland, Steven Molaro & Bill Prady
12.52 million
When Sheldon questions all of his beliefs after the rebuttal of the super-asymmetry theory and Amy worries about it, Leonard pulls a video cassette from the safe containing an emergency encouragement from Sheldon's childhood. The decisive sentences of the young Sheldon were, however, covered over by a football game. Leonard's mother suggests a mourning ritual performed by Sheldon in the form of a Viking theory burial in the bathtub. The bathtub curtain catches fire. The video also contains a football halftime speech by Sheldon's dad, in which he calls for never giving up. The differences and similarities between Sheldon and his dad let Amy realize that her theory must be interpreted in an observer-dependent manner. Then both rush back to work.

Bernadette encourages Howard to apply to the Magic Castle with his magic show, which she saw an old video of . She offers to help him with the show. Howard decides, however, to present the show in his own way in front of the Magic Castle , which fails spectacularly.

266 11 The paintball partner crises The paintball scattering Jan. 3, 2019 March 12 2019 Mark Cendrowski Steve Holland, Eric Kaplan & Anthony Del Broccolo
Idea: Maria Ferrari, Tara Hernandez & Adam Faberman
12.55 million
The online comments on Sheldon and Amy's published work are exuberant. You are invited by President Siebert into his private dining room. In the planned media campaign, Sheldon should not give interviews due to his lack of social skills. Amy's excellently executed media work irritates Sheldon, as a headline makes Amy appear as the sole participant. In a paintball battle initiated by Leonard and Penny, a heated argument ensues between the two. An attempt to interview Sheldon fails immediately.

Stuart's friend Denise is looking for a new roommate. This offer makes Stuart run away in a panic. During the paintball battle, he is massively shot at by Denise. Leonard and Penny encourage him to be more proactive. Stuart then gives her the key to Howard and Bernadette's apartment.

Using a front door camera, Raj sees his fiancée Anu let a man into her apartment. According to Anu, this is her ex-boyfriend who wanted to pick up a few things. Since he doesn't know Anu enough, Raj then questions the planned wedding.

267 12 The Propagation Proposition The Propagation Proposition Jan. 10, 2019 19 Mar 2019 Mark Cendrowski Maria Ferrari, Dave Goetsch & Eric Kaplan
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Steve Holland & Jeremy Howe
13.53 million
Penny, Bernadette and Amy meet in a bar while their husbands and Raj host a Dungeons and Dragons evening. The friends make it clear to Raj that he should try again with Anu. He talks to her and Anu realizes that they broke up long ago. His father speaks to his conscience and urges a quick decision for or against the wedding. Raj asks Anu on a new first date. She agrees.

Penny's ex-boyfriend, Zack, hands out a bottle of champagne to the friends, revealing that he got married and made a fortune selling his company. He invites Leonard and Penny to dinner on his boat. Leonard is jealous of Zack's success. Penny feels the same way. Zack and his wife ask Leonard to donate semen because Zack is sterile. Leonard wants time to think it over and has a violent argument with Penny. Bernadette and Amy stand by Leonard. Sheldon represents the emotional problems of the decision. Penny finally agrees, because she doesn't want any children herself and therefore doesn't really have a say.

268 13 The attempt to steal the Nobel Prize The Confirmation Polarization Jan. 17, 2019 27 Aug 2019 Mark Cendrowski Steve Holland, Maria Ferrari & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Eric Kaplan, Andy Gordon & Anthony Del Broccolo
13.32 million
During a new episode of Fun with Flags , Sheldon and Amy learn that their theory has been confirmed by an experiment. President Siebert then gives them hope for the Nobel Prize. Since the Nobel Prize can only be awarded to a maximum of three people, the two scientists, who by chance became aware of the theory through a failed experiment and also claim the Nobel Prize, propose to exclude Amy from the award. This annoys Sheldon. When Amy learns about this, she agrees to make Sheldon happy. But Sheldon managed to get President Siebert to get the university to fight for the Nobel Prize for both of them.

Bernadette's drug, which she developed over five years, was approved. She wants Penny to be a sales manager. Penny leads Bernadette into thinking that she still has work to do for her boss because she is worried that she is not good enough for the job. Bernadette sees through Penny and ultimately convinces her otherwise.

269 14th The motion detector annoyance The Meteorite Manifestation Jan. 31, 2019 3rd Sep 2019 Mark Cendrowski Eric Kaplan, Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Steve Holland & Maria Ferrari
13.66 million
Because Howard and Bernadette are blinded by a motion detector-controlled spotlight on the neighbors' balcony on their terrace, they want to have the legality of the balcony checked by the land surveying office. Sheldon offers to help fill out the necessary forms. When he learns that the terrace (and bathroom) were built without a permit, he considers filing a complaint. But since he recognizes the value of true friendship, he instead causes the neighbors to tear down their balcony.

The geologist Bert suspects an organic structure inside a found meteorite. Instead of Leonard's new laser, he would like to use his diamond saw for this. Leonard, who suffers severely from his allergy, sneaks secretly into the office with the meteorite and opens it with the laser. The released organic matter arouses in him the desire for human flesh and he bites the newly arrived Bert and Raj. Bathed in sweat, Leonard wakes up from a feverish dream.

270 15th The stallion dilemma The Donation Oscillation Feb. 7, 2019 Sep 10 2019 Mark Cendrowski Steve Holland, Dave Goetsch & Maria Ferrari
Idea: Bill Prady, Jeremy Howe & Adam Faberman
13.97 million
Zack and his wife Marissa thank Leonard for his willingness to donate sperm (episode 12: The reproduction proposal ), but make it clear to him that he has to go without sex for five days. Leonard agrees. When Penny's father Wyatt comes to visit and the topic comes up, Wyatt compares Leonard to a stallion. Leonard flees from his suddenly sex-crazy wife on Sheldon and Amy's couch. Penny confesses to her father that she is afraid of disappointing everyone and that she is unsure about children. Wyatt assures her of his unconditional support. When Leonard realizes that Penny is trying to sabotage the matter and he realizes that it will not actually be his child, he tells Zack and Marissa off. Amy forbids Sheldon to step in as a substitute.

Howard has four cards for the so-called " Kotzbomber ". After Sheldon, Leonard and Bert have canceled, he finally takes along with Raj and his fiancée Anu as well as Bernadette (instead of Stuart), who quickly goes bad (and is therefore unsuitable for the flight in Howard's eyes), but who wants to prove that Howard doesn't know her as well as he thinks. When she wants to back down shortly before the start, her argument turns against her. Because of her stubbornness, she eventually finds herself on the plane, much to her displeasure.

271 16 The celebrity embarrassment The D&D Vortex Feb. 21, 2019 17 Sep 2019 Mark Cendrowski Eric Kaplan, Andy Gordon & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Steve Holland, Maria Ferrari & Anthony Del Broccolo
13.48 million
After Sheldon puked on the shirt of surprise guest William Shatner in excitement on Wil Wheaton's Professor Proton Show , he apologizes at Wil's doorstep to find out that Wil is hosting D&D evenings with celebrities at his home. Via Instagram, the clique recognized that Stuart was also participating. This does not withstand the cross-examination of the friends and leaves the D&D group. Instead, Leonard is allowed to participate, who cannot keep to himself from Penny that in addition to Wil and William Shatner, Kevin Smith , Joe Manganiello and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar are also part of the D&D round. Penny, Bernadette and Amy, who all three adore Manganiello, want to play along. Because of this betrayal of secrets Leonard is again discharged. Wil accuses Sheldon, Raj and Howard, who are now crowding into his house, of only being liked by them because he knows famous people. He does not accept the friend's offer to play D&D with them, but instead allows Penny, Bernadette and Amy to play, who rub this under their noses by taking a photo.
272 17th The human-frog problem The Conference Valuation 7th Mar 2019 Sep 24 2019 Mark Cendrowski Steve Holland, Maria Ferrari & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Eric Kaplan
12.99 million
As head of the sales team for a new drug, Penny goes to a trade fair with Bernadette, where, among other things, she gets to know the competition because they want to poach her. Bernadette finds it ungrateful of Penny that she thinks about the offer, since she got the job as sales manager in the first place because of her. After an argument, however, she makes it clear to Penny how important she is to her, and so Penny stays with her in the company. Meanwhile, Howard looks after the two children and uses the opportunity to invite the other friends over for a few games. Sheldon is not in the mood for babysitting, but the possibility that Amy mentioned that she can carry out some harmless experiments with the babies changes him. While the others are having fun with the children, Leonard experiences déjà vu and asks his mother Beverly if he was just an experiment for her during his childhood. She admits that he is still running from her as an experiment even today.
273 18th The Nobel Laureate Insult The Laureate Accumulation 4th Apr 2019 Oct. 1, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Dave Goetsch, Eric Kaplan & Maria Ferrari
Idea: Steve Holland, Adam Faberman & David Saltzberg
12.22 million
Dr. Campbell and Dr. Pemberton are going on a PR tour to raise their profile for a possible Nobel Prize award on the subject of super asymmetry. Among other things, you create physical music videos and are also guests of Ellen on the show. Sheldon and Amy as well as the university management fear that they will be disadvantaged and therefore want to give a reception with award-winning scientists in order to convince the professional world of Amy's and Sheldon's performance. Unfortunately, Sheldon has lost it with many of the planned guests in the past. When home-baked biscuits don't help either, Leonard and Penny visit the scientists and convince them to come to the reception and see for themselves. However, when Dr. Campbell and Dr. Pemberton show up, Amy's fuses blow. While looking after the babies, Bernadette hears a touching story about an astronaut that Howard tells the babies to sleep. Since her drawing skills are almost zero, she asks Stuart for help. When the latter shows the designed book to a publisher, Howard fears that his person will be exposed in the event of a possible publication. But Bernadette appeals to the intention and the truth of the story and thus changes it.
274 19th The roller revival The Inspiration Deprivation April 18, 2019 Oct 8, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Steve Holland, Anthony Del Broccolo & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Eric Kaplan, Maria Ferrari & Andy Gordon
11.44 million
Amy and Sheldon are pummeled for their behavior in the human resources office. Then the new strategy is decided that the two no longer express themselves publicly from now on. This is particularly difficult for Sheldon. To relax, they go to floating tanks . While Sheldon is gliding deeply relaxed through endless amounts of Mandelbrot , Amy is trapped in her own guilt allegations because she sees herself as a figurehead for all women in science and is accordingly under pressure. After a conversation with Penny and Leonard, Sheldon stands by Amy soothingly. This helps her so that she goes to the HR office for clarification. Howard happens to see a scooter that looks similar to his previous scooter. On the spur of the moment, he buys a new scooter without telling Bernadette. He and Raj have a lot of fun on the rides until Bernadette gets wind of the matter. While she is afraid for him and doesn't want him to drive, he misses the freedom to make his own decisions. Ultimately, he sells the scooter to Bert.
275 20th The decision-making confusion The Decision Reverberation 25 Apr 2019 Oct 15, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Eric Kaplan, Maria Ferrari & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Tara Hernandez
11.84 million
The friends watch the new Avengers movie in 3D . Unfortunately, Leonard gets sick. He knew in advance that this could happen, but he didn't advocate the film in 2D, which supports Sheldon's thesis that Leonard is a satisficer . Penny wants to support him so that he can do something for himself. This leads to conflicts not only with Sheldon but also with Penny after Leonard announces that he is considering moving to another university. Fortunately, he got a project at the university that made him happy again. Raj discovers astronomical objects and does not want to rule out from the outset that these are connected to extraterrestrial life, as this would contradict his scientific attitude. However, this makes him a laughing stock with colleagues and in the press.
276 21st The plagiarism problem The Plagiarism Schism 2nd May 2019 Oct 22, 2019 Nikki Lorre Steve Holland, Dave Goetsch & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Eric Kaplan, Maria Ferrari & Adam Faberman
12.48 million
Sheldon and Amy are looking for a clarification conversation with Dr. Pemberton and Dr. Campell, which, however, does not really end successfully. In doing so, however, they meet Kripke, who informs them that he has evidence of plagiarism by Dr. Pemberton has. Sheldon and Amy are grappling with whether a publication and an accompanying termination of Dr. Pemberton is morally acceptable. Leonard has a clear opinion on this and secretly wants to help them by announcing the plagiarism in their place. Penny chats, however, so Sheldon and Amy clearly tell Leonard that they don't want that. Instead, they give the evidence to Dr. Pemberton and give him a choice: publication or withdrawal on the subject of the Nobel Prize. Dr. Campell is very disappointed in his partner and the duo breaks up. Bernadette admits to Howard that there used to be another waitress at the Cheesecake Factory who was interested in him. Howard looks for her out of vanity, but then realizes that he doesn't care about Bernadette at his side.
277 22nd The Notting Hill Paradigm The Maternal Conclusion May 9, 2019 Oct 29, 2019 Kristy Cecil Maria Ferrari, Andy Gordon & Anthony Del Broccolo
Idea: Steve Holland, Eric Kaplan & Jeremy Howe
12.59 million
Beverly is visiting her son Leonard. Her friendly demeanor confuses him, and it turns out that she's only so kind in the context of observations for her new book. Leonard is very hurt by this, but draws a line and forgives his mother because he can't change her anyway. This takes them on unexpectedly emotionally. With Raj, Stuart and Denise in the apartment, it's too much for Bernadette and Howard. Under these circumstances Denise and Stuart want to move into her apartment together because they love each other. Raj is considering moving to London because Anu has taken a permanent job as a manager there and he sees her as the last chance for family and children, despite their conflicts of interest.
278 23 The no-constant disaster The Change Constant 16th May 2019 Nov. 5, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Chuck Lorre, Steve Holland, Steven Molaro, Bill Prady, Dave Goetsch, Eric Kaplan, Maria Ferrari, Andy Gordon, Anthony Del Broccolo, Tara Hernandez, Jeremy Howe & Adam Faberman 18.52 million
Sheldon, Leonard, Amy and Penny try to stay awake so as not to miss the call from the Nobel Committee. When Amy receives it, Sheldon can only believe the positive news when Leonard slaps him. They are attacked by the media on the doorstep, whereupon Sheldon flees in panic. He hides in his office from interviews. Amy is very concerned about looking disadvantageous in photos. Raj offers himself as a style consultant. Sheldon doesn't agree at all with the overwhelming result. Although the elevator has now been repaired, he escapes using the stairs. Penny shows him how much he has changed and that change is the only constant in life. Leonard goes wild about how considerate he was to Sheldon and accidentally destroys Sheldon's DNA model.
279 24 The Stockholm Syndrome The Stockholm Syndrome 16th May 2019 Nov 12, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Chuck Lorre, Steve Holland, Steven Molaro, Bill Prady, Dave Goetsch, Eric Kaplan, Maria Ferrari, Andy Gordon, Anthony Del Broccolo, Tara Hernandez, Jeremy Howe & Adam Faberman 18.52 million
Sheldon finally accepts the changes in his surroundings and takes the elevator to his apartment. Together with Leonard he rebuilds the destroyed DNA model. Sheldon and Amy are preparing the trip to Stockholm they have invited their friends on. Howard and Bernadette leave their children with Stuart and Denise. Sheldon practices his speech and swears his friends to deal with the Swedes. On the flight, Leonard and Penny can no longer hide the fact that Penny is pregnant. Sheldon's hypothermic reaction to this news annoys Leonard, who calls him an egoist. Despite Sheldon's cold feelings and problems in California, the friends decide to support Sheldon and Amy and not leave.

Amy uses her speech to the Nobel Committee to get women excited about science. Sheldon thanks his family and everyone who has helped him in his life for their tolerance. He calls up his friends individually, apologizes to them for his selfishness and confesses his love to them and his wife.

The Big Bang Theory ends like the opening credits with a dinner for friends on the couch and a melancholy acoustic version of the theme song.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nellie Andreeva: 'The Big Bang Theory' To End Run After 12 Seasons . In: . August 22, 2018. Retrieved August 22, 2018.
  2. The Big Bang Theory: Season 12 Ratings . In: . May 17, 2019. Retrieved May 18, 2019.