The Light That Failed

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Original title The light that failed
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1939
length 97 minutes
Director William A. Wellman
script Robert Carson
production William A. Wellman
music Richard Hagemann ,
Victor Young
camera Theodor Sparkuhl
cut Thomas Scott

The Light that Failed is a film by William A. Wellman based on a novel by Rudyard Kipling from 1939. The themes of war representation and observation from outside are processed. It was produced by Paramount Pictures .


The British artist Dick Heldar returns with some eye injuries from Sudan back to the England of the 1890s. He resumes his old job as a painter. As his realistic paintings about the war in Sudan became more and more popular, he also began to devote himself to romantic art. However, the pain from the old war wound is getting harder and harder to bear, and he realizes that he will soon go blind. Before this is finally done, however, Heldar would like to draw his masterpiece with the name "Melancholia", for which he uses the prostitute Bessie as a model. He always gets very drunk while painting to better endure the pain and strengthen his eyesight. During the work, he often makes his model hysterical , as in his opinion the poses are never good enough.

He loses all of his eyesight and collapses just as he finishes his masterpiece. When Dick Heldar is down, Bessie takes the opportunity and destroys the work in revenge for always making her incandescent by smearing the painting. When Dick invites his girlfriend Maisie to his studio , she immediately notices the incident, but she cannot bring herself to tell him the truth. While Dick and Maisie are still in the studio, Bessie comes back and admits that she destroyed the picture.

In desperation, Dick travels back to Sudan and becomes a member of his old company again . He can convince his friend Torpenhow to put him on a horse and send him against the enemy lines, on this ride he is shot.

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