Theodor Kölliker

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Theodor Kölliker (born May 28, 1852 in Würzburg , † July 10, 1937 in Leipzig ) was a German surgeon and a pioneer in surgical orthopedics.


Kölliker studied at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg , the Georg-August University of Göttingen , the University of Basel and the Friedrichs University of Halle . His teachers were Wenzel von Linhart , Wilhelm Baum , August Socin , Richard von Volkmann and his father. In 1875 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD . He was an assistant in anatomy and dermatology at the University Hospital Würzburg . He was trained as a surgeon with Carl Hermann Schildbach in Leipzig. He turned to the treatment of congenital and acquired deformities and completed his habilitation in 1881. He followed his teacher Schildbach in the management of the polyclinic. He separated them from the private therapeutic gymnastics institute and pursued their operational orientation. The University of Leipzig appointed him associate professor for orthopedic surgery in 1890 . From 1902 he also read war surgery and field medical service. Not until 1922 - at the age of 70 - was he given the chair . In 1923 he retired .

Kölliker was a member of the Corps Makaria Würzburg (1871), Guestphalia Leipzig (1872), Verdensia Göttingen (1874), Guestphalia Würzburg (1875) and Hercynia Göttingen (1922).



  • Contributions to the knowledge of the mammary gland . Wuerzburg 1879.
  • Injuries and surgical diseases of the peripheral nerves . German surgery 24 (1890).
  • The amputations and disarticulations with special consideration of the artificial limbs. For doctors and students . Leipzig 1925.

See also


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Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: On the treatment of syphilis with subcutaneous calomel injections (1877).
  2. Habilitation thesis: About the intermaxillary bone of humans and the anatomy of the harelip and the wolf's throat .
  3. ^ Theodor Kölliker in the professorial catalog of the University of Leipzig
  4. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 140/46; 49/56; 139/21; 92/169; 44/213.