Theodor Wilhelm Brüel

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Theodor Wilhelm Brüel (* 1810 in Lautenthal ; † April 11, 1885 in Hanover ) was a Hanoverian coin technician and finance advisor.


1 (silver) thaler of the Kingdom of Hanover from 1865 with the portrait of King George V , the signature " BREHMER F. " on the neck section and the Mmz. B for Bruel

Theodor Wilhelm Brüel was born at the time of the Electorate of Braunschweig-Lüneburg during the personal union between Great Britain and Hanover and the so-called " French period " in 1810 as the eldest son of the clerk Brüel, who was active in Lautenthal in the Harz region .

In the early years of the Kingdom of Hanover , Brüel was sent to Göttingen in 1822 to study silver smelting and for a year . In 1836 he was appointed a silver smelter's assistant. In 1837 he was sent to Berlin for further studies and in 1838 received the post of mountain counter-tester.

As early as 1835, Brüel took part as one of the experts at the first exhibition of the trade association for the Kingdom of Hanover .

In 1837, Brüel, as a smelter at the time, was in charge of the brass works near Heegermühle (near Eberswalde). He wrote a handwritten inspection report about this, which later came to the Clausthal University Library .

On January 8, 1839, Brüel became Münzwardein at the Hanover Mint under the mint master Carl Schlueter . After Schlüter's death, he was appointed mint master on May 8, 1844 .

In 1853 Brüel received the title of Finance Councilor. In 1855 he joined the ministry of Wilhelm von Borries , and in the following year 1856 he was awarded the title of secret finance council by King George V of Hanover and the position of general secretary of the Hanoverian finance ministry.

In 1857 he acted as agent of the Kingdom of Hanover for the intended coinage treaty between the Austrian Empire and the Principality of Liechtenstein on the one hand and the states of the German Customs Union on the other.

Brüel also worked as a member of the Hanover State Council and the commission at Marienburg Castle .

Brüel drew his coins - similar to its predecessor Ludewig August Brüel who sometimes but be Münzmeisterzeichen LB used - with the letter B .

Even after the Kingdom of Prussia annexed the smaller state of Hanover after the Battle of Langensalza in 1866 , Brüel remained director of the Hanoverian Mint until he retired on December 1, 1868.

Wilhelm Brüel was a holder of the Royal Hanover Guelph Order IV class.


  • handwritten report on the 1837 inspection of the Hegermühle brass works


  • Johannes Kretzschmar : The royal mint in Hanover . In: Journal of the Historical Association for Lower Saxony 1902, pp. 4-63, esp. Pp. 28ff. ( Digitized version ).
  • Leonard Forrer: Biographical dictionary of medallists . Vol. 1, London 1904, p. 132 ( digitized version ).
  • Wilhelm Rothert : Brüel , in ders .: General Hannoversche Biografie , Vol. 2, In the Old Kingdom of Hanover 1814–1866 . Sponholtz, Hannover 1914, p. 523.

Web links

Commons : Theodor Wilhelm Brüel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Journal of the Historical Association for Lower Saxony , 1902, p. 28; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. n.v . : Brüel, ... in the database of Niedersächsische Personen ( new entry required ) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek [undated], last accessed on December 9, 2019
  3. Franz von Reden : Report on the first exhibition of domestic industrial products organized by the trade associations for the Kingdom of Hanover in the months of May and June 1835 ... , in: Karl Karmarsch , Franz von Reden (Red.): Mittheilungen des Gewerbe Association for the Kingdom of Hanover , 7th delivery, Hanover 1835; P. 402; online through google books
  4. a b Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch , volumes 57–59, 1976, p. 99. ( limited preview in Google book search)
  5. a b c C. G. Thieme: Blätter für Münzfreunde , monthly for coin and foam coinage, organ of the Numismatic Association in Dresden , Vol. 4, 1881, p. 618. ( limited preview via Google books)
  6. a b Brüel. In: Wilhelm Rothert: General Hannoversche Biography , Vol. 2, In the Old Kingdom of Hanover 1814–1866 . Sponholtz, Hannover 1914, p. 523.
  7. Coin Agreement. In: Official Journal of the Royal Government of Merseburg. Merseburg 1857, p. 205. ( limited preview via Google books)
  8. Georg Kaspar Nagler : The monogrammists and those known and unknown artists of all schools who use a figurative sign, the initials of the name, the abbreviation of the same to designate their works, & c. have operated ... Vol. 1, Georg Franz, Munich 1858, p. 703 ( limited preview via Google books)