Thor - The Almighty

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German title Thor - The Almighty
Original title Almighty Thor
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2011
length 92 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Christopher Ray
script Erik Estenberg
production David Michael Latt ,
David Rimawi ,
Paul Bales
music Chris Ridenhour
camera Alexander Yellen
cut Benjamin Lee Cooper ,
Ron Santiano

Thor is a 2011 American fantasy film directed by Christopher Ray and produced by The Asylum . In the same year a blockbuster was created with Thor .


In Asgard, Loki wants to get possession of the invincible hammer in order to destroy the tree of life. Odin resists and is murdered together with one of his son Baldir. The surviving son Thor turns out to be a wimp who first has to be initiated into the high art of the warcraft by Jarnsaxa. A few humiliations by Loki later, Thor finds himself in what is now Los Angeles and finally there is a final fight with Loki.


Thor Almighty was released in the US on May 7th, 2011. The film was released in Germany on February 24, 2012. On August 7, 2015, Thor - The Almighty was shown as part of the series The worst films of all times (SchleFaZ) on Tele 5 on German television, where he was commented on by Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Rütten .


The lexicon of international films criticized the film as a "[h] angry fantasy film that is more conspicuous due to involuntary comedy, non-existent acting and bad special effects".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Thor - The Almighty. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed August 9, 2015 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used