Railcar of the Oberweißbacher Bergbahn

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Class 479 railcars on the adhesion line

The railcars of the Oberweißbacher Bergbahn have been operated by the Deutsche Reichsbahn under the series designation 279.2 since 1969 . In 1992 they were re-designated as the 479.2 series.

Two different generations of electric railcars of the Oberweißbacher Bergbahn , the original railcars from 1923 and the conversion cars from before 1982, as well as the new constructions from 1982/1984, called reconstructions, were classified in the 279.2 series.

First generation

279 201-8 ex ET 188 531

ET 188 531/279 201-8
Hp Cursdorf, 279 001 (b) .jpg
Number: 1
Manufacturer: Gothaer Waggonfabrik / Bergmann
Year of construction (s): 1923
Retirement: 1982
Axis formula : Bo
Genre : B.
Gauge : 1435 mm ( standard gauge )
Length over buffers: 10,300 mm
Service mass: 14.4 t
Top speed: 45 km / h
Installed capacity: 53 kW
Power system : 500 V =
Power transmission: Overhead line
Seats: 45

The only railcar specially built for the flat line was built in 1922/23 in the Gothaer Waggonfabrik ; the Bergmann Elektrizitätswerke in Berlin supplied the electricity. In 1949 it was given the road number ET 188 531. The eccentrically arranged pantograph was characteristic, which was necessary because of the very short cantilever masts on the flat section for reasons of cost.

With the introduction of EDP numbering in 1969, the railcar received the number 279 201-8, which it kept until it was replaced in 1982. In 1970 it was extensively modernized in the Reichsbahn repair shop in Berlin-Schöneweide , the appearance now resembled that of the reconstructed Berlin S-Bahn railcars of the 276.1 series .

279 202-6 ex VB 140 518

From 1974 onwards, this number was used for the control car created in Raw Berlin-Schöneweide from the earlier VB 140 518. This was originally built as a sidecar in 1940 for the Niederbarnimer Railway . There he wore the number VB 256. In 1984 he went to the Raw Berlin-Schöneweide for reconstruction . It was then continued as railcar 279 205-9.

279 203-4 ex ET 188 701

ET 188 701/279 203-4
Number: 1
Manufacturer: Waggonfabrik P. Herbrand / AEG
Year of construction (s): 1909 / (last) renovation 1955
Retirement: 1984
Axis formula : Bo
Genre : B.
Gauge : 1435 mm ( standard gauge )
Length over buffers: 11,360 mm
Service mass: 14.3 t
Top speed: 50 km / h
Installed capacity: 68 kW
Driving wheel diameter: 800 mm
Motor type: USL 253a
Power system : 500 V =
Power transmission: Overhead line
Number of traction motors: 2
Brake: multi-release Hildebrand-Knorr air brake Hik-P
Seats: 20th

The later railcar 279 203-4 was built in 1909 as tram railcar 209 of the Leipzig Electric Tram by the P. Herbrand wagon factory in Cologne, the electrical equipment was supplied by AEG in Berlin. The car was fundamentally rebuilt three times in the course of its operating life (four times with the reconstruction in 1984) so ​​that it is not certain whether parts of the original vehicle were actually present at all. In 1929/30, like all type 16 railcars, it was converted into the type 27 with closed platforms; the direct-acting compressed air brake, which was only installed around 1920, was omitted again.

Original condition of the Leipzig type 16, including the later 278 203

In 1955 it was adapted for use on the flat route in Raw Gotha and u. a. Retrained on the standard track with long-distance railway bike tires, provided with buffer beams and buffers as well as a laterally offset pantograph. He also received an indirect air brake this time. It then received the company number ET 188 701. In this form, it was mainly used as a reserve vehicle. The third conversion took place in 1963, this time at Raw Berlin-Schöneweide : The vehicle received a new, angular car body with bevelled ends made of welded steel as well as roller-bearing wheel sets with a running circle diameter of 800 mm and an axle base of 5000 millimeters. The electrical equipment and controls were adapted to the ET 188 531. With the introduction of EDP numbering in 1969, he received the number 279 203-4, which he kept until his replacement in 1984. After the delivery of the control car 278 202, the 278 203 was also prepared for push-pull operation. The control current socket was only installed on the side towards Cursdorf.

"Reconstructions" from 1982/84

DR 279.2 / DB 479.2
DB class 479.2 (previously DR class 279.2) in Lichtenhain
DB class 479.2 (previously DR class 279.2) in Lichtenhain
Numbering: 201, 203, 205
Number: 3
Manufacturer: Raw Schöneweide
Year of construction (s): 1982/84
Axis formula : Bo
Genre : B.
Gauge : 1435 mm ( standard gauge )
Length over buffers: 11,600 mm
Total wheelbase: 6500 mm
Service mass: 19.5 t
Top speed: 50 km / h
Installed capacity: 2 × 60 kW
Driving wheel diameter: 900 mm
Power system : 600 V =
Power transmission: Overhead line
Number of traction motors: 2 DC motors in series
Train control : Sifa 86
Seats: 24
Standing room: 84

When the old vehicles no longer met the requirements and problems arose with the supply of spare parts, the decision was made to redesign. Since new railcars were also required for the Buckower Kleinbahn , a new type of vehicle was designed in Raw Schöneweide under the designation BR 279.2 , the appearance of which was based on that of the previous 279 201. Only the external dimensions differ for Buckow and Oberweißbach : The Oberweißbach variant had to be able to be transported on the freight platform to Lichtenhain on the flat route of the Oberweißbacher Bergbahn and therefore only had a 6.5 m wheelbase. Since the modernization of the S-Bahn trains of the 275 series ( Stadtbahner ) to the 276.1 series also took place in the Raw Schöneweide, their components could be used in the design of the car body and the doors. Driving switches, motors, resistors and pantographs, however, like other components, come from Gotha trams , which were undergoing major repairs at Raw Schöneweide at that time. Therefore, in 1981 the contact wire voltage had to be increased from 500 V to the usual tram contact wire voltage of 600 V.

In the first new building, the reworking of old side wall drop windows was tested, they were fitted with flaps and built into the 279 201-8. However, since the conversion turned out to be too costly, the S-Bahn trains of the 276.1 series and the other new buildings in Oberweißbach received new windows.

Since the task list of the RGW the construction of new rail cars was not provided by the GDR, the new buildings were officially reconstruction referred that the features have been transferred to Schöneweide and scrapped there, just some equipment components of the old car and the car numbers were used.

In 2008 the railcars 479 201 and 203 were extensively modernized. The electrical systems were renewed, as well as the compressed air system and heating. The doors also received a locking and security device. In May 2016 the railcar 479 205-7 was put back into operation as an "Olitätenwagen" with a glass roof, open side windows and benches arranged across the direction of travel, since it only has a driver's cab on the Cursdorf side and no longer has a pantograph as a railcar with external feed in the direction of Cursdorf as the leading vehicle.

Chronology of the reconstruction

The railcar 201 and another
  • 1982 New building 279 201-8 (today's 479 201-6) test vehicle for side windows of the Berlin S-Bahn
  • 1984 New building 279 203-4 (today's 479 203-2) Series components for the S-Bahn
  • 1984 New building 279 205-9 (today's 479 205-7) identical to 279 203-4, serial components for the S-Bahn


The railcars are used individually or as a group of two, in which case only the front one is driven. The platforms of the flat line have a platform height of 96 centimeters, so that stepless entry into the vehicles is possible.


  • Horst J. Obermayer: Pocket book German railcars: battery-powered railcars, steam railcars, electric railcars, combustion railcars . 3. Edition. Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1977, ISBN 3-440-04054-2 , p. 117-118 .

Web links

Commons : DBAG Class 479  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. Oberweißbacher Bergbahn : Description of the new design of the BR 279.2 on the Oberweißbacher Bergbahn. Retrieved May 10, 2014 .
  2. Online turntable