Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Turkestan
The Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Turkestan , also known as the Turkestan ASSR , existed from April 30, 1918 to October 27, 1924. The capital of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was Tashkent . Their population was around 5 million. Until 1920 the so-called Alasch-Orda-Staat was to the north of it and the Kokander autonomy to the east of it .
During the initial phase of the Russian Civil War , in April 1918 , a Council of People's Commissars was established on the soil of Russian Turkestan and the former General Government of Turkestan . This proclaimed the Turkestan ASSR and claimed to be the political representative of all of Turkestan. But his sphere of influence was limited to a few railway junctions at that time.
The end of 1917 was of Mir Sultan Galiyev , the influential representatives of the Volga Tatars within the communist movement been considered a yet to be created Turkestan ASSR with the "Tatar-Bashkir committee controlled" Great Tatarstan Communist to a large-Turan to unite . This requirement Galijews arose because in November and December of the same year in Kokand and Orenburg both Kokander and the Bashkir and Kyrgyz autonomy had been proclaimed.
In February 1918 the Kokander autonomy was in fact abolished in a bloody way, and the victorious Red Army soldiers wreaked havoc among the population of the old town of Kokander. In 1919 the Alasch Orda state was defeated and dissolved in August 1920. At the same time, the Kokander autonomy de jure was ended and its territory was added to the Turkestan ASSR. The Kyrgyz ASSR emerged from the former Alasch Orda state, to which the settlement area of the Karakalpaks was incorporated and Soviet Russia was attached.
In October 1924 the Turkestan ASSR was disbanded after the area had been terrorized by the Basmachi since 1916 . The area was ruled centrally from Moscow until February 16, 1925 and united with the area of the former Generalgouvernement Steppe or the former Alasch Orda state . This area was now called the Kyrgyz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic . Furthermore, the area was attached to the former Kokander autonomy . There were two Kyrgyz sub-areas:
On February 17, 1925, the Uzbek SSR was established in this area . This received the settlement area of the Karakalpaks and that of the Tajiks from the hereditary masses of Turkestan . The Turkmen SSR was also established on its territory .
On October 25, 1929, the Tajik Autonomous Region was detached from the Uzbek SSR and elevated to the status of an independent Soviet republic, the Tajik SSR .