Ulrich Seibert

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Ulrich Seibert

Ulrich Seibert (born August 8, 1954 in Karlsruhe ) is a German lawyer and honorary professor for business law at the law faculty of Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf . Until 2020 he was head of the department for company law , corporate constitution and corporate governance in the Federal Ministry of Justice .


Ulrich Seibert's mother was the painter Edith Seibert , his father the judge at the Federal Court of Justice Claus Seibert . He studied law in Tübingen , Göttingen and Freiburg . He was active in the Corps Borussia , Corps Hildeso-Guestphalia and is a member of the Vandalia zu Rostock . In 1979 he passed the first state examination in law. In 1982, he was with a thesis on " fulfillment by final Leistungsbewirkung" at the University of Hamburg with Hans Hermann Seiler Dr. iur. PhD. After studying in Florence (Prof. Luigi Lombardi Vallauri , filosofia del diritto presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze) and Paris, Seibert was initially a labor judge , later a district judge in Hamburg . In 1986 he moved to the Federal Ministry of Justice, where he became head of the Department for Cabinet and Parliamentary Affairs under Minister Kinkel in the early 1990s . Seibert has been head of the corporate law and corporate constitution department since 1992. In 1997 he was appointed Ministerial Councilor.

In 2001 Seibert was awarded the title of honorary professor by the law faculty of the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf . He is one of the directors of the Institute for Corporate Law at the University of Düsseldorf, a member of the Advisory Council of the HHL Center for Corporate Governance at the Leipzig Graduate School of Management, and a member of the Hamburg District Law of Family Businesses at the Bucerius Law School , and a member of the Bureau of the Corporate Governance Committee of the OECD , Paris, as well as member of the board of trustees of the German Association for the Protection of Securities and Board of Trustees of the Schwarz-Schütte Potsdam Foundation (in the Leo Baeck Foundation ). Since 2019 he has been a member of the supervisory board of the Cooperative for Urban Creativity eG, Berlin (GuK, Holzmarkt Berlin , Kater Blau ).

Numerous reforms in company law bear the signature of Seibert. Among other things, he was responsible for the law for small stock corporations and the deregulation of stock corporation law (1994), the law on control and transparency in the corporate sector - KonTraG (1998), the piece stock law - StückAG (1998), the law on registered shares and to facilitate the Exercising voting rights - NaStraG (2001), the Transparency and Publicity Act - TransPuG (2002) and the Act on Corporate Integrity and Modernization of the Right of Avoidance - UMAG (2004).

In the 16th electoral period (October 2005-October 2009) followed the EHUG - Electronic Trade and Cooperative Register , the Law to Modernize GmbH Law and Combat Abuse - MoMiG, which was the first major GmbH reform since the creation of the GmbH , also the politically explosive change in the VW Act , the Act to Implement the Shareholder Rights Directive - ARUG and, most recently, the Act on the Appropriateness of Management Board Remuneration - VorstAG . In the context of the financial market crisis, he dealt with corporate law issues relating to the stabilization laws; u. a. Financial Market Stabilization Act - FMStG. The 17th electoral period (October 2009-October 2013) brought among other things the legal regulation of the partnership with limited professional liability (PartGmbB).

In the 18th legislative period (October 2013 – October 2017) the law introducing a quota for women in supervisory boards was on the agenda (law for the equal participation of women and men in management positions in the private and public sectors , also known as FüPoG ). It was also about the 2016 amendment to stock corporation law , the EU's proposal to harmonize the one-person company , also Societas Unius Personae, SUP. In the 19th electoral term, Seibert was primarily responsible for the implementation of the amended EU Shareholder Rights Directive (ARUG II) with major changes to, among other things, the remuneration of the Executive Board and related party transactions . Furthermore, he dealt with the possibility of the non-present general meeting without the physical presence of shareholders virtual general meeting in the law to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in civil, insolvency and criminal procedure law.

Seibert is in charge of the “Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code ” for the Federal Ministry of Justice .

Seibert is the author and editor of several books and the author of over 200 articles on commercial and corporate law. He is an art collector ( Pop-Surrealism , Lowbrow ) (see www.seibert-collection.art) and an investor. He is married and has four kids.

Fonts (selection)

  • The company law amendment Böttcher / Carl / Schmidt / Seibert, Beck Verlag 2016. ISBN 978-3-406-64184-8
  • 50 Years of the Stock Corporation Act 1965 in Die Aktiengesellschaft, 17/2016, page 593ff.
  • Law for the modernization of GmbH law and for combating abuse - MoMiG RWS-Verlag, Cologne 2008. ISBN 978-3-8145-1882-4
  • From the drafting studio of legislation - observations on the way of thinking and working of the legislative officer in the Federal Ministry of Justice in Festschrift für Wiedemann, 2002, page 123ff.
  • Germany in autumn - memories of the creation of the Financial Market Stabilization Act in October 2008 in Festschrift for Klaus Hopt 2010, vol. 2, page 2525ff.
  • Ethics in the economy and the role of politics in Festschrift for Karsten Schmidt, 2009, page 1455ff.
  • Handbook of the small working group 5th edition. RWS-Verlag, Cologne 2008. ISBN 978-3-8145-8118-7 .
  • The Transparency and Publicity Act (TransPuG). Munich 2003. ISBN 3-406-49831-0 .
  • The partnership: a new form of society for the liberal professions. Bundesanzeiger Verlag, Bonn 1994. ISBN 3-88784-571-4 .
  • Fulfillment through final performance. Buske, Hamburg 1982. ISBN 3-87118-563-9 .


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