Uwe Herbs

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Uwe Kräuter (* 1945 in Hitzacker ) is a film producer, cultural mediator, author and entrepreneur who lives in Beijing .


He grew up near Heidelberg, where he also went to high school. In 1968 he began his studies at the University of Heidelberg in the subjects of sociology, ethnology and psychology.

As a member of the SDS, Uwe Kräuter took part in the student demonstrations of those years and was involved in the protests against the Vietnam War . A violent demonstration, which was ultimately decisive for his future life, took place on June 19, 1970, when Robert McNamara , former US Secretary of Defense and at that time head of the World Bank, came to Heidelberg. Uwe Kräuter was charged with his active involvement and was eventually sentenced to eight months' imprisonment without parole. Together with other convicts (including Joscha Schmierer and Dietrich Hildebrandt ) he appealed and later moved on to Karlsruhe before the Federal Court of Justice . Four of the five convicted had to begin their sentences in the summer of 1975 in various detention centers.

Chancellor Angela Merkel, Jörg Wuttke and Uwe Kräuter - Beijing 2014

At the same time as these events, Uwe Kräuter received the offer in 1973 to come to Beijing and work there for the publishing house specializing in foreign-language literature , which meant that he was no longer within reach of the German judiciary. He was also the foreign correspondent for the Communist People's Daily of the KBW . He lives there to this day and thus witnessed the upheavals in China over a period of over four decades. He is married to the Chinese actress Danping Shen, with whom he has two daughters.

In 1980 Uwe Kräuter returned to Germany for the first time after his escape with the drama “Das Teehaus” and eighty members of the Beijing Folk Art Theater. And so, for the first time in the history of the PRC, a Chinese ensemble performed abroad. The play was written in 1957 by the author Lao She . It propels you through five decades of human and social life in three hours and three acts. The main characters - the tea house visitors and the innkeeper - are a little over twenty in the first act, in their mid-forties in the second, and over seventy in the third. Those who have since died or been executed reappear in the last act as their sons, with even greater vices.

Federal President Joachim Gauck and Uwe Kräuter - Beijing 2016

The author's basic idea of ​​concentrating the lives of generations in an evening theater performance blurs the differences between West and East even for a Western viewer. The piece from China was realized together with the Mannheim National Theater , which in return performed the anti-fascist play “ Der Bockerer ” in the People's Republic of China with great resonance. “Das Teehaus” traveled through fourteen German cities. Herbs published a book about "Das Teehaus" and the Beijing Folk Art Theater in Suhrkamp-Verlag. The play will not be performed again until 2015 at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg, with Uwe Kräuter as a guest of honor.

Uwe Kräuter became even better known because he brought Derrick to China - as the first German TV series there.

Two women traffic policemen in Pyongyang, capital of North Korea with Uwe Kräuter.

During her seventh visit to the PR China, Uwe Kräuter met Chancellor Angela Merkel at the reception of the German Ambassador Michael Clauss on July 7, 2014 in Beijing. He had the opportunity to present her with his book “This is the revolution, my friend”. The title of the book initially irritated the Chancellor, but the author was able to clarify the Chancellor's questions during the conversation.

While the German President Joachim Gauck was visiting the People's Republic of China for the first time, Uwe Kräuter met him at a reception on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016 in the German Embassy in Beijing. The Federal President and Daniela Schadt had invited . Ambassador Michael Clauss gave an introductory speech.

Uwe Kräuter and General Ms. Jon Gu Gang (90)

Uwe Kräuter has been visiting China's neighboring country, North Korea, regularly since 2005 . As a cultural mediator, he does not consider the 70 years of isolation of this country to be beneficial for the future. As an author, he therefore endeavors to meet and exchange ideas and, as a result, has access to interviews with a wide variety of people and personalities as well as visits to a wide variety of institutions and facilities. One of his contacts is the "Pyongyang International Film Festival", which he supplies with international films, mainly films from Germany.

His meeting with General Ms. Jon Gu Gang (90) caused a sensation in North Korea. It was the first time, she said, that she was interviewing a foreigner. When the war broke out in 1950, she was 21 and studying medicine. "Everyone," she said, "absolutely wanted to fight the war that was imposed on us." She worked in the field hospital, later continued her studies and stayed with the People's Army. North Korea's Korean Central Television KCTV made a film about Herbal's encounter with Jon Gu Gang. This was also broadcast on YouTube.


  • Datjing Oil Field. Guide to China's Industry in Building Socialism. Sendler Verlag, Mannheim 1977.
  • Lao She: The tea house . Edited with performance photos and materials. by Uwe Kräuter. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1980, ISBN 3-518-11054-3 .
  • "That's the revolution, my friend": How I went from being a German Maoist to a favorite of the Chinese. Herder Verlag , Freiburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-451-30583-2 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Simple conclusion . In: Der Spiegel . No. 27 , 1970 ( online ).
  2. Burkhart Braunbehrens: The Federal Court of Justice confirms its own judgment. In: Kommunistische Volkszeitung (KVZ), No. 16 of April 24, 1975, p. 2.
  3. Joscha Schmierer: Arrested for imprisonment. Declaration by the Central Committee of the KBW on the ordering of custody in the Cabora Bassa / MacNamara trial. In: KVZ. No. 23 of June 12, 1975, pp. 1-2.
  4. Lena Müssigmann: He lacks tea sausage and Mozart balls. taz, May 2, 2014, p. 21.
  5. schauspielhaus.de German theater
  6. Uwe Kräuter meets Angela Merkel in China - press release by Herder Verlag, July 9, 2014.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykjh5F70xRY