Valentin Fuchs

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Valentin August Fuchs (* 1839 in Goßmannsdorf , Königshofen district in Grabfeld ; † August 7, 1899 in Bamberg ) was a German lawyer and the first legally qualified mayor of Kissingen .


He was the son of the Catholic Büttner and beer brewer Valentin Fuchs and Barbara Waldhäuser . He studied law and was a member of the Corps Franconia Würzburg since 1859 . After his doctorate as Dr. iur. he was a legal intern ( trainee lawyer ) in Munich , Kulmbach and Würzburg . During this time he married Crescentia Straßer .

After he had been unanimously elected as the first legally qualified mayor on November 25, 1865 by the newly constituted city ​​council of the city of Kissingen (only from 1883 Bad Kissingen), his election was confirmed by the royal Bavarian government on January 20, 1866 . Thereupon he was inducted into office in a ceremony on January 24, 1866.

In the same year (1866) he was elected to the board of the "Actien-Bad-Etablissements" approved by King Ludwig II as secretary and deputy of the chairman, Dr. Franz Anton Balling . At the beginning of his term of office, Fuchs also advocated the construction of a railway line to the spa town and received a personal audience on April 26, 1866 from King Ludwig II. The building was finally approved on March 16, 1867.

During the Prussian-Bavarian War , Fuchs tried in vain to keep Kissingen out of the war. Instead, on July 10, 1866, he had to experience the battle of Kissingen, one of the decisive battles of this war in and around his city.

After the end of his three-year provisional service (January 25, 1869) the mayor's office had to be re-advertised with a basic salary of 800 guilders and a functional salary of 400 guilders. On February 24, 1869, Fuchs was re-elected mayor with 16 out of 19 votes. But he resigned from his office on March 22, 1869 for unexplained reasons and instead settled as a lawyer in Haßfurt and finally in Bamberg, where he died in 1899.

Orders and decorations


  • Marion Page: Valentin A. Fuchs. First legally qualified mayor. In: Peter Weidisch, Thomas Ahnert (ed.): 1200 years Bad Kissingen (801-2001). Festschrift for the anniversary year and book accompanying the exhibition, Verlag TA Schachenmayer, Bad Kissingen 2001, ISBN 3-929278-16-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 138 , 384