Damn it until the last day

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German title Damn it until the last day
Original title The Molly Maguires
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1970
length 124 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Martin Ritt
script Walter Bernstein
production Martin Ritt, Walter Bernstein
music Henry Mancini
camera James Wong Howe
cut Frank Bracht

The Molly Maguires (Engl .: The Molly Maguires ) is a film with Sean Connery and Richard Harris of 1970, which on a short story by Arthur H. Lewis is based. Directed by Martin Ritt . The film is partly based on historical facts.


The film is set in northeast Pennsylvania in the 19th century . It tells the story of an undercover agent who is sent to a coal mining community to spy on the Molly Maguires secret society . They try, led by Jack Kehoe, to destroy tunnels and equipment belonging to the mine owners by blasting them. Pinkerton detective James McParlan is hired as a miner and infiltrates the group.

Kehoe and McParlan are both Irish immigrants and become friends. But McParlan betrays the group and Kehoe is sentenced to the death penalty.


The Lexicon of International Films wrote:

“In 1876 the police succeeded in smuggling an informer into a secret organization in Pennsylvania that was fighting for better working conditions for Irish miners. Despite knowing their situation and understanding them, he betrays his comrades. Grippingly staged drama about right and wrong, guilt and atonement, epic wide, but staged with some really tough scenes. The film is indeed more interested in the exciting criminal act as its critical possibilities, but nevertheless has some of the social background. " .

The Protestant film observer drew the following conclusion: Dense atmosphere, presentation and the images captured by the camera are impressive; The (authentic!) outcome of the film leaves unsatisfactory: Despite the knowledge he has conveyed about the justified outrage of the oppressed miners, director Ritt leaves little hope of eliminating the grievances.


The film was nominated for an Oscar in the category Best Production Design in 1971 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cursed until Judgment Day in the Lexicon of International FilmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used
  2. Evangelical Press Association Munich, Review No. 389/1970