Administrative division of Zambia

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The administrative structure of Zambia has two administrative levels. Since 2011, Zambia is divided into ten provinces (provinces) , which in turn in 89 local authorities are divided: 69 of which have a status as a District Council , four as City Council and 16 as a Municipal Council .

The wards still exist below these two levels, but they are not assigned any administrative tasks and are only relevant for elections.


Provinces in Zambia

The state is divided into ten provinces. The youngest province is the province of Muchinga , which was only created in 2011 .

province Capital
01 Central Province Kabwe
02 Copperbelt Ndola
03 Eastern Province Chipata
04th Luapula Mansa
05 Lusaka Lusaka
06th Muchinga Chinsali
07th Northern Province Kasama
08th Northwest Province Solwezi
09 Southern province Livingstone
10 Western province Mongu


Zambia Districts.jpg

The provinces are divided into districts. These bear the name of the district capital. Both are distinguished by the addition boma for the capital and the addition district for the district, for example Mansa boma and Mansa district . Each boma usually has a hospital, secondary schools and secondary schools, the latter mostly with boarding schools for 1,000 students.

The individual districts are listed under the provinces. The 72 wards are divided into 1422 wards . A councilor is elected by the population for each ward . Several wards / councilors are combined to form a council.

Web links

Commons : Administrative division of Zambia  - collection of images, videos and audio files