Administrative regions of the city of Rio de Janeiro

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Location of the city in the state of Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is divided into 33 administrative regions (Regiões Administrativas). These are assigned to 8 sub-prefectures and statistically 5 planning areas (Áreas de Planejamento). The administrative regions are divided into 161 districts (Bairros).

Population numbers

The population figures in the table below refer to the census of 1 August 2000

Administrative regions of Rio de Janeiro
Surname Area in km² population Inhabitants per km²
Anchieta 14.19 154,608 10,896
Bangu 67.81 420.503 6,201
Barra da Tijuca 165.97 174,353 1,051
Botafogo 15.03 238,895 15,895
Campo Grande 153.44 484,362 3.157
Centro 5.72 39,135 6,842
Cidade de Deus 1.21 38.016 31,418
Complexo do Inglés 2.96 65,026 21,968
Copacabana 5.08 161.178 31,728
Guaratiba 152.58 101.205 663
Ilha do Governador 41.45 211,469 5.102
Inhaúma 10.88 130,635 12.007
Irajá 15.04 202.967 13,495
Jacarepaguá 126.61 469,682 3.710
Jacarezinho 0.94 36,459 38,786
Lagoa 23.73 174,062 7,335
Madureira 30.18 374.157 12,398
Maré 4.27 113,807 26,653
Méier 29.41 398.486 13,549
Paquetá 1.71 3,421 2,001
Pavuna 17.48 197,068 11,274
Penha 13.96 183.194 13,123
Portuária 8.51 39,973 4,697
Ramos 88 150.403 13,310
Realengo 54.55 239.146 4,384
Rio Comprido 5.80 73,661 12,700
Rocinha 1.44 56,338 39,124
Santa Cruz 164.08 311.289 1,897
Santa Teresa 5.16 41,145 7,974
São Cristóvão 7.50 70,945 9,459
Tijuca 42.28 180.992 4,281
Vigário Geral 11.41 135.311 11,859
Vila Isabel 12.88 186.013 14,442
Rio de Janeiro 1,224.56 5,857,904 4,784

Individual evidence

  1. to Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

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