Vincenzo Garofali

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Vincenzo Garofali CRL (also Vincento Garofali ; born January 29, 1760 in Rome ; † February 3, 1839 ibid) was an Italian religious , theologian and bishop of the Curia .


He was the son of Francesco Garofali, a respected citizen of Rome, and his wife Maria Bellisimi. On May 22, 1781 he was accepted into the congregation of the Augustinian Canons of the Lateran in Bologna and made profession on June 19, 1782 . Vincenzo Garofali was General Procurator of his religious order from June 28, 1800. In 1800 Pope Pius VII appointed him consultor of the Congregation for Rites . During the Napoleonic occupation of Rome, he fled to Naples to the princes of Giudice Caracciolo. After the restoration of the Papal States , Pius VII appointed him Vicar General of his congregation on October 7, 1814 , and on July 17, 1817 Vincenzo Garofali became consultor of the Congregation Propaganda Fide . He was also consultor of the Holy Office from January 20, 1822 and from May 20 of the same year consultor of the Index Congregation . In addition, he was successively theological adviser to Cardinals Guglielmo Pallotta , Giuseppe and Antonio Doria , Innico Caracciolo , Lorenzo Litta , Giuseppe Spina and finally Bartolomeo Pacca . He was abbot of San Pietro in Vincoli .

Pope Gregory XVI appointed him on February 24, 1832 titular bishop of Laodicea in Phrygia . He received his episcopal ordination on April 1, 1832 in Rome, the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia , Bartolomeo Pacca; Co- consecrators were Lorenzo Girolamo Mattei , Latin Patriarch of Antioch , and Archbishop Giovanni Giacomo Sinibaldi , President of the Pontifical Academy for the Ecclesiastical Nobility . From December 2, 1837 he was paralyzed and was therefore released from his duties as General Procurator.

He was buried in the Roman church of San Pietro in Vincoli .


  • Praepositiones de Spiritu Sancto. Rome 1779.
  • De vita Johannis Chrysostomi Trombellii commentarius. Bologna 1788; 2nd edition Rome 1831.
  • Ordo ad dandam poenitentiam ex insigni rituali codice membranaceo XI. saeculi Bibl. canonicorum regularium s. Salvatoris Bononiae, nunc primum editus. Rome 1791.
  • Breve ragguaglio circa il ch. P. abate D. Prospero Cavalieri, con un catalogo degli uomini illustri della congregazione de 'canonici RR del SS. Salvatore e lateranensi. Rome 1835.
  • Illustrazione del codice inedito di Bonizone intitolato Decretum, letta nell'Accademi di religione cattolica. Rome 1837.
  • As editor: Prospero Cavalieri : Biblioteca compendiosa degli uomini illustri della Congregazione de 'canonici regolari del SS. Salvatore lateranesi nelle scienze e belle arti. Velletri 1836.


  • Philippe Bountry: Officiers subalternes de la curie et consulteurs des congrégations romaines en fonctions sous la restauration (1814–1846) (notes brèves) . In: Souverain et pontife. Recherches prosopographiques sur la Curie Romaine à l'âge de la Restoration (1814–1846) . École française de Rome, Rome 2002, margin no. 269–271 (French, online edition [accessed March 14, 2019]).

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