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Macabeo in the book by Viala & Vermorel

Macabeo (in Spanish) or Macabeu (in Catalan ) is the most commonly grown white wine in northern Spain . In the Penedès and Conca de Barberà areas, it is one of the most important varieties for the Spanish sparkling wine Cava . Under the name Viura , it provides 90% of the white stock in Rioja and is mainly used for early drinkable, fresh white wines that have a low alcohol content. It is also grown in the Spanish DO regions of Alicante , Bullas , Calatayud , Cigales , Costers del Segre , Méntrida , Rueda DO , Utiel-Requena and Valdepeñas . In 2000 the area under vines in Spain was 32,905 hectares.

But also in Roussillon in France (approx. 2,778 hectares of vineyards as of 2007) it is often found as a blending partner for Chardonnay or Bourboulenc . The high-yielding and late-ripening variety is drought-resistant , but prone to fungal diseases. If the grape is harvested late, it produces high-alcohol, rather low-acid white wines with a flowery character, which are often made into amber-colored dessert wines such as the Rivesaltes . It has little tendency to oxidize and is therefore often mixed with Chardonnay when it is harvested early. Since it sprouts late, it is very popular in regions with late frosts. Around the world, just over 47,000 hectares are planted with this grape variety.

See also the articles Viticulture in Spain , Viticulture in France and Viticulture in Argentina, as well as the list of grape varieties .


The Macabeo grape variety is also known under the names Alcañol, Alcañón, Blanca de Daroca, Charas Blanc, Forcalla, Gredelín, Lardot (in the Drôme department), Macabeu, Maccabéo, Maccabeau, Malvoisie (in the Limoux region ), Perpignan (near Beaucaire, France ), Queue de Renard, Rossan, Vuera, Viuna or Viura (in Spain).

Individual evidence

  1. LES CEPAGES BLANCS DANS LE VIGNOBLE (PDF) ( Memento from March 23, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), statistics on white grape varieties per Greater Region, Part 1, publication of the OFFICE NATIONAL INTERPROFESSIONNEL DES FRUITS, DES LEGUMES, DES VINS ET DE L'HORTICULTURE - ONIVINS for short, as of 2008
  2. LES CEPAGES BLANCS DANS LE VIGNOBLE (PDF) ( Memento from March 23, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), statistics on white grape varieties per greater region, part 2, publication of the OFFICE NATIONAL INTERPROFESSIONNEL DES FRUITS, DES LEGUMES, DES VINS ET DE L'HORTICULTURE - ONIVINS for short, as of 2008


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