Volker Rodekamp

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Volker Rodekamp (* 1953 in Bielefeld ) is a German folklorist and former museum director.

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Volker Rodekamp studied ethnology, ethnology , journalism and economics at the universities of Braunschweig and Münster from 1973 to 1980 . In 1980 he was awarded a Dr. phil. doctorate and then completed a traineeship at the Rheinisches Freilichtmuseum Kommern / Landesmuseum für Volkskunde .

From 1983 he was director of the Minden Museum and from 1986 of the Minden Cultural Office . In 1996 he was appointed director of the Leipzig City History Museum . In 2019 he retired.

Since 1984, Volker Rodekamp had lectured at the University of Münster, at the Humboldt University in Berlin and at the University of Leipzig and worked at the Institute for Saxon History and Folklore . From 2003 to 2014 he was a board member of the German Museum Association and from 2010 to 2015 he was a member of the advisory board of the Federal Cultural Foundation . From 2010 to 2014 he was Michael Eissenhauer's successor, President of the German Museum Association.

Rodekamp is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Saxon State Office for Museums and the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow as well as chairman of the jury for the award of the exhibition fund of the Hamburg museums and a member of the board of trustees of the Hamburg Historical Museums Foundation . He is also a board member of the Leipzig Cultural Foundation and the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Foundation , a corresponding member of the Folklore Commission for Westphalia and a member of the Advisory Board for the Center for Building Culture Saxony . Since 2012 he has been managing director of the Völkerschlachtdenkmal Leipzig Foundation . Since 2017 he has been a full member of the Senate Evaluation Committee of the Leibniz Association and chairman of the scientific advisory board of the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn Museum in Freyburg (Unstrut) .

His research and publication activities focus on museology , craft research , cultural theory and practice, and everyday history .


  • The wood turning trade in East Westphalia. A traditional handicraft in the structural change of the 20th century. Dissertation. University of Münster 1980. Coppenrath, Münster 1981, ISBN 3-88547-120-5 .
  • Museum of the City of Dorsten. A cultural and historical guide. Kulturamt, Dorsten 1981, OCLC 835742196 .
  • Torchlight procession everywhere ... 1933, the National Socialists seized power in the Minden and Lübbecke districts. Exhibition documentation (= texts and materials from Minden Museum 1). Mindener Museum, Minden 1983, DNB 831076887 .
  • with Dieter von Otte, Hermann Schäkel, Manfred Strutz: Cologne-Mindener Eisenbahn. A documentation for the school . Minden 1987.


  • Craft in industrial times. Contributions of life history research for the recent history of handicrafts from a folklore perspective. In: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ed.): II. International Symposium on the History of Crafts. Volume 2. Veszprém 1983, DNB 209550503 , pp. 53-65. #
  • Reflections on the role and function of the presentation of handicrafts in a small regional museum (Minden) . In: Kieler Blätter zur Volkskunde 17 (1985), pp. 255–268.
  • Crafts in Westphalian museums . In: From Westphalian museums 1 (1985), pp. 55–58.
  • Craft in the fortress city. On the situation of the Minden crafts under the influence of the New Prussian fortress of the 19th century . In: III. International trade history symposium. Volume 2 , Ed .: Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Veszprém 1987, pp. 137-153.
  • Archeology in Minden. An overview of the history of research . In: Bendix Trier (Ed.): Excavations in Minden. Bourgeois urban culture of the Middle Ages and modern times. Westfälisches Museum für Archäologie, Münster 1987, pp. 9-14.
  • Minden and the Weser. Notes on image sources from his story . In: Jutta Bachmann, Helmut Hartmann (Ed.): Shipping - Trade - Ports. Contributions to the history of shipping on the Weser and Mittelland Canal . Minden 1987.
  • "As if nothing had happened!" On the collection situation of Judaica in Westphalian museums - an overview . In the S. (Ed.): Jewish life - religion and everyday life. Catalog for the cultural and historical exhibition. Aspects of the past . Volume 2. Flöttmann, Gütersloh 1988, pp. 9-15.
  • with Joachim Meynert: The Museum of Prussian History in Westphalia. A project report . In: Museumskunde 54 (1989), No. 1, pp. 33–56.
  • Wood turner. In: Reinhold Reith (Hrsg.): Lexikon des alten Handwerks. From the late Middle Ages to the 20th century. Beck, Munich 1990, ISBN 978-3-406-34470-1 , pp. 66-70.
  • Note on work . In: Susanne Tunn (Ed.): Inside the tree - Within the Tree. Sculptures 1986-1989. [Exhibition catalog] (= texts and materials from Minden Museum 9). Minden 1990, pp. 30-31.
  • Show museum versus learning exhibition . In: Udo Liebelt (Ed.): Museum of the Senses. Meaning and didactics of the original object in the museum . Hannover 1990, ISBN 978-3-89169-060-4 , pp. 54-56.
  • Notes on his graphic work . In: Emiel Hoorne. "20 x 20", [exhibition catalog PMMK] . Ostend 1991.
  • Attractive destinations in and around Minden . In: Hildesheim - Weserbergland (HB art guide 45). Hamburg 1992.
  • The Minden Museum. A cultural and historical city and regional museum . In: Ders., Joachim Meynert (Hrsg.): Heimatmuseum 2000. Starting points and perspectives (texts and materials from the Mindener Museum 10). Verl. Für Regionalgeschichte, Bielefeld 1993, pp. 103-108.
  • Museum work between folklore and (city) history. An east-west comparison? In: Folklore and everyday cultural perspectives in museum practice. Contributions to the 5th workshop "Museums and University" (workbooks of the Landesstelle für Berlin-Brandenburgische Volkskunde 2), Landesstelle für Berlin-Brandenburgische Volkskunde (Ed.). Berlin 1996, DNB 966048806 pp. 3-9.
  • Objet et fonctions des Musées d'histoire dans les villes d'aujourd'hui. In: Comment inscrire les musées de ville dans la ville? Association Internationale des musées d'histoire. Paris / Marseille 2003, ISBN 978-2-9517379-3-8 , pp. 94-99.
  • Between the past and the future. On the topicality of the museum in the city and community . In: Forum for everyone. Museums in town and municipality , state office for non-state museums in Bavaria (ed.). Munich 2007, pp. 20-22.
  • with Bernhard Graf : Balance and Perspectives. In: Volker Rodekamp, ​​Bernhard Graf (Hrsg.): Museums between quality and relevance. Memorandum on the situation of the museums (= Berlin writings on museum research. 30). G + H, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-940939-22-7 , pp. 132-135.
  • What's new about the new city history? On the importance of city and regional history museums. In: Barbara Christoph, Günter Dippold (ed.): History in the museum. Objects and constructs (= Banzer Museum Talks. 3). Bayreuth 2012, ISBN 978-3-941065-10-9 , pp. 81-94.
  • Crafts and museums - a problematic relationship. Thoughts on contemporary museum work. In: LWL-Freilichtmuseum Hagen (Hrsg.): Handicrafts in the museum. Research - presentation - communication (= research contributions on craft and technology. 26). Hagen 2013, ISBN 978-3-926190-29-1 , pp. 28-39.
  • with Wiebke Ahrndt : Inspiring society. How the museum world wins through foundations . In: Foundation World. Magazine of the Federal Association of German Foundations (2013), No. 4, pp. 10–15.
  • The anniversaries of the Battle of Leipzig in 1913 and 2013. In: Martin Sabrow (Ed.): Historical Anniversaries (= Helmstedter Colloquien 17). Akademische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2015, ISBN 978-3-931982-94-2 , pp. 57–70.
  • The Dimitrov Museum - the stylization of Dimitrov in the GDR and its effects on the collection. In: Bettina Limperg , Klaus Rennert (Hrsg.): Symposium 120 years of imperial court building. Event of the Federal Court of Justice and the Federal Administrative Court on 29. – 30. October 2015. Beck, Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-406-69300-7 , pp. 259-275.
  • Museums as part of a changed society. The role of city museums in the present. In: Astrid Pellengahr (Ed.): Der Spiegel der Stadtkultur. City museums face new challenges. Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-9818259-1-6 , pp. 88–95.


  • with Hanna Dose: work in a woodturner's workshop. Booklet accompanying the exhibition. Münster 1978, DNB 995935416
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel. 1784-1846. His way to the stars. Exhibition of the Minden Museum from September 10th to October 21st 1984 (= texts and materials from the Minden Museum 2) . Minden 1984, DNB 209562625 .
  • Weser Renaissance in Minden. Architectural fragments from the Minden Museum's collection. [Catalog for the exhibition of the same name] (= texts and materials from Minden Museum 3). Minden 1985.
  • with Martin Beutelspacher: Coffee. Culture of a drink (= texts and materials from Minden Museum 4). Minden 1987.
  • Stations in German art after 1945 (= texts and materials from the Minden Museum 5). Minden 1987.
  • with Martin Beutelspacher: The Minden Museum for History, Regional and Folklore. Museum guide (= texts and materials from Minden Museum 6). Minden 1987, DNB 880283645 .
  • Stopgap solutions. Everyday life in Minden 1945–1948 (= texts and materials from Minden Museum 7). Minden 1988.
  • Jewish life. Catalog for the cultural and historical exhibition in the Minden Museum. Flöttmann, Gütersloh 1988, ISBN 3-87231-038-0 .
  • with Martin Beutelspacher: Wolfgang Tiemann. Images of people, landscapes. [Exhibition catalog] (= texts and materials from Minden Museum 8). Minden 1989.
  • with Joachim Meynert, Josef Mooser : Under a spiked hat and cylinder. Eastern Westphalia in the Age of Wilhelminism 1888 to 1914. Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 1991, ISBN 3-927085-27-8 .
  • Belgian graphics of the present. Kerber, Bielefeld 1993, ISBN 3-924639-29-9 .
  • Franz Boas , 1858–1942. An American anthropologist from Minden. Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 1994, ISBN 3-89534-116-9 .
  • Leipzig, city of true wonders. 500 years of imperial trade fair privilege. Leipziger Messe-Verlag, Leipzig 1997, ISBN 3-9805084-2-0 .
  • with Ruth-Elisabeth Mohrmann , Dietmar Sauermann : Folklore in the area of ​​tension between university and museum. Festschrift for Hinrich Siuts on his 65th birthday. Waxmann, Münster 1997, ISBN 3-89325-498-6 .
  • The Schiller House in Leipzig-Gohlis. Stadtgeschichtliches Museum, Leipzig 1998, ISBN 3-7950-3905-3 .
  • 1848, do not let justice and liberty spoil. On the 150th anniversary of the German Revolution in Saxony in 1848/49. Passage, Leipzig 1998, ISBN 3-932900-07-3 .
  • Subject M. Series of publications by the City History Museum Leipzig. Leipzig 1998–2018, DNB 019563779 .
  • Battle of Nations. City History Museum Leipzig. 2nd Edition. Passage, Leipzig 1999, ISBN 978-3-932900-16-7 .
  • Völkerschlachtdenkmal. DZA, Altenburg 2003, ISBN 3-936300-05-4 .
  • The old town hall in Leipzig. DZA, Altenburg 2004, ISBN 3-936300-11-9 .
  • Lord of the rules. The football referee. Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Halle (Saale) 2006, ISBN 3-89812-367-7 .
  • Leipzig original. City history from the Middle Ages to the Battle of Nations. DZA, Altenburg 2006, ISBN 978-3-936300-24-6 .
  • Monika Gibas : "Aryanization" in Leipzig. Repressed. Deprived. Murdered. City History Museum Leipzig, Leipzig 2007, ISBN 978-3-910034-02-0 .
  • Modern times. Leipzig from industrialization to the present. Subject volume for the permanent exhibition in the old town hall. Leipzig 2011, ISBN 978-3-910034-11-2 .
  • Malimo & Co. Fashion in the GDR between dream and reality. Kerber, Bielefeld / Leipzig / Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-86678-544-1 .
  • Media for museums - means of communication and mediation (= museum studies. 77.1). German Museum Association, Berlin 2012, DNB 1030341338
  • All the world in the museum? Museums in the plural society (= museum studies. 77,2). German Museum Association, Berlin 2012, DNB 103522755X .
  • Museums in the political arena - an exchange of experiences (= museum studies 78.1). German Museum Association, Berlin 2013, DNB 1041836414 .
  • Custom-made heroes. 200 years of the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig. City History Museum Leipzig, Leipzig 2013, ISBN 978-3-910034-18-1 .
  • with Regina Smolnik : 1015. Leipzig from the beginning. Accompanying volume for the exhibition of the Leipzig City History Museum. Leipzig 2015, ISBN 978-3-910034-76-1 .
  • 100 x Leipzig. A thousand years of history. Imhof, Petersberg 2015, ISBN 978-3-7319-0159-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Museum director Volker Rodekamp retires. In: Look! The Leipzig museum portal. Leipziger Volkszeitung, March 26, 2019, accessed on April 3, 2019 .
  2. Together for the museums. A new board for the German Museum Association. In: Bulletin. German Museum Association. No. 2, 2010, ISSN  1438-0595 , pp. 1-2.
  3. Together for the diversity of museums. New board elected for the German Museum Association. In: Bulletin. German Museum Association. No. 2, 2014, ISSN  1438-0595 , pp. 1–3.
  4. Annual reports of the Federal Cultural Foundation (see Annual Reports 2010 to 2015), accessed on August 30, 2018
  5. Dr. Eckart Köhne is the new President of the German Museum Association on museumsreport.de, accessed on August 30, 2018
  6. Organization on the website of the Center for Building Culture Saxony, accessed on April 3, 2019
  7. Members of the Senate Committee Evaluation of the Leibniz Association , June 1, 2018, accessed on August 29, 2018
  8. Constanze Matthes: Jahn Museum Freyburg. Change takes its course. In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung. April 23, 2018. Retrieved August 29, 2018 .
  9. Dr. Volker Rodekamp . In: Johanna Kovar-Eder, Norbert Niedernostheide (ed.): Messages and reports from the Institute for Museum Research . No. 52 , 2014, ISSN  1436-4166 , p. 5 .