Wader alarm clock father country

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Original title Wader alarm clock father country
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2011
length 95 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Rudi Gaul
script Rudi Gaul,
Matthias Leitner
production Rudi Gaul,
Isabella von Klass ,
Florian Nöhbauer
music Hannes Wader ,
Konstantin Wecker
camera Michael Hammon
cut Carmen Kirchweger

Wader alarm fatherland is a documentary from the year 2011 by Rudi Gaul on the songwriter Hannes Wader and Konstantin Wecker .


The documentary portrays two of the most important German songwriters , Hannes Wader and Konstantin Wecker , on a concert tour through Germany . Director Rudi Gaul accompanies the seemingly so different artists from rehearsals to the tour. Between the performances, the two look back on the eventful times of the 1968 movement . Thanks to the trusting approach and skillful use of archive recordings, Wader Wecker Vater Land is not just a concert film , but also reflects a piece of contemporary German history, which the two musicians have helped to shape with their songs.

The film honestly shows the encounter between two opposing characters. They tell surprisingly openly, allow themselves to be accompanied with the camera in their homes and with their families, and openly provide information about their inner conflicts and scruples. It becomes clear that these two people do not exclude themselves from the time criticism that they practice in their songs. The joint tour presents the two different musicians with difficulties and the challenge of getting involved with each other. The out Westphalia native wader, born in 1942, and Bayer Alarm Clock, born in 1947, neither as individuals nor in their musical expression much in common. However, they find the contradictory inspiring and rely on what connects them. As political and socially critical songwriters, both were under similar pressure. Wader with his folk music and the mildly critical, dreamy lyrics was not radical enough for the left-wing revolutionaries of the seventies, Wecker even fled to Tuscany for a while to avoid attempts at political appropriation. They both later also experienced the loneliness of the artist, who lost his grip on the ground. In response, Wader joined the German Communist Party , Wecker became addicted to cocaine . Today, deprived of many illusions, they still believe that it is worth standing up for a better world, also as a songwriter. What has remained in her songs and her life is the longing not to have to bend, but to be headstrong with all weaknesses, passions and excesses and the desire to keep changing and testing limits in the process.


The film premiered at the Munich Film Festival 2011, where it was voted the most popular film by the audience.


"Poetically and compassionately staged - not just something for Wader and Wecker fans."

- kino.de

“Watching and listening to the two songwriters singing and philosophizing is not only entertaining, but also a wonderful journey through time through the music and political history of the Federal Republic. Look at!"

- BR Kino Kino


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for Wader Wecker Vater Land . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , November 2011 (PDF; test number: 130 202 K).
  2. Rudi Gaul in conversation with Waltraud Tschirner: "That was a history lesson for me" Director about his documentary "Wader / Wecker - Vater Land". In: Deutschlandfunk . December 18, 2011, accessed July 12, 2019 .
  3. Pidinger Rudi Gaul shot Wader Wecker Vater Land. In: Wochenblatt . June 14, 2011, accessed July 12, 2019 .
  4. ^ Eckhard Fuhr: German songs between DKP, terror and cocaine. In: The world . December 15, 2011, accessed July 12, 2019 .
  5. Wader Wecker - Father Country. In: BR . Retrieved July 12, 2019 .
  6. Peter Luley: Hannes Wader and Konstantin Wecker on tour. In: Der Spiegel . April 30, 2012, accessed July 13, 2019 .
  7. ^ BR press release on the Bayern 3 audience award: Bayern 3 audience award Wader / Wecker - Vaterland. July 2, 2011, accessed July 13, 2019 .
  8. Kino.de: Wader Wecker - Vater Land criticism on kino.de.
  9. ^ BR: Wader Wecker - father country criticism on BR.
  10. Jochen Müller: "Stop on the open road" in Biberach excellent. In: Blickpunkt Film. Retrieved July 13, 2019 .
  11. ^ New German Genre Film: Rudi Gaul - New German Genre Film. Retrieved July 13, 2019 .