Waldemar Ertl

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Waldemar Ertl (born November 11, 1930 - April 25, 2005 ) was a German weightlifter.


Waldemar Ertl grew up in Straubing, Lower Bavaria , and began lifting weights there at a young age. In the immediate post-war period, the living conditions of German athletes were very difficult, and yet Ertl managed to improve his weightlifting performance alongside his work. In 1949, at the age of 18, he started at a German championship for the first time, but still had to learn the hard way because he only finished 8th in the bantamweight division. In 1953 he had reached the top German class and became German champion for the first time. Until 1965 he started at all German championships with great success either in bantamweight or featherweight. At the 1955 World Championships in Munich , he made his only start in an international championship, where he took an excellent 5th place in the European championship that was held at the same time. In the Olympic year 1956 he was in great shape and achieved a new German record in bantamweight (Olympic three-way fight) with 297.5 kg. With this performance he would have had a very good chance of a very good placement at the Olympic Games in Melbourne . He became a victim of this policy in the intrigues of the functionaries who, for political reasons, had to form a so-called "all-German team" made up of athletes from the Federal Republic and the GDR. Ertl overcame this low blow and was always available to the German Athletes Association in the years that followed when it needed it. In the eliminations for the Olympic Games in 1960 and 1964, he was no longer able to qualify for the Games. Georg Miske and Hans Reck from the GDR were too strong for Ertl.

Ertl died on April 25, 2005.

International success

(WM = World Championship, EM = European Championship, Ba = bantamweight, Fe = featherweight)

  • 1955, 10th place ( 5th place ), WM + EM in Munich, Ba, with 277.5 kg, winner. Vladimir Stogow , USSR , 335 (105.0, 100.0, 130.09) kg;

International battles

  • 1954, Germany - Austria , Ba, 272.5 kg - Gruber, 265 kg,
  • 1954, Germany - Sweden , Ba, 257.5 kg - Olofsson, 272.5 kg,
  • 1955, Germany - France , Ba, 257.5 kg - Marcombes, 272.5 kg,
  • 1956, Germany - France, Fe, 285 kg - Small, 282.5 kg,
  • 1956, Germany - Finland , Fe, 292.5 kg - Luja, 287.5 kg,
  • 1957, Germany - France, Fe, 295 kg - Thevenet, 290 kg,
  • 1960, Germany - Switzerland , Fe, 280 kg - Glaser, 282.5 kg,
  • 1963, Germany - France, Ba, 270 kg - Meurat, 240 kg,
  • 1964, Germany - Sweden , Ba, 277.5 kg - Giliussen, 262.5 kg

German championships

  • 1949, 8th place , ba, with 215 kg, winner: Josef Wagner, Fellbach , 260 kg, ahead of Mahin, Rosenheim , 255 kg;
  • 1953, 1st place , Ba, with 262.5 kg, ahead of Josef Schuster , Munich , 260 kg and Willi Dorawa, Hamborn , 252.5 kg;
  • 1954, 2nd place , Ba, with 267.5 kg, behind Schuster, 272.5 kg and in front of Martin Eberle , Memmingen , 252.5 kg;
  • 1955, 1st place , Ba, with 280 kg, ahead of Eberle, 270 kg and Alois Jablonski, Hanover , 267.5 kg;
  • 1956, 1st place , Ba, with 297.5 kg, ahead of Eberle, 270 kg and Jablonski, 260 kg;
  • 1957, 1st place , Fe, with 300 kg, ahead of Walter Görlitzer, Gelsenkirchen , 280 kg and Stühler, Nuremberg , 280 kg;
  • 1958, 1st place , Fe, with 300 kg, ahead of Alfred Kornprobst , Nuremberg, 285 kg;
  • 1959, 1st place , Fe, with 290 kg, ahead of Theo Cavelius, Hostenbach , 285 kg and Hans-Peter Claussen Lübeck 280 kg;
  • 1960, 3rd place , Fe, with 295 kg, behind Eberle, 305 kg and Rudi Seidel, Frankfurt am Main , 295 kg;
  • 1961, 1st place , Ba, with 272.5 kg, ahead of Gerd Holtzmann, Hamburg , 267.5 kg;
  • 1962, 1st place , Ba, with 280 kg, ahead of Klaus Liersch, Mainz , 275 kg and Werner Schlick, Wemmetsweiler , 260 kg;
  • 1963, 1st place , Ba, with 275 kg, ahead of Schlick, 262.5 kg;
  • 1964, 1st place , Ba, with 280 kg, ahead of Holtzmann, 270 kg and Schlick, 260 kg;
  • 1965, 4th place , Fe, with 295 kg, behind Dieter Rauscher , Kassel , 337.5 kg, Eberle, 332.5 kg and Rolf Feser, Freiburg im Breisgau , 302.5 kg


"Athletik" trade journal from 1949 to 1966