Walter Lesch (director)

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Bernhard Walter Lesch (born March 4, 1898 in Zurich ; † May 27, 1958 in Küsnacht ) was a Swiss director.


Walter Lesch was a son of the painter Bernhard Robert Lesch and his wife Hermine Elisabeta geb. Ranschenbach. He graduated from commercial school and then studied German at the University of Zurich . In 1922 he received his doctorate there with the work The Problem of Tragedy with Gerhart Hauptmann . He then worked as a journalist , director and film dramaturge in Berlin and Zurich. From 1929 he appeared several times with his own comedies and comedies, which were premiered by the Schauspielhaus Zürich . He directed two feature films for Praesens-Film AG : Wie d'Warret Würkt (1933) together with Richard Schweizer and Jä - soo! (1935) with Leopold Lindtberg . Lesch was also involved in the script. In 1933 he was co-founder and director of Cabaret Cornichon , for which he wrote over 400 chansons . After the demise of the heavily indebted cabaret, he worked as a copywriter . In 1951 he wrote the text for the little ones Niederdorfoper of Paul Burkhard .
Lesch was married to the actress Mathilde Danegger , their daughter is the actress Karin Lesch .


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