Walter Obholzer

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Walter Obholzer (born October 1, 1953 in Ebbs ; † September 12, 2008 in Vienna ) was an Austrian painter .

life and work

Obholzer studied from 1973 to 1978 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna , in between he attended the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest from 1974 to 1975 . In 1982 he had his first solo exhibition at the Toman Gallery in Innsbruck . In the Thaddaeus Ropac gallery , exhibitions followed in both Salzburg and Paris . Obholzer represented Austria at the Biennale di Venezia in 1988 and in 1991 together with the artist Lois Weinberger at the São Paulo Biennale .

He became known for the use of ornaments and emblems . In his painterly work, which is often reminiscent of geometric models, symmetry and asymmetry , as well as the theory of proportion , play a major role. He is considered the founder of conceptual painting in Austria. "With his" vertical panoramas ", Obholzer illuminates the nowhere of the empty, white wall of modernity in order to suggest a place at the same time through the use of" historical "ornament."

From December 2000 to January 2001 he had a major solo exhibition at the Vienna Secession . Works by him were shown within the exhibition Donations to the Belvedere by Thaddaeus Ropac from May 30th to September 21st, 2008 in the Orangery of the Belvedere in Vienna.

From 2000 to 2005 Obholzer was professor for abstract painting at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. In the last years of his life he was weakened by an illness and because of this he could only work little.

He was buried at the Döblinger Friedhof .




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Individual evidence

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