Whyte Trophy

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The Whyte Trophy is a badminton international match between New Zealand and Australia that takes place every two years and is played alternately in both countries. The trophy was dedicated to DO Whyte , a former member of the New Zealand Badminton Federation Management Committee ( Badminton New Zealand ) and his wife.


The competition has been held every two years since 1938. The first event took place in New Zealand in 1938, with Australia winning 16: 4. Of the first ten events up to 1966, New Zealand could only win two. In recent years, however, the tide has clearly turned in New Zealand's favor. It was the first team to win the Whyte Trophy five times in a row from 1997 to 2005. In 2007 and 2009 too, the winner was New Zealand. In 2011 and 2013 Australia won again, so that after the 36th edition it is 18:18 in the overall ranking.


year Team Australia venue Winner (result)
1938 Cecil Craske ( Capt. , Tas. ), Allan McCabe ( Vic. ), Tim Thompson ( Tas. ), Bob Harper ( Vic. ), Bert Tonkin ( Vic. ), Mavis Horsburgh ( Vic. ), Eva Robert ( Vic.) ), Ivy Hewett ( Vic. ), Beryl Cuthbertson ( Tas. ), Manager Roy Brady ( Vic. ) New Zealand Australia (16: 4)
1939 Tim Thompson ( Tas. ), Allan McCabe ( Vic. ), Bob Harper ( Vic. ), Bert Tonkin ( Vic. ), Eva Robert ( Vic. ), Mavis Wray ( Vic. ), Ivy Hewett ( Vic. ), Beryl Cuthbertson ( Tas. ), Manager Roy Brady ( Vic. ) Australia Australia
1949 Allan McCabe ( Vic. ), Dick Russell ( Vic. ), Cliff Cutt ( Vic. ), Arthur McCabe ( Vic. ), Tim Thompson ( Tas. ), Eva Robert ( Vic. ), Ethel Peacock ( Vic. ), Jean Pullen ( Vic. ), Nancy Benn ( Vic. ), Manager Bert Tonkin ( Vic. ) New Zealand Australia
1950 Allan McCabe ( Vic. ), Dick Russell ( Vic. ), Cliff Cutt ( Vic. ), Keith Johnstone ( Tas. ), Arthur McCabe ( Vic. ), Eva Robert ( Vic. ), Ethel Peacock ( Vic. ), Thelma Richman ( Tas. ), Sylvia Savage ( Tas. ), Sally Johnstone ( Tas. , Emerg.) Australia ( Hobart ) New Zealand
1952 Cliff Cutt ( Vic. ), Allan McCabe ( Vic. ), Donald McGregor Murray ( Tas. ), Stan Russell ( Vic. ), Eva Robert ( Vic. ), Ethel Peacock ( Vic. ), Thelma Richman ( Vic. ), Peggy Grant ( Vic. ) New Zealand Australia
1953 Don Murray ( Tas. ), Cliff Cutt ( Vic. ), Allan McCabe ( Vic. ), Stan Russell ( Vic. ), Ethel Peacock ( Vic. ), Peggy Grant ( Vic. ), Margaret Foord ( Vic. ), Verna Keddie ( WA ) Australia New Zealand
1955 Don Murray ( Vic. ), Stan Russell ( Vic. ), Ian Hutchinson ( Vic. ), Ken Turner ( Tas. ), June Bevan ( NSW ), Amy Pincott ( Vic. ), Peggy Addison ( Vic. ), Margaret Foord ( Vic. ), Manager Bill Burke New Zealand Australia
1957 Don Murray ( Tas. ), Stan Russell ( Vic. ), Cliff Cutt ( Vic. ), Ken Turner ( Tas. ), June Bevan ( NSW ), Amy Pincott ( Vic. ), Peggy Addison ( Vic. ), Margaret Russell ( Vic. ) Australia ( Newcastle ) Australia
1959 George Robotham ( NSW ), Cliff Cutt ( Vic. ), Stan Russell ( Vic. ), Ken Turner ( Tas. ), June Bevan ( NSW ), Amy Pincott ( Vic. ), Margaret Russell ( Vic. ), Joy Twining ( SA ), manager Roy Brady ( Vic. ) New Zealand Australia
1961 George Robotham ( NSW ), Ted Anderson ( Vic. ), Stan Russell ( Vic. ), Ken Turner ( Capt. , Tas. ), June Bevan ( NSW ), Margaret Russell ( Vic. ), Joy Twining ( Vic. ), Kath Hindson ( Vic. ) Australia ( Adelaide ) Australia
1963 George Robotham , Graeme Nelson , Ted Anderson , Ken Turner , Joy Twining , Dulcie King , Kay Nesbit , June Walsh (injured), June Turnbull (replacement), manager Frank Reed ( SA ) New Zealand New Zealand
1965 Ken Turner ( Tas. ), Ron Young ( Vic. ), Graeme Nelson ( Vic. ), George Robotham ( NSW ), John Langley ( Vic. ), Dulcie King ( Tas. ), Cynthia Archer ( Tas. , Emerg.) , Judy Smith ( Qld. ), Joy Twining ( SA ), Kay Nesbit ( WA ) Tasmania ( Launceston ) New Zealand
1967 New Zealand New Zealand
1969 Ross Livingston ( Tas. ), David Hoppen ( Vic. ), George Robotham ( NSW ), Ron Young ( Vic. ), Andrew Ong ( Vic. ), Judy Walker ( WA ), Cheryl Mullett ( Vic. ), Judy Nyirati ( Vic. ), Kay Nesbit ( WA ), Manager Ron Whittle ( Tas. ) Australia ( Launceston ) New Zealand
1971 David Hoppen ( Capt. , Vic. ), Ross Livingston ( Tas. ), Doug Wylie ( Tas. ), Peter Cooper ( WA ), Judy Nyirati ( Vic. ), Joan Jones ( SA ), Joan Harwood ( WA ), Joan Kennington ( WA ), Joan Smith ( Vic. , Emerg.) New Zealand ( Auckland ) Australia
1973 Australia Australia
1975 Beverley Hite ( Tas. ), Joan Jones ( SA ), Pauline Munday ( Vic. ), Judy Nyirati ( Tas. ), Cuthbert Berenger ( NSW ), John Clancy ( Vic. ), Peter Cooper ( WA ), Colin Criddle ( Manager , WA ), Don Stockins ( Coach , WA ) New Zealand ( Auckland ) New Zealand
1977 Peter Cooper ( WA ), Mark Harry ( NSW ), Paul Kong ( WA ), Paul Tyrrell ( Vic. ), Geraldine Brown ( Tas. ), Beverley Hite ( Tas. ), Susan Daly ( Vic. ), Audrey Swaby ( WA ), Manager David Hoppen ( Vic. ), Coach Ian Hutchinson ( Vic. ) New Zealand ( Christchurch ) New Zealand
1979 Audrey Swaby ( WA ), Lyn McElroy ( WA ), Beverley Hite ( Tas. ), Robyn Hobba ( SA ), Julie McDonald ( Vic. ), Paul Kong ( WA ), Paul Tyrrell ( Vic. ), Mark Harry ( NSW ) , Cuthbert Berrenger ( NSW ), Michael Scandolera ( Vic. ), Manager Roy Ward ( Vic. ), Coach Ken Turner ( Tas. ) Australia ( Ballarat ) Australia
1981 New Zealand New Zealand
1983 Michael Scandolera ( Vic. ), Peter Roberts ( Vic. ), Darren McDonald ( Vic. ), Paul Morgan ( Vic. ), Maxine Evans ( Vic. ), Julie McDonald ( Vic. ), Geraldine Brown ( Tas. ), Jane Hyland ( Tas. ), Audrey Swaby ( WA ), Manager / Coach Joy Twining ( SA ) Australia ( Bunbury ) Australia
1985 New Zealand Australia
1987 Michael Scandolera ( Vic. ), Peter Roberts ( Vic. ), Gordon Lang ( WA ), Rhonda Cator ( Vic. ), Julie McDonald ( Vic. ), Karen Jupp ( WA ), Coach Charles Stapleton ( WA ), Manager Adrian Brown ( Tas. ) Australia Australia
1989 Paul Stevenson ( Vic. ), Paul Kong ( WA ), Peter Blackburn ( Vic. ), Tracey Small ( Capt. , Vic. ), Lisa Bryant ( Vic. ), Rhonda Cator ( Vic. ), Manager Adrian Brown ( Tas. ), Coach Jean Tyrrell ( Vic. ) New Zealand ( Auckland , Hamilton , Wellington ) New Zealand
1991 Australia New Zealand
1993 Paul Stevenson ( Vic. ), Peter Blackburn ( Vic. ), Mark Nichols ( Vic. ), Rhonda Cator ( Vic. ), Amanda Hardy ( Vic. ), Michelle O'Neill ( Vic. ), Manager / Coach Peter Cooper ( WA ) New Zealand ( Invercargill , Wanganui , Auckland ) Australia
1995 Australia Australia
1997 David Bamford ( Vic. ), Peter Blackburn ( Vic. ), Stuart Brehaut ( Vic. ), Rhonda Cator ( Vic. ), Kellie Lucas ( Vic. ), Michaela Smith ( Vic. ), Coach Finn Trærup-Hansen ( Vic. ) New Zealand ( Auckland ) New Zealand
1999 David Bamford ( Vic. ), Rio Suryana ( Vic. ), Peter Blackburn ( Capt. , Vic. ), Rhonda Cator ( Vic. ), Amanda Hardy ( Vic. ), Rayoni Head ( SA ), Kellie Lucas ( Vic. ) , Manager / Coach Finn Trærup-Hansen ( Vic. ) Australia ( Canberra , Newcastle , Brisbane ) New Zealand
2001 Ashley Brehaut ( Vic. ), Stuart Brehaut ( Vic. ), Travis Denney ( WA ), Rhonda Cator ( Vic. ), Rayoni Head ( SA ), Lenny Permana ( Vic. ), Kate Wilson-Smith ( SA ), Manager / Coach : Martin Andrew ( Vic. ) New Zealand ( Wellington , Auckland ) New Zealand
2003 Ashley Brehaut ( Vic. ), Stuart Brehaut ( Capt. , Vic. ), Boyd Cooper ( WA ), Travis Denney ( WA ), Jane Crabtree ( Vic. ), Kellie Lucas ( Vic. ), Lenny Permana ( Vic. ), Kate Wilson-Smith ( SA ), Manager Geraldine Brown ( Tas. ), Coach Martin Andrew ( Vic. ) Australia ( 24.8. Launceston , 26.8. Kilsyth , 28.8. Ballarat ) New Zealand (3: 3, 4: 1, 3: 2)
2005 Stuart Brehaut ( Vic. ), Boyd Cooper ( WA ), Travis Denney ( WA ), Stuart Gomez ( NSW ), Kellie Lucas ( Vic. ), Tania Luiz ( Vic. ), Kate Wilson-Smith ( SA ), Coach Sze Ng Ong ( Vic. ), Manager Chris Thirlwell ( SA ) New Zealand ( Auckland , Hamilton , Invercargill ) New Zealand (5: 0, 5: 0, 4: 1)
2007 Susan Dobson ( Tas. ), Tania Luiz ( Vic. ), Erica Pong ( Vic. ), Victoria Na ( Vic. ), Stuart Gomez ( Vic. ), Boris Ma ( Vic. ), Mark Prior ( SA ), Ross Smith ( Vic. ), Glenn Warfe ( Vic. ), Ben Walklate ( Vic. ), Chad Whitehead ( SA ), Coach Claus Poulsen Australia ( Victoria ) New Zealand
2009 Leisha Cooper ( WA ), Eugenia Tanaka ( Vic. ), Kate Wilson-Smith ( SA ), Boris Ma ( Vic. ), Ben Walklate ( Vic. ), Glenn Warfe ( Capt. , Vic. ), Coach Huang Chia-Chi ( Vic. ) Invercargill New Zealand
2011 Australia Australia
2013 Auckland Australia

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