Will Héraucourt

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Will Héraucourt (born March 7, 1895 in Zabern , † May 8, 1974 in Ettlingen ) was a German Anglicist .


Héraucourt came from an old Huguenot family who had settled in the Rhine Palatinate after the Edict of Nantes . His father was the later general senior physician Karl Héraucourt .

After graduating from high school Theodorianum in Paderborn , he took part in the First World War as a war volunteer with the 3rd Upper Alsatian Field Artillery Regiment No. 80 ( 39th Division ) , most recently as a first lieutenant . After the war he first worked as a bank clerk . In 1925 he joined the Waldorf-Astoria cigarette factory as a general agent . From 1927 he studied English, Romance studies , art history , geography , philosophy and psychology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . On May 31, 1927 he became active in the Corps Transrhenania Munich (the Corps of the Rheinpfälzer). On November 19, 1929, he was released without a band at his own request for family reasons. After completing his studies at the Philipps University of Marburg and becoming a Dr. phil. After receiving his doctorate , the tape was returned to him at the end of the 1931 summer semester. As a research assistant at the English seminar in Marburg , he completed his habilitation in 1936. The lectureship awarded in 1937 was converted into a civil service in 1939 . During the suspension of his corps he was a member of the old comradeship "von der Pfordten" .

In 1941 he followed the call of the Albertus University in Königsberg to the chair of English studies. Since the beginning of the attack on Poland he served (again as a reserve officer) in the army , most recently as a major . 1944 at Dunkirk severely wounded , he had to give up teaching. In the post-war period he worked in Marburg. In 1953 he retired . As a private scholar , he studied Egyptology from 1961 to 1963 .

Their marriage in 1934 resulted in two daughters and a son.


  • The portrayal of the English national character in John Galsworthy's "Forsyte Sage" . Marburg 1933.
  • Chaucer's world of values, the world of values ​​at a turning point . Heidelberg 1939.
  • with Helmut Motekat and John WP Bourke (eds.): Brockhaus picture dictionary German / English - English / German . Brockhaus Encyclopedia 1960. GoogleBooks



  • Deutsche Corpszeitung 75 (1974), p. 198

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Personal book of the Corps Transrhenania, No. 446.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 115 , 347.